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Contributing to @camunda8/sdk

Thank you for considering contributing to @camunda8/sdk! We welcome contributions from the community to make our package even better.

Getting Started

To get started with contributing, please follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository and clone it to your local machine.
  2. Check out the alpha branch. This is the development branch.
  3. Install the dependencies by running npm install.
  4. Make your changes or additions to the codebase.
  5. Write tests to cover your changes and ensure existing tests pass.
  6. Run the tests using npm test to make sure everything is working correctly. See below for details on running integration tests.
  7. Commit your changes and push them to your forked repository. Use Conventional Commit format for the commit message. See the note below.
  8. Submit a pull request to the main repository.
  9. When your PR is merged into the alpha branch, an alpha package is published to NPM.
  10. When the alpha branch is merged into main, a new package is published to NPM.

A note on commit messages

The repository uses []semantic-release]( to create releases. Because we track the Camunda 8 Platform minor version, we treat feature implementation during a minor release cycle as a patch release rather than a minor release.

Creating a commit with a feat commit message will cause the package version patch release number to increment. To update the minor version, a commit with the type minor is needed.

Running tests

Run all the unit tests with npm run test.

Integration tests

Integration tests can be run against Self-Managed or against Camunda SaaS.

To run integration tests against Camunda SaaS, but credentials for a Camunda SaaS API Client with scopes for all components in the environment, then run the integration tests against Camunda SaaS with npm run test:integration.

To run the integration tests against Self-Managed, you can use either your own Self-Managed instance, or start one locally using Docker.

To start one locally, run docker compose -f docker-compose-modeler.yaml -f docker-compose-multitenancy.yml up -d.

Put the following credentials in the environment:

# Self-Managed
export ZEEBE_GRPC_ADDRESS='localhost:26500'
export ZEEBE_REST_ADDRESS='localhost:8080/v1/'
export ZEEBE_CLIENT_ID='zeebe'
export ZEEBE_CLIENT_SECRET='zecret'
export ZEEBE_AUTHORIZATION_SERVER_URL='http://localhost:18080/auth/realms/camunda-platform/protocol/openid-connect/token'
export CAMUNDA_CREDENTIALS_SCOPES='Zeebe,Tasklist,Operate,Optimize'
export CAMUNDA_OAUTH_URL='http://localhost:18080/auth/realms/camunda-platform/protocol/openid-connect/token'
export CAMUNDA_TASKLIST_BASE_URL='http://localhost:8082'
export CAMUNDA_OPERATE_BASE_URL='http://localhost:8081'
export CAMUNDA_OPTIMIZE_BASE_URL='http://localhost:8083'
export CAMUNDA_MODELER_BASE_URL='http://localhost:8086'

export CAMUNDA_TEST_TYPE='local'

# Modeler API Client

Now run the integration tests against Self-Managed with npm run test:local-integration.

Multi-tenancy tests

To run the multi-tenancy tests, use the following environment variables:

# Self-Managed
export ZEEBE_GRPC_ADDRESS='localhost:26500'
export ZEEBE_REST_ADDRESS='localhost:8080/v1/'
export ZEEBE_CLIENT_ID='zeebe'
export ZEEBE_CLIENT_SECRET='zecret'
export ZEEBE_AUTHORIZATION_SERVER_URL='http://localhost:18080/auth/realms/camunda-platform/protocol/openid-connect/token'
export CAMUNDA_CREDENTIALS_SCOPES='Zeebe,Tasklist,Operate,Optimize'
export CAMUNDA_OAUTH_URL='http://localhost:18080/auth/realms/camunda-platform/protocol/openid-connect/token'
export CAMUNDA_TASKLIST_BASE_URL='http://localhost:8082'
export CAMUNDA_OPERATE_BASE_URL='http://localhost:8081'
export CAMUNDA_OPTIMIZE_BASE_URL='http://localhost:8083'
export CAMUNDA_TEST_TYPE='local'
export CAMUNDA_TENANT_ID='<default>'

Now run the integration tests against Self-Managed with npm run test:multitenancy.

Code Style

We follow a specific code style in our project to maintain consistency. Please make sure to adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Run npm run lint to lint your code with ESLint.
  • Run npm run format to format your code to the project standard.

Issue Reporting

If you encounter any bugs or issues while using @camunda/sdk, please report them in the issue tracker. Provide as much detail as possible, including steps to reproduce the issue.

Feature Requests

If you have any ideas or feature requests for @camunda/sdk, please submit them in the issue tracker. We appreciate your feedback and suggestions.


By contributing to @camunda/sdk, you agree that your contributions will be licensed under the Apache License.


If you have any questions or need further assistance, open an issue in the repository.

Happy contributing!