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薛定谔也爱猫咪 crystallyf1
Technical Artist at NetEase Games

NetEase Games Shanghai,China

Lázaro Albuquerque lzralbu
"A man gotta have a code." - Omar Little


Selim Anaç selimanac
Kind of a developer, designer, junk stuff builder.
Glowstudent Glowstudent777
It’s not a bug. It’s an undocumented feature!


Emmanuel Durand paperManu
Co-founder of coop Lab148, ex Research co-director at Society for Arts and Technology. PhD in computer vision and signal processing @ LISPEN (Arts et Métiers)

Lab148 Montréal

i have no mouth and i must beatbox
Miguel Rodríguez mrp500
Learning web development.


Kobi Kadosh wildcard
Code Artisan, Web 2.0 solutionist & CTO Getin, Web3 novice

Getin Vancouver, BC, Canada

Chris DeBoy 8bitprodigy
Programmer looking for work in Godot Gamedev. Contact me if you're interested in hiring me.


Short-Term Action, Long-Term Impact.

Macau, Macao

hojat hojat72elect
Software Developer in Toronto, Canada.🍁Passionate about all video games.😊 Nature lover. 🍂⛰️


Straussn strzlee
why not zoidberg? *blbbbllbbbllbblblblb*

Jausentest Internet

Ben Herbst BenHerbst
Hey 👋🏼, I'm Ben, a German developer who does coding since he was 8 years old. I use: Gdscript, Kotlin, Java, HTML, SCSS, TypeScript, Python, Nuxt, C, Vue.js

DevsForDevs Germany

Francisco Barros fncbarros
Software development student at 42Lisboa looking for a way in the IT sector.

Lisbon, Portugal

Moritz Mori-TM
I'm a 17 years old student from germany and I like programming


Tony AntonioModer
Game developer


sunguangdong SunGuangdong

Game Development Laboratory Bei jing

青文 shanfl
昨夜星辰昨夜风 画楼西畔桂堂东
Shady E.M. ShadyEM
Real time Graphics Programmer
Alexey Larionov laralex
Computer Graphics and Deep Learning R&D Engineer. Graduated MSc in Computer Sciences

Huawei Russia, Moscow

Frederico Moreira hypervanse
phd in physics with experience in @octave-app @microsoft matlab numerical computing @Homebrew @switchbrew

Hypervanse Brazil