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This plugin allows you to add Firebase Cloud Firestore to your NativeScript app.


Set up Firebase

  • To set up and initialize Firebase for your NativeScript app, follow the instructions on the documentation of the @nativescript/firebase-core plugin.

Create your Firestore database

To create your Firestore database, follow the instructions at Create a Cloud Firestore database.

Add the Firestore SDK to your app

To add the Cloud Firestore SDK to your app, install and import the @nativescript/firebase-firestore plugin.

  1. Install the plugin by running the following command in the root directory of your project.
npm install @nativescript/firebase-firestore
  1. To add the Firestore SDK, import the @nativescript/firebase-firestore plugin. You should import the plugin once in your app project and the ideal place to do that is the app bootstrapping file( app.ts, main.ts, etc).

Initialize Cloud Firestore

To initialize your Firestore database, create its instance by calling the firestore method on the FirebaseApp instance returned by the firebase method imported from the @nativescript/firebase-core plugin.

import { firebase } from '@nativescript/firebase-core';
import '@nativescript/firebase-firestore';
const firestore = firebase().firestore();

By default, this allows you to interact with Firestore using the default Firebase App used whilst installing Firebase on your platform. However, if you'd like to use Firestore with a secondary Firebase App, pass the secondary app instance when calling the firestore method:

import { firebase } from '@nativescript/firebase-core';
import '@nativescript/firebase-firestore';

// create secondary app instance
const config = new FirebaseOptions();
const secondaryApp = firebase().initializeApp(config, 'SECONDARY_APP');

const firestore = firebase().firestore(secondaryApp);

Firestore collections and documents

Firestore stores data within documents, which are contained within collections. Documents can also contain nested collections. For example, our users would each have their own "document" stored inside the "users" collection.

Writing Data

Before you write data to Firestore, see Structure your data for the best practices for structuring your data.

Adding Documents

To add a new document to a collection, first, get the collection instance by calling the collection method on the Firestore instance with the collection's name. Next, call the add method on the CollectionReference instance with the data for the document.

import { firebase } from '@nativescript/firebase-core';

		name: 'Ada Lovelace',
		age: 30,
	.then(() => {
		console.log('User added!');

The add method adds the new document to your collection with a random unique ID. If you'd like to specify an ID, call the set method on a DocumentReference instead:

import { firebase } from '@nativescript/firebase-core';

		name: 'Ada Lovelace',
		age: 30,
	.then(() => {
		console.log('User added!');

The set method replaces any existing data on a given DocumentReference instance.

Updating data

To update a document's data, call the update method on the document passing it the object of data to update.

import { firebase } from '@nativescript/firebase-core';

		age: 31,
	.then(() => {
		console.log('User updated!');

The method also provides support for updating deeply nested values via the dot notation. The following example updates the zipcode property of the address object which is a property of an info object.

import { firebase } from '@nativescript/firebase-core';

		'info.address.zipcode': 94040,
	.then(() => {
		console.log('User updated!');

Update geolocation points

To update geolocation data, instantiate the GeoPoint class with the latitude and longitude and use the instance as the value to update with.

import { firebase } from '@nativescript/firebase-core';
import { GeoPoint } from '@nativescript/firebase-firestore';

		'info.address.location': new GeoPoint(53.483959, -2.244644),

Update timestamps

To create a timestamp value, call the serverTimestamp static method on the FieldValue class and pass the timestamp to the update method as shown below. When your code passes the timestamp to the database, the Firebase servers write a new timestamp based on their time, rather than that of the client. This helps resolve any data consistency issues with different client timezones.

import { firebase } from '@nativescript/firebase-core';
import { FieldValue } from '@nativescript/firebase-firestore';

	createdAt: FieldValue.serverTimestamp(),

Update data in an array

To help manage(adding or removing) the values with an array, the API exposes an arrayUnion and arrayRemove methods on the FieldValue class.

