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Sathish Kumar sathishkumar67
Deep Learning enthusiast..

Hosur, Tamil Nadu, India

Valiev Koyiljon Valiev-Koyiljon
Passionate Computer Vision and Machine Learning Engineer leveraging AI to solve real-world problems. Let's create cutting-edge solutions together!

South Korea

Sam Fish FishPhd
not a real doctor

Waypoint Los Angeles

PommesPeter PommesPeter
Blessed with good gradient.

@neet-cv Guangdong, China

aromal_tr traromal
LLMs | LangChain | DL | ML | Django | SQL | NLP | UI/UX

kerala, India

Peutlefaire BrianPulfer
Ph.D. Student in Machine Learning. Willing to learn and make the world a better place.

UNIGE - University of Geneva Geneva, Switzerland


Julian Harris boxabirds
NONE OF THIS MATTERS IF WE DON'T FIX THE PLANET. I create great software that people love, with a particular passion for natural language processing.


Marcus Gawronsky marcusinthesky
MSc Advanced Analytics and Decision Science (Statistics and Data Science) | Senior Data Scientist at MyRunway | CSO and Co-founder

Cape Town, South Africa

Logan Hallee lhallee
Language modeling, protein science, bioinformatics, feature ranking

University of Delaware Newark, DE

Akshay Nuthanapati A0308
Work on Machine Learning
Yam(长琴) hscspring
Feeling, Coding, Thinking
Engr. Auwal Muhammad Ubali ubaliringim
Computer Engineer from Bayero University Kano, A Frontend and Backend Developer @BRILLIANT-ESYSTEMS-LIMITED KANO

Brilliant E-Systems Kano Kano

Leo Simon leo5imon
.funding the new internet @TelahVC .founder KaizenDAO .fellow Kernel



Shoggoth Search&Rescue Yo crontab

Del sycomix

GLP Technologies Dallas, TX, USA

Niranjan Anandkumar niranjanaryan
Engineer, Founder @ Deceptive AI | AI Obsession , Research ⚙️ Product 🔱 AGI Tech | AI for Masses | BreakingBarriers

Deceptive AI Greater Bengaluru, India

Currently studying Masters of AI at Monash University
Praveen Selvaraj pravsels
RA in Synthetic Data Generation @alan-turing-institute

The Alan Turing Institute London

取梦为饮 klb3713
Every cloud has a silver edge.

Beijing China

Shivam Kumar ShivamKumar2002
I'm a developer who loves learning new things. I'm always looking for new challenges and ways to improve my skills.


Gabriel Adriano de Melo Gabrui
Computer engineer student

Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica São José dos Campos, Brasil

ReverbAI Basel-anaya
Just a programmer who gets things done.

Amman, Jordan

Cheng Fu oreasono
Democratize Metaverse
