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Chindriș Mihai Alexandru chindris-mihai-alexandru
IT Ops Pro @siemens. Blockchain aficionado. AI enthusiast

Siemens Romania Cluj-Napoca

Purebox feeloursoul
Hello World. ただのにわかです。残念なことにプログラミングの知識は持ってません。元メイン・アカウント @Ultraleaf
Alex Cosneau TheFbomb
Former Co-founder & CTO at FTEX


Vinícius Procópio viniciusprocopio

VP Consulting Recife - PE, Brazil

Christopher Nelson ChrisNelsonOK

@SourceOfTruthLLC McLoud, OK

Michael Corrado gaybro8777
engineer flirting with machine learning, neural networks and life sciences 💪

Mit Nyc

Server Developer


danteGPT danteGPT

Leading Indicator Paradiso

Xavier xavierdux

Dux Software Orlando

Youness younesselbrag
Data Scientist & AI Engineer At AIgot

@AIgot morocco

Alexandre Dias de Souza alldias
Sou Analista Desenvolvedor de Sistemas, com alguns anos de experiência e apaixonado por tecnologia

FabSoft Soluções em Informática Sumaré/SP

Jade Cong JadeCong
Think and act, Win with respect~

AIRobotics ShenZhen

sakamoto ChangMM

Bingyan Studio Shanghai

Brian Abbott briancabbott
Software Engineer. I currently live in Bellevue, WA. My focuses are on Systems Programming, Mathematics and Deep Learning.

Bellevue, WA

nathfavour nathfavour
Freelance, open source dev🤓...Lifelong learner💯


sleepinghua sleepinghua