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File metadata and controls

52 lines (40 loc) · 2.77 KB





1. Load the Data
   - Import the dataset into your analysis tool (e.g., Excel, Python, R).

2. Verify Columns
   - Ensure the dataset contains the following essential columns: ASIN, BSR, Price Trend (90 days) (%), Reviews Rating, Review Count, Monthly Revenue, and Age (Month).

3. Preprocess the Data
   - Handle missing values as needed, especially in the financial and review-related columns.
   - For missing Reviews Ratings, assign a default rating that reflects a calculated opportunity threshold, indicating an average opportunity for market entry.

4. Define Weights for Criteria
   - Assign weights to each criterion reflecting their importance for market opportunity analysis and adjust based on strategic insights:
     - Best Sellers Rank (BSR): 10%
     - Price Trend (90 days) (%): 10%
     - Reviews Rating (lower is better for identifying opportunities): 20%
     - Review Count (fewer is better, indicating less competition): 25%
     - Revenue: 25%
     - Age (Month) (newer might indicate less saturation): 10%

5. Normalize the Data
   - Invert metrics where appropriate to align with the opportunity perspective (e.g., BSR, Review Count, and higher Reviews Ratings indicate less opportunity).
   - Adjust the Price Trend (90 days) (%) to penalize negative trends.

6. Calculate Scores
   - Use the normalized and weighted criteria to compute an opportunity score for each product.

7. Rank All Products
   - Sort the entire list of products by their opportunity score from highest to lowest.

8. Create a Downloadable Sheet
   - Generate a downloadable sheet containing all products, sorted by their opportunity score, including all relevant metrics.

9. Review and Analyze the Sorted List
   - Examine the sorted list to identify both top opportunities and those that may be improved to become competitive.

10. Perform a Qualitative Review (Optional)
    - For any products of interest, particularly those with high scores, conduct a qualitative review to assess factors not captured in the quantitative data.

11. Decide on Product Focus
    - Based on the comprehensive ranking and additional qualitative assessments, determine which products to focus on for launch or improvement.

- Regularly repeat this analysis with new datasets to keep abreast of market changes.
- Continuously refine weights and normalization methods to reflect evolving market dynamics and business objectives.
- Use the ranked list to inform strategic decisions across the entire product range.