  • The code below adds(if it does not exist) 'ABCDE123456' to the fcmTokens array:
import { firebase } from '@nativescript/firebase-core';

		fcmTokens: firestore.FieldValue.arrayUnion('ABCDE123456'),
  • The code below removes(if it exists) 'ABCDE123456' from the fcmTokens array:
import { firebase } from '@nativescript/firebase-core';
import { FieldValue } from '@nativescript/firebase-firestore';

		fcmTokens: FieldValue.arrayRemove('ABCDE123456'),

Removing data

  • To delete a document within Cloud Firestore, get the document and call the delete method on the document reference.
import { firebase } from '@nativescript/firebase-core';

	.then(() => {
		console.log('User deleted!');
  • To remove a specific property from a document, rather than the document itself, call the delete method on the FieldValue class:
import { firebase } from '@nativescript/firebase-core';
import { FieldValue } from '@nativescript/firebase-firestore';

	fcmTokens: FieldValue.delete(),

Update data with transactions

Transactions are a way to always ensure a data write occurs with the latest information available on the server.

Imagine a scenario whereby an app can "like" user posts. Whenever a user presses the "Like" button, a "likes" value (number of likes) on a "Posts" collection document increments. Without transactions, we'd first need to read the existing value and then increment that value in two separate operations.

On a high-traffic application, the value on the server could already have changed by the time the operation sets a new value, causing the actual number to not be consistent.

Transactions remove this issue by atomically updating the value on the server. If the value changes whilst the transaction is executing, it will retry. This always ensures the value on the server is used rather than the client value.

You can read more about transactions at Update data with transactions.

To update a document data with a transaction, follow these steps:

  1. Get the reference of the document you want to update.

  2. Call the runTransaction method on the database instance to instantiate a transaction. passing it a callback function that receives the transaction instance.

  3. In the callback function, read the document obtained in step 1 by passing it to the get method.

  4. Update the document by calling the transaction object's update method with the document reference as the first argument and the object with the data to update as the second argument.

import { firebase } from '@nativescript/firebase-core';

function onPostLike(postId) {
  // 1. Create a reference to the post

const postReference = firebase().firestore().doc(`posts/${postId}`);
// 2. Instantiate a transaction.
  return firestore().runTransaction(async transaction => {
    // 3. Read the document's data
    const postSnapshot = await transaction.get(postReference);

    if (!postSnapshot.exists) {
      throw 'Post does not exist!';
// 4. Update the document
    transaction.update(postReference, {
      likes: + 1,

  .then(() => console.log('Post likes incremented via a transaction'))
  .catch(error => console.error(error));

Batched writes

If you do not need to read any documents in your operation set, you can execute multiple write operations as a single batch that contains any combination of set, update, or delete operations. A batch of writes completes atomically and can write to multiple documents.

To execute a batched write, follow these steps:

  1. Get the reference of the documents to operate on.

  2. Create a new WriteBatch instance by calling the batch method on the Firestore database instance.

  3. Perform operations() on the batch instance.

  4. After calling the batch operations method, commit the batch instance by calling the commit method on the WriteBatch instance.

The example below shows how to delete all documents in a collection in a single operation:

import { firebase } from '@nativescript/firebase-core';

async function massDeleteUsers() {
  // 1. Documents references
  const usersQuerySnapshot = await firebase().firestore().collection('users').get();

  // Create a new batch instance
  const batch = firebase().firestore().batch();
// Batch operation: delete
  usersQuerySnapshot.forEach(documentSnapshot => {
// Commit the batch operation
  return batch.commit();

massDeleteUsers().then(() => console.log('All users deleted in a single batch operation.'));

Secure your data

You must understand how to write rules in your Firebase Console to ensure that your data is secure. To learn about Firestore security rules, see Get Started with Cloud Firestore Security Rules.

Offline Capabilities

Firestore provides out-of-the-box support for offline capabilities. When reading and writing data, Firestore uses a local database that synchronizes automatically with the server. Firestore functionality continues even when users are offline, and automatically handles data migration to the server when they regain connectivity.

This functionality is enabled by default. However, you can disable it whenever you need to(e.g. on apps containing sensitive information) by setting the settings property of the Firestore instance to false. You should set the property before any Firestore interaction is performed. Otherwise, it will only take effect on the next app launch:

import { firebase } from '@nativescript/firebase-core';
firebase().firestore().settings.persistence = false;

Read Data

Cloud Firestore gives you the ability to read the value of a collection or a document. This can be a one-time read or a read that occurs whenever the data within a query changes.

