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Accelerate Serverless Java with GraalVM


  1. Install AWS SAM
  2. Install AWS CLI
  3. Install jq
  4. Install artillery

Architecture overview

After you have learned how to migrate your existing Unicorn Store Spring Boot application in the Migration section, you are now going to build a net new Unicorn Location Service.

This service will receive coordinates from Unicorns all over the world. In the following diagram you will see the architecture you are going to build.

Unicorn Location Service

  • (1) You can interact with the service via a REST-API that provides a POST /locations endpoint to create new location records

  • (2) API Gateway integrates with the createUnicornLocation Lambda function

  • (3) The Lambda function stores the records in Amazon DynamoDB

Lab stages

  1. Minimal logging
  2. Minimal serialization
  3. AWS SDK best practises
  4. Tiered compilation
  5. Common Runtime Client
  6. Accelerate - Use GraalVM to reduce your cold-starts by up to 80%


Both the final project and the initial setup have been checked with CFN-Nag. Please refer to the Github repository to install the cfn_nag tool and run a scan on the project by providing:

cfn_nag_scan --input-path template.yaml
cfn_nag_scan --input-path final/unicorn-location-api-final/template.yaml