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MegatronLM Test Case

MegatronLM is a framework from Nvidia that can be used to train LLMs. We recommend that you read papers on the framework to know the different knobs you can tune and in particular these articles:

To run a test case you will go through a series of steps described below:

  1. Build the data preprocessing container.
  2. Pre-process the data using a tokenizer and the preprocessing container.
  3. Build the container for distributed training
  4. Train!

We describe the steps below for Slurm users. EKS users may follow the sequence but details will vary.

1. Preparation

This guide assumes that you have the following:

  • A functional Slurm cluster on AWS.
  • Docker, Pyxis and Enroot installed.
  • An FSx for Lustre filesystem mounted on /fsx.

It is recommended that you use the templates in the architectures directory

You will also setup the following variables in your terminal environment.

export DATA_PATH=/fsx # FSx for Lustre shared file-system

Make sure that your current directory is under a shared filesystem such as /fsx/ or the home directory when using Parallel Cluster.

2. Data Preprocessing

Before running training jobs you need to retrieve input data and preprocess it. This section of the guide you will retrieve a container then you convert it into a Squash file via Enroot, you will then retrieve input data ans tokenize it using the GPT2 vocabulary.

Below are the steps you need to follow:

  1. Copy the file 0.distributed-training.Dockerfile or its content to your head-node.

  2. Build the container image with the command below

    docker build -t megatron-training -f 0.distributed-training.Dockerfile .
  3. Once the image is built, you can check if it is present with docker images. You should see an output similar to this one:

    [ec2-user@ip-10-0-10-78 ~]$ docker images
    REPOSITORY               TAG         IMAGE ID       CREATED          SIZE
    megatron-training           latest      a33c9d5bcb6e   9 seconds ago    20.7GB
  4. Create the squash file with the command below.

    enroot import -o megatron-training.sqsh  dockerd://megatron-training:latest

    The file will be stored in the current directory (if left as default). The output should look as below.

    [ec2-user@ip-10-0-10-78 ~]$ enroot import -o ./megatron-training.sqsh  dockerd://megatron-training:latest
    [INFO] Fetching image
    [INFO] Extracting image content...
    [INFO] Creating squashfs filesystem...
    Parallel mksquashfs: Using 32 processors
    Creating 4.0 filesystem on /home/ec2-user/megatron-training.sqsh, block size 131072.
    [==========================================================/] 299550/299550 100%
    Exportable Squashfs 4.0 filesystem, gzip compressed, data block size 131072
       uncompressed data, uncompressed metadata, uncompressed fragments, uncompressed xattrs
       duplicates are not removed
  5. Run the code below to retrieve the input datasets and vocabulary.

    mkdir -p gpt2
    cd gpt2/
    xz -d oscar-1GB.jsonl.xz
  6. Now you copy the file or its content on your cluster then submit a preprocessing jobs with the command below:

  7. You will see a new file in your current working directory called slurm-XY.out where XY is a number. This is your output file and will capture the STDOUT and STDERR from your job. You can check how it progresses via the command tail -f slurm-XY.out but with the relevant filename. The file content will be similar to the below:

    0: Opening /fsx/oscar-1GB.jsonl
    0: Time to startup: 0.9956498146057129
    0: Processed 1000 documents (101.28050670002645 docs/s, 1.258563987556778 MB/s).
    0: Processed 2000 documents (188.07992853480727 docs/s, 2.3571624257619614 MB/s).
    0: Processed 78000 documents (1293.9967304914383 docs/s, 16.67556064420713 MB/s).
    0: Processed 79000 documents (1298.6715286585202 docs/s, 16.763634765830606 MB/s).

Voilà! You have executed the preprocessing job. You will go through the steps to run your training job.

3. Distributed training

Now that the data is preprocessed, we will pretrain a GPT3 model MegatronLM.

  1. Copy the file 2.distributed-training.sbatch to your cluster then submit a training jobs with the command below:

    sbatch 2.distributed-training.sbatch
  2. The training starts running and should produce an output similar to below if successful.

1:  iteration       25/73242187 | consumed samples:           50 | elapsed time per iteration (ms): 87.0 | learning rate: 1.638E-08 | global batch size:     2 | lm loss: 1.086954E+01 | loss scale: 4294967296.0 | grad norm: 0.000 | number of skipped iterations:   0 | number of nan iterations:   0 |
1:  iteration       26/73242187 | consumed samples:           52 | elapsed time per iteration (ms): 86.5 | learning rate: 1.704E-08 | global batch size:     2 | lm loss: 1.086217E+01 | loss scale: 4294967296.0 | grad norm: 0.000 | number of skipped iterations:   0 | number of nan iterations:   0 |
1:  iteration       27/73242187 | consumed samples:           54 | elapsed time per iteration (ms): 88.4 | learning rate: 1.769E-08 | global batch size:     2 | lm loss: 1.087129E+01 | loss scale: 4294967296.0 | grad norm: 0.000 | number of skipped iterations:   0 | number of nan iterations:   0 |

4. What's next?

The example is based on the GPT3 example from MegatronLM's repository. You can modify NUM_ATTENTION_HEADS, NUM_LAYERS, and HIDDEN_SIZE based on the Table 1 (Page 8) of the document Efficient Large-Scale Language Model Training on GPU Clusters Using Megatron-LM to change the model size. You can also run the following commands to launch training for different model sizes before submitting a job as follows: NUM_LAYERS=64 HIDDEN_SIZE=8192 NUM_ATTENTION_HEADS=48 sbatch 3.distributed-training.sbatch

Model size Parameters

5. Appendix: Llama2

To pretrain Llama2, you must visit to download the tokenizers files (i.e., tokenizer.json and tokenizer.model). Registration required. Alternatively, you may train your own tokenizer but this is beyond the scope for this document. Either way, once you have the tokenizer files, you need to upload them to the FSx Lustre that your Slurm cluster mounts.

The remaining steps are similar to the GPT3 example. For more information, please refer to the official Megatron-LM documentation on Llama2 here.

5.1. Download and prepocess data

mkdir -p llama2
# Then, place `tokenizer.json` and `tokenizer.model` to this `llama2/` directory.

# Download sample dataset
wget -P llama2
xz -d llama2/oscar-1GB.jsonl.xz


5.2. Run pretraining job

Edit 4.pre-train-llama2.sbatch to choose the model size you want to train. Do this by commenting and uncommenting the related stanzas. Feel free to experiment with the hyperparameters such as parallelism, batches, etc. (for more details, please refer to the Megatron-LM project and the Megatron papers (Shoeybi20, Narayanan21).

sbatch 4.pre-train-llama2.sbatch

Tips: the Llama2 example prints the estimated FLOPS/GPU (enabled via --log-throughput in the pretrain .sbatch file). You might want to look at PR-682 and decide whether to patch your Megatron-LM to adjust the way FLOPS/GPU is calculated.