One-time read

To read a collection or document once, call the Query.get or DocumentReference.get methods, for a collection or document respectively.

import { firebase } from '@nativescript/firebase-core';
const users = firebase().firestore().collection('users');

	.then((snapshot) => {
		if (snapshot && !snapshot.exists) {
			conosle.log('Document does not exist');
		console.log(`Full Name: ${['full_name']} ${['last_name']}`);
	.catch((error) => console.error('Failed to add user:', error));

Listen to real-time data changes

To react to any changes to a collection or a document, call the onSnapshot method on the collection or document with an event handler function. The example below watches for changes in the users collection.

import { firebase } from '@nativescript/firebase-core';

		(snapshot) => {
			console.log('Got Users collection result.');
		(error) => {

The example below watches for changes in the userId document:

import { firebase } from '@nativescript/firebase-core';

const unsubscriber = firebase()
	.onSnapshot((documentSnapshot) => {
		console.log('User data: ',;


Firestore snapshots

Once a query has returned a result, Firestore returns either a QuerySnapshot (for collection queries) or a DocumentSnapshot (for document queries). These snapshots provide the ability to view the data, view query metadata (such as whether the data was from a local cache), whether the document exists or not and more.

Handle QuerySnapshot

A QuerySnapshot returned by the get method of a collection query allows you to inspect the collection, such as how many documents exist within it, access to the documents within the collection, any changes since the last query and more.

To access the documents within a QuerySnapshot object, call the forEach method:

import { firebase } from '@nativescript/firebase-core';
	.then((querySnapshot) => {
		console.log('Total users: ', querySnapshot.size);

		querySnapshot.forEach((documentSnapshot) => {
			console.log('User ID: ',,;

Each child document of a QuerySnapshot is a QueryDocumentSnapshot, which allows you to access specific information about a document (see below).

Handle DocumentSnapshot

A DocumentSnapshot is returned from a query to a specific document, or as part of the documents returned via a QuerySnapshot. The snapshot provides the ability to view a document's data, metadata and whether a document exists.

  • To view a document's data, call the data method on the snapshot:
import { firebase } from '@nativescript/firebase-core';

	.then((documentSnapshot) => {
		console.log('User exists: ', documentSnapshot.exists);

		if (documentSnapshot.exists) {
			console.log('User data: ',;
  • A snapshot also provides a helper function to easily access deeply nested data within a document. Call the get method with a dot-notated path:
import { firebase } from '@nativescript/firebase-core';

	.then((documentSnapshot) => {
		return documentSnapshot.get('info.address.zipcode');
	.then((zipCode) => {
		console.log('Users zip code is: ', zipCode);

Firestore querying

Cloud Firestore offers advanced capabilities for querying collections. Queries work with both one-time reads or subscribing to changes

Filtering data

To filter documents within a collection, call the where method on a collection reference. Filtering supports equality checks and "in" queries. For example, to filter users whose age is greater than 20 years, call where as follows:

import { firebase } from '@nativescript/firebase-core';

  .where('age', '>', 20)

Firestore also supports array queries. For example, to filter users who speak English (en) or Italian (it), use the arrayContainsAny filter:

import { firebase } from '@nativescript/firebase-core';

  .where('language', 'array-contains-any', ['en', 'it'])

To learn more about all of the querying capabilities Cloud Firestore has to offer, see Perform simple and compound queries in Cloud Firestore.

Limiting data

To limit the number of documents returned from a query, use the limit method on a collection reference:

import { firebase } from '@nativescript/firebase-core';


You can also limit to the last documents within the collection query by using the limitToLast method:

import { firebase } from '@nativescript/firebase-core';


Ordering data

To order the documents by a specific value, use the orderBy method:

import { firebase } from '@nativescript/firebase-core';

  .orderBy('age', descending: true)

Start and End Cursors

To start and/or end a query at a specific point within a collection, you can pass a value to the startAt, endAt, startAfter or endBefore methods.

import { firebase } from '@nativescript/firebase-core';

  .startAt([4, 'Alphabet Inc.'])
  .endAt([21, 'Google LLC'])

You can also specify a DocumentSnapshot instead of a specific value, by passing it to the startAfterDocument, startAtDocument, endAtDocument or endBeforeDocument methods. For example:

import { firebase } from '@nativescript/firebase-core';


Query Limitations

Cloud Firestore does not support the following types of queries:

  • Queries with range filters on different fields, as described in the previous section.
  • Logical OR queries. In this case, you should create a separate query for each OR condition and merge the query results in your app.
  • Queries with a != clause. In this case, you should split the query into a greater-than query and a less-than query. For example, the query clause where("age", '!=', 30) is not supported. However, you can get the same result set by combining two queries, one with the clause where("age", '<', 30) and one with the clause where("age", '>', 30).


