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Dusit Laohasinnarong ldusit

Faculty of Veterinary Science, Mahidol University Nakhon Pathom, Thailand

Armin lilWe3zy
Sorry can't come to the phone right now I'm crying.

@Rapid-Networks South Africa

Felix Fields neuromuse
A questionably sane Felix
Vincent delwwwinc
remote-friendly designer and developer digging into resources management and distributed systems, asynchronous agency and adhocracy 🧱 🌐 🌿

@argil-data Spaceship Earth

Atanas Lambev nasiusII
Designer, teacher and proud father of two night furies.

Dralart studios Ruse. Bulgaria

Dev Mukherjee devraj

@anomaly Canberra, ACT Australia

Kurt Fehlhauer kfehlhauer
I'm a software engineer

Tampa Bay, Florida

Taha taha-crafter
I'm a software developer working with HTML, CSS, Javascript, TypeScript, React & Next.js, Strapi, Node/Express.
noor aldeen noor-tg
fullstack web developer.

Khartoum, Sudan

Hung Hoang hunghg255
Frontend at @agiletechvn

@agiletechvn Hanoi, Vietnam

Nicolas Messer nicolasmesser
@lewagon Batch #1470 Web Development – Freelance web developer and SEO. Volunteering development time for non-profit World Fit Foundation.


Tai Porto taiporto
Front-end developer (Javascript, Typescript, React and React Native)

Pipefy Niterói, Brazil

Anatole de Chauveron Anatole-DC
Not a real developper.


squew squew

@worldline Belgium

tervancovan mwmw7
Iam not a developer I am artist

Toonsquare CTO seoul

David Muir davgit

Sydney, Australia. Mountain View, California, United States

Krzysztof Dobrzyński Sejoslaw
Senior Software Engineer | Trader / Warsaw Stock Exchange | BSD / Linux / ChromeOS | C# / C / Rust / Python / Perl | I used to mod Minecraft @SejoslawMods

Warsaw, Poland

Flutter and GBA developer
Wilhelm von Freiheitsberg WilhelmFreiheitsberg
NOSTR: npub15l8sfm30uwns8qrcajs99narc4ex65ujt5sky4zx3dpjhnnk2szsqu40n5 PGP: 12CC FDC2 08DD 4B6D

Christoffer Tønnessen cristeahub

@HyreAS Oslo, Norway

mas gareng mkhamdani
mas gareng ndeso ndeso

Jhonattan Santos jhonattan-santos

Inner AI São José dos Campos

Nurfaiz Foat nurfaizfoat Malaysia

Jeremiah Lee jeremiahlee
Humanitarian. Activist. Technologist. Immigrant. Queer.

Stockholm, Sverige