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XML Transformation

The behavior of javax.xml.transform.Transformer changed considerably. Take the following sequence:

// prepare an XML file as a DOM Source
String xml = "...";
Document document = DocumentBuilderFactory
		.parse(new InputSource(new StringReader(xml)));
// maybe add some nodes or CDATA content

// transform the XML
Source source = new DOMSource(document);
Transformer transformer = TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer();
// maybe configure transformer
StringWriter outputWriter = new StringWriter();
transformer.transform(source, new StreamResult(outputWriter));
String transformedXml = outputWriter.toString();

// now compare `xml` and `transformedXml`

Then the behavior between Java 8 and 9, with and without configuration, and with and without xml:space="preserve" differs. This is the most common behavior:

  • existing indentation remains
  • new nodes, including CDATA are inline

It can be observed on Java 8 and 9 if the transformer was not configured beyond defaults and regardless of xml:space="preserve".

But when you configure the transformer with OutputKeys.INDENT=yes and indent-amount=4 Java 8 and 9 behave differently. On Java 8 you get:

  • existing indentation remains
  • new nodes are indented according to the settings
  • CDATA is not indented

On Java 9, though, this happens:

  • entire document is indented according to settings, including a bunch of spurious empty lines
  • accordingly, new nodes are indented
  • CDATA is put onto new lines and indented as well, fundamentally changing the XML!

Furthermore, with further configuration it becomes apparent that xml:space="preserve" behaves differently as well. On Java 8 it has no effect, on Java 9 it drops us back into the "nothing changes" case described first.

The test demonstrates that behavior, using JUnit 5's cool nested tests.

(Last checked: 8u152 and 9.0.1)