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Kalendar Documentation

firey oceanic

The Kalendar function is a composable function in the Kalendar library that allows you to create a customizable calendar component in your Android app using Jetpack Compose.

fun Kalendar(
    currentDay: LocalDate?,
    kalendarType: KalendarType,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    showLabel: Boolean = true,
    events: KalendarEvents = KalendarEvents(),
    kalendarHeaderTextKonfig: KalendarTextKonfig? = null,
    kalendarColors: KalendarColors = KalendarColors.default(),
    kalendarDayKonfig: KalendarDayKonfig = KalendarDayKonfig.default(),
    daySelectionMode: DaySelectionMode = DaySelectionMode.Single,
    dayContent: (@Composable (LocalDate) -> Unit)? = null,
    headerContent: (@Composable (Month, Int) -> Unit)? = null,
    onDayClick: (LocalDate, List<KalendarEvent>) -> Unit = { _, _ -> },
    onRangeSelected: (KalendarSelectedDayRange, List<KalendarEvent>) -> Unit = { _, _ -> },
    onErrorRangeSelected: (RangeSelectionError) -> Unit = {}


  • currentDay: The current selected day in the calendar. Pass null if no specific day is selected.
  • kalendarType: The type of calendar to display. It can be one of KalendarType.Oceanic or KalendarType.Firey.
  • modifier: Optional modifier for styling or positioning the calendar component.
  • showLabel: Determines whether to show the labels for days and months in the calendar.
  • events: The collection of calendar events to be displayed in the calendar.
  • kalendarHeaderTextKonfig: Configuration for styling the header text in the calendar.
  • kalendarColors: Configuration for customizing the colors of the calendar components.
  • kalendarDayKonfig: Configuration for customizing the appearance of individual day cells in the calendar.
  • daySelectionMode: The mode for selecting days in the calendar. It can be DaySelectionMode.Single or DaySelectionMode.Range.
  • dayContent: Optional composable function for customizing the content of individual day cells in the calendar.
  • headerContent: Optional composable function for customizing the content of the header in the calendar.
  • onDayClick: Callback function triggered when a day is clicked in the calendar.
  • onRangeSelected: Callback function triggered when a range of days is selected in the calendar.
  • onErrorRangeSelected: Callback function triggered when an invalid range of days is selected in the calendar.



The KalendarEvents data class represents a collection of KalendarEvent objects. It is used to store and manage a list of events for a specific calendar.


events : A list of KalendarEvent objects representing the events associated with the calendar. By default, it is initialized as an empty list.


The KalendarTextKonfig data class represents the configuration options for the text appearance in the Kalendar library.


kalendarTextColor: The color of the text in the calendar. It is of type Color. kalendarTextSize: The size of the text in the calendar. It is of type TextUnit.


The KalendarDayKonfig data class represents the configuration options for the appearance of a day in the Kalendar library.


size: The size of the day view. It is of type Dp. textSize: The size of the text representing the day. It is of type TextUnit. textColor: The color of the text representing the day. It is of type Color. selectedTextColor: The color of the text representing the selected day. It is of type Color. borderColor: The color of the border surrounding the day. It is of type Color and is set to Color.Black by default.


The Kalendar function is responsible for rendering the appropriate calendar based on the specified kalendarType. It dynamically selects either KalendarOceanic or KalendarFirey composable based on the type.

Here's an example usage of the Kalendar function:

  currentDay = today,
    kalendarType = KalendarType.Firey,
    modifier = Modifier,
    showLabel = true,
    events = KalendarEvents(),
    kalendarHeaderTextKonfig = null,
    kalendarColors = KalendarColors.default(),
    kalendarDayKonfig = KalendarDayKonfig.default(),
    daySelectionMode = DaySelectionMode.Single,
    dayContent = null,
    headerContent = null,
    onDayClick = { selectedDay, events ->
        // Handle day click event
    onRangeSelected = { selectedRange, events ->
        // Handle range selection event
    onErrorRangeSelected = { error ->
        // Handle error

In the example above, we create a Kalendar component with the following configurations:

  • currentDay is set to the current date.
  • kalendarType is set to KalendarType.Firey to display a month view.
  • We pass the modifier as Modifier to apply any additional styling or positioning.
  • showLabel is set to true to display the labels for days and months.
  • events is set to an empty KalendarEvents object.
  • kalendarHeaderTextKonfig is set to null to use the default header text styling.
  • kalendarColors is set to the default color configuration.
  • kalendarDayKonfig is set to the default day cell configuration.
  • daySelectionMode is set to DaySelectionMode.Single to allow selecting a single day.
  • dayContent is set to null to use the default day cell content.
  • headerContent is set to null to use the default header content.
  • onDayClick is a callback function that handles the day click event and receives the selected day and associated events as parameters.
  • onRangeSelected is a callback function that handles the range selection event and receives the selected range and associated events as parameters.
  • onErrorRangeSelected is a callback function that handles the event when an invalid range selection is made.

Feel free to adjust the configurations based on your specific requirements.

Please note that this is just an example, and you can customize the Kalendar component based on your needs by modifying the provided parameters and callbacks.

Make sure to import the necessary dependencies and use the latest version of the Kalendar library in your project.

For getting started, refer to the Kalendar documentation.