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CollectionView for .NET MAUI - Infinite Scrolling

This example demonstrates how to implement infinite scrolling in CollectionView.

Implementation Details

  • Set the IsLoadMoreEnabled to true to enable infinite scrolling in CollectionView.

  • Bind the DXCollectionView.LoadMoreCommand property to a view model's command that loads new items. CollectionView automatically invokes this command when a user scrolls content to the last loaded item.

  • Set the LoadMoreCommand's CanExecute property to false to disable infinite when the scroll position reaches the last record in CollectionView.

  • You can set the IsRefreshing to true to display a wait indicator while CollectionView is loading a new portion of data. Once the load operation is complete, set IsRefreshing to false to update displayed data.

  • To load only the next portion of data, you can store a number of displayed rows and pass it to the Skip method. Then, pass the number of rows that you want to display in CollectionView to the Take method.


    File to look at: MainViewModel.cs

  • Call the Browser.OpenAsync and Share.RequestAsync methods to open a blog post in a browser and display the native share dialog.

Files to Look At


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