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DevExpress CollectionView for .NET MAUI - Create a Filter UI Form

This example illustrates how you can create a filtering form. Once implemented, users can specify filter rules applied to multiple data source fields within the form.

DevExpress CollectionView for .NET MAUI - Filtering UI

Implementation Details

  • Use the TabView component to create a multi-tabbed view.

  • Initialize the DXCollectionView.FilteringUITemplate property with a DataTemplate (must include filter items). Filter items are separate controls within your application. These filter items automatically retrieve available values, format settings, and other information from the bound control (CollectionView). Once you specify FilteringUITemplate, filter items are automatically bound to the CollectionView.

  • Bind the ToolbarItem.Command property to the DXCollectionViewCommands.ShowFilteringUIForm property. The ShowFilteringUIForm returns a command that invokes the filter form defined by FilteringUITemplate.

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