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How to deploy WebDollar Pool

Tutorial to install and configure your own WebDollar Pool

1. Install ubuntu 18.04 | Have a DOMAIN or SUBDOMAIN that points to the PUBLIC_IP or your VPS



2. MANUAL INSTALL: Update and install required Linux packages

sudo apt-get update -y && sudo apt-get upgrade -y && sudo apt install -y linuxbrew-wrapper && sudo apt-get install -y build-essential && sudo apt-get install -y clang
curl -o- | bash
export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion"
source ~/.profile
nvm install 8.2.1
nvm use 8.2.1
nvm alias default 8.2.1
npm install -g node-gyp && npm install pm2 -g --unsafe-perm
Note: it is recommended to clone WebDollar repo in your home user folder, eg: /home/YOUR_USER/
git clone MiningPool1
cd MiningPool1
npm install
npm run build_browser && npm run build_browser_user_interface
git clone
cd vue-Frontend
npm install
cd .. # to go back to MiningPool1 folder for step 3

3. Get SSL certificate for Node & VUE (run this script inside Node-WebDollar)

bash # make sure port 80 is not used by any service
cp -r certificates/* vue-Frontend/certificates/.

4. Running Node and vue-Frontend

NODE - Running by default on PORT 80!

cd MiningPool1 # run this if you are outsite MiningPool1 folder
npm run commands # better use screen command or open another terminal - Run this command after step 3

vue-Frontend - Running by default on PORT 9094!

cd vue-Frontend
npm run dev # better use screen command or open another terminal - Run this command after step 3

5. Configuring your WebDollar Pool (run commands in Node Window)

press 11, hit enter. When asked about Pool Website - default should be: https://your_domain.tld:9094
When asked if you want to use external pool servers, hit n

6. Updating Node and vue

bash # for Node-WebDollar
git pull origin MiningPools # for vue-Frontend

Additional Info:

Blockchain can be found and downloaded via curl or wget from:

^ These backups are made at every 6 hours.

Create a folder named blockchainDB3 inside Node-WebDollar1 and unpack the downloaded arhive to that folder. If the folder is already created, delete the contents inside it and download the backup inside.

To unzip it, run: tar -zxvf blockchainDB3.tar.gz -C . -> always run this inside blockchainDB3 folder!

How to change default PORTS?

FOR NODE, run: nano src/consts/const_global.js inside Node folder, scroll till you see PORT: 80 and change it to your preferred port.

FOR vue-Frontend(UI), run: nano vue-Frontend/server.js inside Node folder, scroll till you see port || 9094 and change it to your preferred port.