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98 lines (85 loc) · 4.88 KB
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Tiny URL
2018-03-28 04:14:49 -0700

I. Introduction

A MEAN stack Single Page Application, providing:

  1. URL shortening service
  2. Traffic statistics collecting service

Tech stacks: AngularJS, Node.js, Express, MongoDB, Redis, Nginx, Docker


{% asset_img tinyURL.png This is an image %}

II. Work flow

1. Users come to the app webpage

  • Browser send GET request with original URL to server
  • Server sends index.html to clients
  • Browser get the index.html with script in the head tag. <script src='angularJS library '> <script src='app.js'> <script src='/public/js/controllers/homeController.js'>
  • Browser again sends request for angularJS library/ js controller files to different servers
  • when browser encounter 'ng-view', it automatically turn to 'ng-router', ask for its view and controller; Again, sends corresponding GET request to fetch sub-view files
  • while browser parse the controller js file, it might do AJAX request to fetch information from server.

2. Users use the shortening service

  • Input longURL in the input box, and click 'submit'
  • 'submit' fires the onclick funcion to do 2 things:
    • send the longURL to specified URL, ie. POST to localhost/api/v1/urls NOTICE: This url is specifically used for rendering short/long URL
    • send the longURL to specified URL, ie. POST to localhost/api/v1/urls NOTICE: this step is executed after app server responds the POST request in the first step with the calculated shortURL
  • App server first receive the POST request with longURL, do 2 things: call the urlService to calculate the shortURL, store long/short URL pair in MongoDB;send back the shortURL to the app webpage. NOTICE: the shortURL should consist different prefix compared with the current app URL. Because it is create for outside users. So the shortURL should not prefix with /api/v1/.., but with just '/:shortUrl'
  • After the app webpage getting shortURL, it renders new subview using url.html; Meanwhile, it needs to know the its original longURL for display.
  • Again, in the url.html subview, it sends GET request to the app server to get the longURL Notice: This step could be simplified by just passing the longURL from the first subview to the second subview creating a service or using the $rootScop
  • Now, in the new subview, the longURL and shortURL pair can be displayed

3. Visitors browse the shortURL

  • the shortURL is just clicked from various browsers/ machines/ from different IP/ countries, at different time
  • when shortURL is clicked, it sends GET request 'localhost/:shortUrl' to the app server.
  • the app sever call the urlService to get the longURL from the shortURL, and redirect users to the original long URL

4. Traffic statistics Info

  • We want to record the total number of clicks / their browsers/ machine brands/ their IP/ countries/ timestamp. And display them in the app webpage.
  • So first we need add more elements in the url.html subview in the frontend; And update those information in the backend.
    • updating the info each time the shortURL is clicked. And then store them in the MongoDB
    • when app webpage is clicked, make AJAX call to the app server, let it get the info from MongoDB, and then send back to frontend
  • Since all these clicks directly send GET request to 'localhost/:shortURL', which is handled by redirect.js. Thus, we here need a statistic service to update these info.
  • Here we need the one of Express modules: Express-useragent to extract the information from the request
  • In the statistic service, we use the express-useragent to get the info, and then store them in the MongoDB database with a new schema.

III. Nginx

Reverse Proxy

  • (正向)代理forward proxy: 在client与internet之间,替client访问internet的计算机
    • 路由器就是一个forward proxy,外网看不到路由器之后的计算机,但是计算机可以看到外边
    • 翻墙服务器
  • (反向)代理:在server与internet之间,替server接受internet访问的计算机


  • Hide Original server "安全"
  • application firewall
  • SSL termination: "加密不需要server进行,反向代理可以代为计算以减轻server压力"
  • Load balance
  1. round robin "optionally weighted"
  2. least connected "optionally weighted"
  3. IP hash "1200: server a; 201400: server b"
  4. Generic Hash "based on devices/ client locations"
  5. Least time (nginx plux) "optionally weighted"
  • Cache
    • GET 都可以cache
    • 即便是动态列表也进行cache,因为实际生活的改变不会比nginx的处理快 "1s <---> 100000 request/s"
    • POST不能cache
  • Compression(gzip) "减小网络传输量: 用reverse proxy/ browser 的CPU为代价"
  • 不宕机进行配置改变/升级