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BlazorChat Server

This is the server-side part of the BlazorChat application. It is responsible for handling chat API requests and real-time chat communication via WebSockets.

Directory Structure

  • Program.cs: The main entry point for the server application. It configures and runs the server application, sets up services like Swagger, SignalR, and response compression, and maps the WebSocket URI.
  • ApiChatController.cs: Handles chat API requests. It uses a LLamaWeights model and ModelParams to process chat conversations and perform inference. Also performs Retreival-based chatbot inference.
  • AttachmentController.cs Handles file attachment API requests.
  • WebSocketChat.cs: Handles real-time chat communication via WebSockets. It uses a LLamaWeights model and ModelParams to process chat conversations and perform inference.

Key Files

  • Program.cs: Configures and runs the server application. It sets up services like Swagger, SignalR, and response compression, and maps the WebSocket URI. To run the server application, use the dotnet run command in the Server directory.
  • ApiChatController.cs: Defines the ApiChatController class which handles chat API requests. It uses a LLamaWeights model and ModelParams to process chat conversations and perform inference. The server exposes a chat API endpoint at api/chat which accepts POST requests with a ChatConversation object in the request body and returns a string response from the chat model inference.
  • WebSocketChat.cs: Defines the WebSocketChat class which handles real-time chat communication via WebSockets. It uses a LLamaWeights model and ModelParams to process chat conversations and perform inference. The server exposes a WebSocket endpoint at /chathub for real-time chat communication.
  • AttachmentController.cs: Defines the AttachmentController class which handles file attachment API requests.

Running the Server

To run the server, navigate to the Server directory and use the dotnet run command. The server will start and listen for incoming connections.


The server-side application depends on several packages and projects. These dependencies are defined in the PlamHill.BlazorChat.Server.csproj file. They include:

  • Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Server
  • Swashbuckle.AspNetCore
  • PalmHill.Llama
  • PalmHill.LlmMemory
  • PlamHill.BlazorChat.Client
  • PlamHill.BlazorChat.Shared