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This is self-content code to generate the 3 Musketeers demo with charmbracelet/vhs.

Animated demo



# Create a .env file and modify it with the correct values
# All variables are required but does not mean they are all used at once
make envfile
# Build dependencies such as the Docker image
make deps
# Test the code
make test
# Record the demo
make record
# Publish the demo to its own orphan branch
make publish
# Clean up
make prune


graph TB
    make-record[make record]-->|1\ndocker compose run vhs demo.tape|host-docker-client[Docker client]
    host-docker-client-->|2|docker-daemon((Docker daemon))
    subgraph vhs-local-container [Container: 3musketeers-vhs:local]
    vhs[vhs demo.tape]-->|4|make-run["cd app/
    make run"]
    make-run-->|5\ndocker compose run golang go run main.go|docker-client[Docker client]
    dir-demo{{"**Host directory: ./**
    vhs-local-container-...->|volume:bind\n./ <-> /opt/demo/|dir-demo
    subgraph golang-alpine-container [Container: golang:alpine]
        go-run[go run main.go]
    dir-demo-app{{"**Host directory: app/**
    golang-alpine-container-.->|volume:bind\napp/ <-> /opt/app/|dir-demo-app
    go-run-->|8|hello-world[/'Hello, World!'/]


  1. make record sends the command docker compose run vhs demo.tape with the Docker client.
  2. The Docker client sends it to the Docker daemon.
  3. The Docker daemon creates a service vhs.
    • The details of the service is defined in docker-compose.yml.
    • The container is based on Docker image flemay/3musketeers-vhs:local.
    • The image flemay/3musketeers-vhs:local definition comes from Dockerfile. It is based on and adds required tools for the demo such as: nvim, make, docker, and compose.
    • A volume is created which maps the host directory ./ to container directory /opt/demo/. This makes the file demo.tape accessible to vhs inside the container.
    • vhs demo.tape is then executed.
  4. vhs demo.tape calls the commands cd app/ and make run.
  5. make run executes the command docker compose golang go run main.go with the Docker client (inside the container).
  6. The Docker client (inside the container) passes the command to Docker daemon (on the host).
    • This is possible because the service vhs (defined in docker-compose.yml) mounts the host /var/run/docker.sock.
  7. The Docker daemon creates a service golang.
    • The container is based on the official Go Docker image.
    • The details of the service is in app/docker-compose.yml.
    • The service golang defines a volume that maps the host directory app/ to the container directory /opt/app/. That directory contains the source file main.go.
      • It is important to note that the full path to the host directory app/ is passed to the service (using environment variable ENV_HOST_APP) and not the container path /opt/demo/app/ even if the command originated from the container vhs. This is because the Docker daemon (being outside of the container) would not know the location of /opt/demo/app/.
      • The variable substitution ${ENV_HOST_APP_DIR:-.} sets the source to the value of the environment variable ENV_HOST_APP_DIR. If not present, it sets it to . which means current directory. This allows the Go application example to work with and without Docker-outside-of-Docker (DooD).
    • go run main.go is executed inside the container.
  8. Hello, World! is printed out.
  9. vhs saves the record demo.gif into directory /opt/demo/output/ which is also accessible from the host directory ./output/.
