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62 lines (43 loc) · 2.81 KB

File metadata and controls

62 lines (43 loc) · 2.81 KB



  • Do you have a new feature in mind?
  • Do you know how to improve existing docs or code?
  • Have you found a bug?

Contributions are welcome and encouraged! Just fork the project and then send a pull request. Be ready to discuss your code and design decisions.


Before opening a new issue, search the existing ones. If an issue is closed and you have the same problem, either reopen the issue or create a new one, filling in all the details required in the issue template. If you don't provide those data, you may not have a response in return for lack of relevant context.

Bugs are better explained with a test or a demo project. At least with some working code.

When posting code, logs or stack traces, please use the following Markdown syntax to improve readability:

your code, log or stack trace

Code Style

Android Upload Service enforces Kotlin standard coding style, using ktlint.

To speed up development, it's highly recommended to install ktlint and to execute the following in android-upload-service root directory:

ktlint installGitPreCommitHook
cd examples/app/ && ktlint --android applyToIDEAProject -y && cd ../..

If you are using Atlassian SourceTree to commit, you may encounter the following problem with pre commit hook:

xargs ktlint: No such file or directory

To solve it, open .git/hooks/pre_commit with your favourite editor and add the following in the second line:

export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH


To develop Android Upload Service and its core modules, clone the project, then open examples/app/build.gradle from your Android Studio. In this way you can see all the modules and the demo app, make changes and deploy to your emulator or real device for testing.

Working on your first Pull Request? You can learn how from this free series How to Contribute to an Open Source Project on GitHub

Asking for help and bug reports

If you need help because you can't make a successful upload to your server, first check the troubleshooting procedure.

Bug reports without relevant details will be closed. Time is precious for everybody.

Good and precise bug reports help improve the library fast and make it easier for everybody.

Complaints are not useful.

Here there's a nice blog post about effective bug reports. If you already know how to fix the bug, you can directly send a pull request.