Firestore class

This class is a wrapper for the FirebaseFirestore class that represents a Cloud Firestore database and is the entry point for all Cloud Firestore operations.


firebaseApp: =

The FirebaseApp instance through which the Firestore database is accessed.


firestoreAndroid: = firebase().firestore().android

The Firestore database instance for Android.


firestoreIOS: FIRFirestore = firebase().firestore().ios

The Firestore database instance for iOS.


settings: Settings = firebase().firestore().settings
settings = new Settings()

firebase().firestore().settings = settings

For the description, see getFirestoreSettings() on the FirebaseFirestore class documentation.


firebase().firestore().useEmulator(host, port)

For the description, see useEmulator on the FirebaseFirestore class documentation.

Parameter Type Description
host string
port number


writeBatch: WriteBatch = firebase().firestore().batch()

Creates a write batch instance. For more information, see batch() on the FirebaseFirestore class documentation.


collectionReference: CollectionReference = firebase().firestore().collection(collectionPath)

Gets the CollectionReference in the database at the specified path.

Parameter Type Description
collectionPath string The slash-separated path string of the collection.


	// do something after clearing
}).catch( (err) =>{


For the description, see clearPersistence() on the FirebaseFirestlre class documentation.


collectionGroup: Query = firebase().firestore().collectionGroup(collectionId)

For the description, see the collectionGroup method on the documentation of the FirebaseFirestore class.

Parameter Type Description
collectionId string


	// do something after disabling network
}).catch( (err) =>{


For the description, see the description of the disableNetwork() method on the FirebaseFirestore documentation.


	// do something after disabling network
}).catch( (err) =>{


For the description, see the description of the enableNetwork() method on the FirebaseFirestore documentation.


document: DocumentReference = firebase().firestore().doc(documentPath)

Gets the DocumentReference instance for the document at the specified path.

Parameter Type Description
documentPath string The slash-separated path string for a document in the database.


firebase().firestore().runTransaction(updateFunction).then((result: any)=>{


Parameter Type Description
updateFunction (transaction: Transaction) => Promise<any>


	// do something after disabling network
}).catch( (err) =>{


For the description, see the description of the terminate() method on the FirebaseFirestore class documentation.


	// do something after disabling network
}).catch( (err) =>{


For the description, see the description of the waitForPendingWrites method on the FirebaseFirestore class documentation.

CollectionReference object

An object that represents a collection on the database.


collectionReference = firebase().firestore().collection(collectionPath)
collectionReferenceId: string =

A readonly property that returns the ID of the collection.


collectionReference = firebase().firestore().collection(collectionPath)
collectionReferencePath: string = collectionReference.path

A readonly property that returns the path of the collection.


collectionReference = firebase().firestore().collection(collectionPath)
collectionReferenceParent: DocumentReference = collectionReference.parent

A readonly property that returns the DocumentReference containing this collection, if the collection is a sub-collection. If the collection is a root collection, null gets returned.


collectionReference = firebase().firestore().collection(collectionPath)
collectionReferenceIOS: FIRCollectionReference = collectionReference.ios

A readonly property that returns the CollectionReference instance for iOS.


collectionReference = firebase().firestore().collection(collectionPath)
collectionReferenceAndroid: =

A readonly property that returns the CollectionReference instance for Android.


collectionReference = firebase().firestore().collection(collectionPath)
collectionReference.add(dataObject).then((docReference: DocumentReference<T>)=>{



Adds a new document to this collection with the specified data, assigning it a document ID automatically.


collectionReference = firebase().firestore().collection(collectionPath)
document: IDocumentReference<T> = collectionReference.doc(documentPath).doc(documentPath)

Gets a DocumentReference instance that refers to the document at the specified path within this collection.

