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1. **What to Learn Before You Learn React**
   - ReactJS is JavaScript-based. You'll need to be familiar with a few things (other than basic JavaScript knowledge) to accelerate your React learning at full speed.

2. 🔵 **Git Version Control**
   - Git is a version control tool that helps you manage your source code better.
   - Learn basics like initiating a repository, staging/unstaging changes, committing changes, pushing to remote repositories, and resolving merge conflicts.
   - Also, know how to use Git-based repository management services like GitHub.

3. 🔵 **HTML**
   - Understand the basic structure of web pages using HTML.
   - Learn about most-used tags and semantics.
   - Resources include HTML crash courses for beginners and the freeCodeCamp's Responsive Web Design certification.

4. 🔵 **CSS**
   - Focus on the basics of CSS, including DOM Specificity and classes.
   - Learn from resources like CSS-Tricks and project-based tutorials.

5. 🔵 **JavaScript**
   - Key concepts include Variable Declarations, Template Literals, Functions & Arrow Functions, Object Destructuring, Spread and Rest Operators, and Module Import and Export.
   - Understanding Promises and Async Programming is also important.

6. 🔵 **NPM Ecosystem**
   - Familiarize yourself with npm, yarn, and node version manager (nvm).
   - Understand their use in running and testing ReactJs apps.

7. 🔵 **How to Deploy, Host and Make your App Public**
   - Learn to deploy and make React apps public using tools like Vercel or Netlify.

8. **What to Learn as a Beginner to React**
   - Focus on foundational concepts to develop a "Think in React" mindset.

9. 🟡 **Understand What React Is**
   - Comprehend the nature of React as a declarative, component-based UI library.

10. 🟡 **Learn How to Set Up your Development Environment**
    - Use Create React App for an efficient start.

11. 🟡 **Learn about JSX**
    - Understand JSX syntax that combines UI logic with rendering logic.

12. 🟡 **Learn about React Components**
    - Grasp the concept of creating reusable, self-contained components using JavaScript classes or functions.

13. 🟡 **State in React**
    - Learn about the concept of 'state' in components.

14. 🟡 **Props in React**
    - Understand how to use props for component interaction.

15. 🟡 **Lists and Keys in React**
    - Learn to render lists and the importance of 'keys'.

16. 🟡 **Life Cycle Methods in React**
    - Understand the life-cycle management in React, especially for functional components.

17. **How to Move from Beginner to Intermediate React Developer**
    - Focus on application completeness and handling complex ReactJs challenges.

18. 🟣 **Styling in React**
    - Explore CSS, Sass, and CSS-driven component libraries for styling.

19. 🟣 **Form Handling in React**
    - Learn to manage forms in React using libraries like react-hook-form.

20. 🟣 **Data Handling in React**
    - Understand data interaction using APIs with the fetch API or axios.

21. 🟣 **Reconciliation Process in React**
    - Learn about the Virtual DOM and diffing algorithm in React.

22. 🟣 **React Hooks**
    - Deepen your understanding of built-in hooks like useState and useEffect.

23. 🟣 **Custom React Hooks**
    - Learn to create and use custom hooks for reusable component logic.

24. 🟣 **Context in React**
    - Understand the use of Context for data sharing across components.

25. **How to Move from Intermediate to Advanced React Developer**
    - Deal with expert-level topics for extensive ReactJS application development.

26. 🟢 **Lazy Loading in React**
    - Learn about code splitting and lazy loading.

27. 🟢 **Portals in React**
    - Understand the use of Portals for modals, dialogs, and tooltips.

28. 🟢 **State Management in React**
    - Explore state management solutions like Redux or MobX.

29. 🟢 **Routing in React**
    - Learn about React Router for multi-page applications.

30. 🟢 **Theming in React**
    - Understand theming in web apps and creating custom themes.

31. 🟢 **Patterns in React**
    - Learn about common patterns as solutions to React problems.

32. 🟢 **Anti-Patterns in React**
    - Understand the practices to avoid in ReactJS applications.

33. **End Note**
    - Learning advanced React concepts includes exploring accessibility, test frameworks, and more.