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Zhi-guo Huang hzg0601
Post-doctoral researcher in GNN and LLM. Available for job market~~

pinming Hangzhou,China

陈夏明 caesar0301
Cognitive computing researcher @Bai-Yu-Lan and @lambdacogito | Engineer @aliyun | Ph.D @sjtu


Harry realm520
Blockchain fan Washington, US

Steven cupwater
My research interests mainly focus on DL&CV, model acceleration, face recognition&3D reconstruction, action recognition and educational data mining.


Lu Yan Jason-cs18
Post-doc at NYU systems group; Scaling Continuous Learning Systems.

NYU New York

Khalil Muhammad khalil707
Senior Data Scientist at Storytel.

Storytel Dublin, Ireland


Shanghai · China

James Chang strategist922
PhD Student, Department of Computer Science and Technology Tsinghua University, China

Microsoft Taipei, Taiwan

redhat lxzhh Hangzhou ZheJiang China

Hanqi Hua huahanqi
Gatech MSCS

Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, GA

AI sorcerer

Google China

Peiyuan Liu Hank0626
Behind Every Tech Miracle is Source Code

Tsinghua University Shenzhen

warjiang warjiang

Southeast university China

ChunFuWu wuchunfu
Open Source Enthusiast; Committer of @apache SeaTunnel; Contributor of @apache DolphinScheduler, and etc. BigData, CloudNative, DevOps


Huantian Lv lvhuantian
Stay hungry, stay foolish.
Leo Xie StLeoX


이준헌 leejoonhun


Hertz isLinXu
world is large model.

@Tencent China

刘林林 liulinlin

CAS 北京

SaraiQx SaraiQX
Self-made "coder" with passion for AI-aided drug discovery and more, from an EN-CN translator. 多学科学渣,手工智能自修中.


Sloth peterlau123
A software engineer in deep learning

Shang Hai

Warren Wen WarrenWen666
Venture investor who focusing mainly on Data&AI

Glory Ventures Shanghai

Evenchow Evenchow
open and happy

china shenzhen

Ndikū ndiku
Dreams, Doodles and Algorithms

KBNDFY! Nairobi, Kenya

Lishi He ikbear

Fork AI California