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Abraham Boakye Laudkyle
Machine Learning | Deep Learning | OpenCV | IOT | Artificial Intelligence | Web dev

Hostella Ghana Cape Coast, Ghana

zper Zper99
I'll learn all!
Keven Fesperman sjkcdpc
Enthusiastic about programming, I, Keven Fesperman, shine in Golang, Rust, and PHP, attending hackathons to influence the technology landscape.
qaz2024 yingliu0518
always study

Shenzhen University Shenzhen,Guangdong,China

NicodeLee NicodeLee


Nguyen Nam namdamri27102000

University of technology Ho Chi Minh City

Sam Fang fangfsz
To be a Web/Application Developer


Sam Morozov sammorozov
Data Scientist / Web3 dev / ex-Analyst in fintech 🇷🇺


武子康 wdkang123
星辰大海 诗和远方
Liang Liang lc8899
Liang Liang Liang Liang
Jeff Fox luck7
love sports

@north-wood FoxTeam Beijing China

Bogdan Buduroiu bruvduroiu
Platform Engineer with a solid Data Engineering background. Anything from data pipelines to Infra as Code and Service Mesh. Go, Python, Typescript.

Aurelio Labs Taiwan