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四月櫻花 洇染成殤 nuym
Microsoft SWE | Anti Cheat Developer


Lennox Schneider lennoxlotl
frog 🤫🧏‍♂️

@PlayLegend University of Applied Sciences Offenburg

Vladyslav Radchuk Cepishmohnoril
Professional web developer from Ukraine. Eng/Rus/Ukr/Deu


GuineaPigUuhh GuineaPigUuhh
I'm GuineaPigUuhh, a Programmer and an Artist.


Astro AstroOrbis

Astro Orbis your walls

Ekke ekkekuru2

Tokyo Metropolitan Hibiya Highschool Japan

VisionCoder Nether1337
Im man:)

visioncoder Russia

DeTiveNC DeTiveNC
Hi!! My name is Nico. I´m a backend-developer on languages like Java with Spring Boot and Golang. Also, I know cybersecurity.


lechuga lechuga16
Founder of the AoC-Gamers community. chile

Chris Redwood PioneerRedwood

Seoul, Republic of Korea

ZongerX ZongerX
Just trying to write programms :)
Lucas Morales lvmorales1
software developer

São Paulo, Brasil

Diego Junio diegojunio
Apenas mais um apaixonado por tecnologia nesse mundão... 🤙


Luan Oliveira luanholiv
Software developer

@ivory-it Brazil

Fábio Pichler fabiopichler
C, C++, JavaScript, TypeScript, PHP, Java, C#, Lua, Ruby, HTML, CSS. Frameworks: Qt, Laravel, React, React Native, Vue.js, Bootstrap, wxWidgets, SDL2 e mais...

Hulha Negra / RS / Brazil

Caio Valente valentecaio

Rio de Janeiro | Paris

Cube CXCubeHD

Chrones German

Azz 617a7aa
systems engineer

@aciedo United Kingdom