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4. Methods

Javinator9889 edited this page Aug 12, 2018 · 4 revisions

Here you have the list with the common methods to all Google Search pages, it is, which will work wit all types of search:

Note that the self attribute must not be specified while using the functions.

  • withQuery(self, query: str): defines the query string that is going to be searched at Google.
  • withWordsInSpecificOrderSearch(self, words: list): defines a list of words that will be searched at that order.
  • withOneOrMoreWordsInResult(self, words: list): defines a list of words that must be at the search result.
  • withExcludedWords(self, words: list): a list of words that must not appear at the search result.
  • withNumberOfResults(self, results: int = 10): defines an integer which determines the number of results.
  • withTimeLimit(self, time_limit: TimeLimit): defines a TimeLimit for searching only results at the specified time. You must create a TimeLimit object.
    • TimeLimit defines possible time combinations for delimiting results.
      • setDay(self), which will find results of the latest 24 hours.
      • setWeek(self), which will find results of the latest 7 days.
      • setMonth(self), which will find results of the latest month.
      • setYear(self), which will find results of the latest year.
  • withTextInTitle(self, text: str): defines a text string with the words that must appear at the title of the result.
  • withTextInBody(self, text: str): defines a text string with the words that must appear at the body of the result.
  • withTextInUrl(self, text: str): defines a text string with the words that must appear at the URL of the result.
  • withTextInAnchor(self, text: str): defines a text string with the words that must appear at the anchor of the result.
  • withResultBetweenTwoNumbers(self, first_number: float, second_number: float): defines that the result must be between two float numbers.
  • withSynonymousSearchingToAWord(self, word: str): defines a word string to search also for synonyms to it.
  • withContainingTwoTerms(self, first_term: str, second_term: str): defines two string terms that must appear at the result.
  • withSafeModeActivated(self): enables safe mode.
  • withSafeModeDeactivated(self): disables safe mode.
  • withPersonalizedSearch(self): enables personalized search.
  • withNoPersonalizedSearch(self): disables personalized search.
  • withResultsLanguage(self, lang: Languages): defines the Language that the results must be displayed. You must create a Languages object.
    • Languages defines the user selected language for the results.
      • show_languages(self): prints a list of the available languages.
      • setLanguage(self, language: AvailableLanguages): saves the user language from AvailableLanguages object.
        • AvailableLanguages contains all the available languages that can be used.
  • withResultsAtCountry(self, country: Countries): defines the Country that the results must be located at. You must create a Countries object.
    • Countries defines the user selected country.
      • show_countries(self): prints a list of the available countries.
      • setCountry(self, country: AvailableCountries): saves the user country from AvailableCountries object.
  • withSearchBetweenTwoDates(self, dates: Dates): defines a Date for delimiting the results. You must create a Dates object.
    • Dates defines one or two dates for delimiting the results.
      • setFirstDate(self, day: int, month: int, year: int): sets the first date.
      • setSecondDate(self, day: int, month: int, year: int): sets the second date.
  • withSortByUpdateTime(self): sorts the results by the latest update time of each one.
  • withSearchStartPositionAt(self, index: int): show the results from the selected position.
  • withInterfaceLanguage(self, language: InterfaceLanguages): defines the interface language from an InterfaceLanguages object so some data will be at the chosen language.
    • InterfaceLanguages contains all the available languages for the interface.

All the other methods are for some specific content or Google Page, so they will be defined at their correspondant site.

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