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Limited Lemon limited-lemon
I make cool things.
Nicolás Georger ngeorger
Cybernetics, Linux, Kubernetes enthusiast. SRE/DevOps practitioner. Self educated IT professional. Founder of @sredevopsorg , exploring MachineLearning/AI

@SREDevOpsOrg Chile

ELMØ lldb3
Curious human. Security, infrastructure, and automation


47LeCoste grugnoymeme

Sur Un Nuage

Ira irab

New Zealand

A.s. adRn-s
Bioinformatics, Data Science, and everything around GNU/Linux!


Andrew Johnson blackandred
An activist for social change. In free time workers rights activist, Python & PHP programmer, DevOps for the non-profit grassroots. DevOps in commercial work

Non-profit, activist Saskatoon, Canada