Parameter Type Description
documentPath string The document path.


collectionReference = firebase().firestore().collection(collectionPath)
query: Query = collectionReference.endAt(snapshot)
// or 
query: Query = collectionReference.endAt(fieldValues)
Parameter Type Description
snapshot DocumentSnapshot
fieldValues DocumentSnapshot | FieldValue[]


collectionReference = firebase().firestore().collection(collectionPath)
query: Query = collectionReference.endBefore(snapshot)
// or 
query: Query = collectionReference.endBefore(fieldValues)
Parameter Type Description
snapshot DocumentSnapshot
fieldValues DocumentSnapshot | FieldValue[]


collectionReference = firebase().firestore().collection(collectionPath)
collectionReference.get(options).then((querySnapshot: QuerySnapshot) =>{

}).catch(err =>{

Parameter Type Description
options GetOptions Optional


collectionReference = firebase().firestore().collection(collectionPath)
query: Query = collectionReference.limit(limit)
Parameter Type Description
limit number Optional


collectionReference = firebase().firestore().collection(collectionPath)
query: Query = collectionReference.limitToLast(limitToLast)
Parameter Type Description
limitToLast number Optional


collectionReference = firebase().firestore().collection(collectionPath)
collectionReference.onSnapshot(onNext, onError, onCompletion)
collectionReference.onSnapshot(options,onNext, onError,onCompletion)
Parameter Type Description
observer IObserver
options SnapshotListenOptions
onNext (snapshot: QuerySnapshot) => void Optional
onError (error: Error) => void Optional
onCompletion () => void Optional

Observer interface

interface IObserver { 
	complete?: () => void;
	 error?: (error: Error) => void;
	next?: (snapshot: QuerySnapshot) => void 


collectionReference = firebase().firestore().collection(collectionPath)
query: Query = collectionReference.orderBy(fieldPath,directionStr)
Parameter Type Description
fieldPath keyof DocumentData
directionStr 'asc' | 'desc' Defaults to 'asc'


collectionReference = firebase().firestore().collection(collectionPath)
query: Query = collectionReference.startAfter(snapshot)
// or 
query: Query = collectionReference.startAfter(fieldValues)
Parameter Type Description
snapshot DocumentSnapshot
fieldValues DocumentSnapshot | FieldValue[]


collectionReference = firebase().firestore().collection(collectionPath)
query: Query = collectionReference.startAt(snapshot)
// or 
query: Query = collectionReference.startAt(fieldValues)
Parameter Type Description
snapshot DocumentSnapshot
fieldValues DocumentSnapshot | FieldValue[]


collectionReference = firebase().firestore().collection(collectionPath)
query: Query = collectionReference.where(fieldPath,opStr,value)
Parameter Type Description
fieldPath FieldPath | keyof DocumentData
opStr WhereFilterOp
value any


collectionReference = firebase().firestore().collection(collectionPath)
isEqual: boolean = collectionReference.isEqual(other)
Parameter Type Description
other any

DocumentReference object

An object that represents a document on the database.


document: DocumentReference = firebase().firestore().doc(documentPath)
documentReferenceFirestore: Firestore = document.firestore

A readonly property that returns the Firestore database instance for this document.


document: DocumentReference = firebase().firestore().doc(documentPath)
documentReferenceId: string =

A readonly property that returns the ID of the doocument.


document: DocumentReference = firebase().firestore().doc(documentPath)
documentPath: string = document.path

A readonly property that returns the path of the document.


document: DocumentReference = firebase().firestore().doc(documentPath)
documentParent: CollectionReference = document.parent

A readonly property that returns the CollectionReference that contains this document.


document: DocumentReference = firebase().firestore().doc(documentPath)
documentIOS: FIRDocumentReference = document.ios

A readonly property that returns the DocumentReference instance for iOS.


document: DocumentReference = firebase().firestore().doc(documentPath)
documentAndroid: =

A readonly property that returns the DocumentReference instance for Android.


document: DocumentReference = firebase().firestore().doc(documentPath)


document: DocumentReference = firebase().firestore().doc(documentPath)
}).catch(err =>{


Asynchronously delete this document.


document: DocumentReference = firebase().firestore().doc(documentPath)
document.get(options).then((snapshot: DocumentSnapshot<T>)=>{
	//handle the document data
}).catch(err =>{


Reads the data from the document.

Parameter Type Description
options GetOptions Optional settings object for the get operation.

GetOptions interface

enum GetOptions {
	Default = 'default',
	Server = 'server',
	Cache = 'cache',


document: DocumentReference = firebase().firestore().doc(documentPath)
document.set(data, options).then(()=>{

}).catch(err =>{


Overwrites the data of this document with the specified data, if the document exists. Otherwise, it creates the document and saves the data to the document.

Parameter Type Description
data any The data to save.
options SetOptions Optional settings object for the set operation.

