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Phillip M McGough pmcgough

Emerson/Phillip McGough St. Louis, MO, USA

Omid emomid

@synapticon Germany

Branimir Georgiev braboj

@Hilscher Varna, Bulgaria

Ming Jie hiccc

Siemens Beijing, China

chery yancaiy

aero acdemice of shenzhen,guangdong,china shenzhen. china

Chr$$ Ekkohng
Self thought through the shoulders of giant Blogs, Stackoverflow and several Github repo.


blanpa blanpa
Aspiring IIOT Software Developer with Industrial Engineering background. My goal is to increase efficiency and productivity by applying modern methods


Darragh Grealish grealish
Cloud Engineer - IaC / 5G / IoT Hacker on DevOps, DevSecOps etc.. Co-Founder of @56kcloud

DevOps @56kcloud Zurich,Switzerland

Stasiak, Daniel DanStasiak

Hilscher Gesellschaft für Systemautomation mbH