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Nitro TensorRT-LLM for Windows


Documentation - API Reference - Changelog - Bug reports - Discord

⚠️ Nitro is currently in Development: Expect breaking changes and bugs!


Nitro TensorRT-LLM is an experimental implementation of Nitro that runs LLMs using Nvidia's TensorRT-LLM on Windows.

  • Pure C++ inference server on top of TensorRT-LLM's C++ Runtime
  • OpenAI-compatible API with /chat/completion and loadmodel endpoints
  • Packageable as a single runnable package (e.g. nitro.exe) to run seamlessly on bare metal in Windows
  • Can be embedded in Windows Desktop apps

You can try this in Jan using the TensorRT-LLM Extension.

Read more about Nitro at


Step 0: Prerequisites

NOTE: Nvidia Driver >=535 and CUDA Toolkit >=12.2 are prerequisites, and are often pre-installed with Nvidia GPUs

# Verify Prerequisites
nvidia-smi  # Nvidia Driver
nvcc --version # CUDA toolkit

Step 1: Download Nitro TensorRT-LLM Package

We have compiled Nitro TensorRT-LLM into a single Windows package that can run seamlessly on bare metal, without needing manual installation of dependencies.

Package Size Download
Nitro TensorRT-LLM (zipped) 336mb Download

Note: The Nitro TensorRT-LLM package is approximately ~730mb. This excludes the TensorRT-LLM Engine for the Model.

Package Contents

The Nitro TensorRT-LLM package contains nitro.exe and dependent .dll files.

Contents Purpose Size
nitro.exe Nitro Negligible
tensorrt_llm.dll TensorRT-LLM ~450mb
nvinfer.dll TensorRT-LLM ~200mb
nvinfer_plugin_tensorrt_llm.dll TensorRT-LLM Negligible
cudnn_ops_infer64_8.dll cuDNN ~80mb
cudnn64_8.dll cuDNN Negligible
msmpi.dll Microsoft MPI Negligible
zlib.dll Negligible
Total ~730mb

Step 2: Get a Model's TensorRT Engine

Models in TensorRT-LLM are compiled to TensorRT-LLM Engines for your GPU and Operating System.

Jan has fine-tuned LlamaCorn-1.1b, a small model that can be run even on laptop GPUs with <6 GB of VRAM.

  • Based on TinyLlama-1.1b
  • Finetuned to be usable for simple tasks and have acceptable conversational quality

Option 1: Prebuilt TensorRT Engine

Model OS Size Architecture GPU Supported Download
Llamacorn 1.1b Windows Ampere >3050 Download
Llamacorn 1.1b Windows ~2.05gb Ada >4050 Download
OpenHermes 7b Windows Ampere 3090 Download
OpenHermes 7b Windows Ada 4090 Download

Option 2: Build a TensorRT Engine from model

You can also build the TensorRT Engine directly on your machine, using your preferred model.

Step 3: Run Nitro TensorRT-LLM for Windows

# Go to folder with `nitro.exe`
.\nitro.exe [thread_num] [host] [port] [uploads_folder_path]
.\nitro.exe 1 3928

Step 4: Load Model's TensorRT-LLM Engine

# Powershell
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "http://localhost:3928/inferences/tensorrtllm/loadmodel" `
    -Method Post `
    -ContentType "application/json" `
    -Body "{ `
        `"engine_path`": `"./openhermes-7b`", `
        `"ctx_len`": 512, `
        `"ngl`": 100 `

curl --location 'http://localhost:3928/inferences/tensorrtllm/loadmodel' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "engine_path": "./llamacorn-1.1b",
    "ctx_len": 512,
    "ngl": 100


Parameter Type Description
engine_path String The file path to the TensorRT-LLM engine.
ctx_len Integer The context length for engine operations.
ngl Integer The number of GPU layers to use.

Step 5: Making an Inference Request

Nitro TensorRT-LLM offers a drop-in replacement for OpenAI's' /chat/completions, including streaming responses.

Note: model field is a placeholder for OpenAI compatibility. It is not used as Nitro TensorRT-LLM currently only loads 1 model at a time

# Powershell
$url = "http://localhost:3928/v1/chat/completions"
$headers = @{
    "Content-Type" = "application/json"
    "Accept" = "text/event-stream"
    "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" = "*"

$body = @{
    "messages" = @(
            "content" = "Hello there 👋"
            "role" = "assistant"
            "content" = "Write a long story about NVIDIA!!!!"
            "role" = "user"
    "stream" = $true
    "model" = "operhermes-mistral"
    "max_tokens" = 2048
} | ConvertTo-Json

Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Method Post -Headers $headers -Body $body -UseBasicParsing -TimeoutSec 0

curl --location '' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --header 'Accept: text/event-stream' \
  --header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *' \
  --data '{
    "messages": [
        "content": "Hello there 👋",
        "role": "assistant"
        "content": "Write a long story about NVIDIA!!!!",
        "role": "user"
    "stream": true,
    "model": <NON-NULL STRING>, 
    "max_tokens": 2048

Use with Jan

NOTE: Jan will be releasing a TensorRT-LLM Extension that wraps Nitro TEnsorRT-LLM. These steps are only if you want to set it up manually.

  1. Download Jan Windows

  2. Navigate to the ~/jan/engines folder and edit openai.json.

  3. Modify openai.json to point to the URL of your Nitro TensorRT-LLM API endpoint.

# openai.json
  1. In ~/jan/models, duplicate the gpt-4 folder. Name the new folder: your-model-name-tensorrt-llm

  2. In this folder, edit the model.json file.

  • id matches the your-model-name.
  • Name is any vanity name you want call your TensorRT Engine
  • Format is set to api.
  • Engine is set to openai
  "sources": [
      "url": "http://localhost:3928/v1/chat/completions"
  "id": "llamacorn-1.1b-tensorrt-llm",
  "object": "model",
  "name": "Llamacorn-1.1b (TensorRT-LLM)",
  "version": "1.0",
  "description": "TensorRT-LLM is extremely good",
  "format": "api",
  "settings": {},
  "parameters": {},
  "metadata": {
    "author": "Nvidia",
    "tags": ["General", "Big Context Length"]
  "engine": "openai"
  1. Restart the app

  2. Create a new chat thread. Select Remote and your engine Name.


Repo Structure

The actual Nitro code is in a subfolder, which is then used in the Build process. We have chosen to work off a fork of TensorRT-LLM, given the need to keep in sync with the fast pace of upstream developments.

+-- cpp
|   +-- tensorrt_llm
|   |   +-- nitro
|   |   |   +-- nitro_deps
|   |   |   +--
|   |   |   +-- ...
|   |   +-- CMakeLists.txt

Building a TensorRT-LLM Engine

  • TODO


  • For support, please file a GitHub ticket.
  • For questions, join our Discord here.
  • For long-form inquiries, please email

Star History

Star History Chart