SetOptions interface

Option Type Description
merge undefined | false | true For the description, see merge on the Firebase documentation.
mergeFields string[] | IFieldPath[] For the description, see mergeFields andmergeFields on the Firebase documentation.


document: DocumentReference = firebase().firestore().doc(documentPath)

Allows you to add a function to listen for the document's real-time changes event. The onSnapshot method has the following additional overloads:

document.onSnapshot(onNext, onError, onCompletion)
document.onSnapshot(options,onNext, onError,onCompletion)
Parameter Type Description
observer IObserver
options SnapshotListenOptions
onNext (snapshot: QuerySnapshot) => void Optional
onError (error: Error) => void Optional
onCompletion () => void Optional



}).catch(err =>{


}).catch(err =>{

Parameter Type Description
data `Partial<{ [K in keyof T]: FieldValue T[K] }>)`
field FieldPath
value any
moreFieldsAndValues any[]

Allows you to update this document with the specified data.

DocumentSnapshot object


document.get(options).then((snapshot: DocumentSnapshot<T>)=>{
	docExists: boolean = snapshot.exists
}).catch(err =>{
// handle any error here

A readonly property that returns true if the document exists or false otherwise.


document.get(options).then((snapshot: DocumentSnapshot<T>)=>{
	docID: string =
}).catch(err =>{
// handle any error here

A readonly property that returns the ID of the snapshot.


document.get(options).then((snapshot: DocumentSnapshot<T>)=>{
	snapshotMetadata: SnapshotMetadata = snapshot.metadata
}).catch(err =>{
// handle any error here

A readonly property that returns metadata about the snapshot, describing the state of the snapshot.


document.get(options).then((snapshot: DocumentSnapshot<T>)=>{
	docReference: DocumentReference = snapshot.ref
}).catch(err =>{
// handle any error here

A readonly property that returns the DocumentReference instance of the document.


document.get(options).then((snapshot: DocumentSnapshot<T>)=>{
	documentSnapshotAndroid: =
}).catch(err =>{
// handle any error here

A readonly property that returns the DocumentSnapshot instance for Android.


document.get(options).then((snapshot: DocumentSnapshot<T>)=>{
	documentSnapshotIOS: FIRDocumentSnapshot = snapshot.ios
}).catch(err =>{
// handle any error here

A readonly property that returns the DocumentSnapshot instance for iOS.


document.get(options).then((snapshot: DocumentSnapshot<T>)=>{
	documentSnapshotData: any =
}).catch(err =>{
// handle any error here

Extracts the fields of the document data.


document.get(options).then((snapshot: DocumentSnapshot<T>)=>{
	documentField: fieldType = snapshot.get(fieldPath)
}).catch(err =>{
// handle any error here

Returns the value for the specified field. If the field does not exist, it returns null.

Parameter Type Description
fieldPath string | number | FieldPath "Returns the value at the field or null if the field doesn't exist."

Transaction class


firestore().runTransaction(async transaction => {
    // 3. Read the document's data
    const transactionAndroid:  =;


Returns the Transaction object for Android.


firestore().runTransaction(async transaction => {
    // 3. Read the document's data
    const transactionIOS: FIRTransaction = transaction.ios;


Returns the Transaction object for iOS.


firestore().runTransaction(async transaction => {
    // 3. Read the document's data
    const documentSnapshot: DocumentSnapshot = await transaction.get(documentReference);


Reads the specified document.


firestore().runTransaction(async transaction => {
    // 3. Read the document's data
    transactionAfterDelete = transaction.delete(documentReference);


Deletes the specified DocumentReference instance.


firestore().runTransaction(async transaction => {
    // 3. Read the document's data
    const documentSnapshot = await transaction.get(documentReference);

    if (!documentSnapshot.exists) {
      throw 'Document does not exist!';
// 4. Update the document
    transactionAfterUpdate = transaction.update(documentReference, data);
	// OR 
	transactionAfterUpdate = transaction.update(documentReference, field, value, moreFieldsAndValues);
	transactionAfterUpdate = transaction.update(documentReference, data);


Updates the specified document with the provided data and return the transaction.

Parameter Type Description
documentReference DocumentReference object The DocumentReference instance to update.
field any The document field to update.
value any The new value to set.
moreFieldsAndValues any[]


firestore().runTransaction(async transaction => {
    // 3. Read the document's data
    const documentSnapshot = await transaction.get(documentReference);

// 4. Set document data
    transactionAfterSet = transaction.set(documentReference, data);

Saves data to the specified DocumentReference. If the document does not exist, it creates the document.


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