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250 lines (250 loc) · 11.5 KB

File metadata and controls

250 lines (250 loc) · 11.5 KB

245 Commands

Name Params Help
HelloWorld hellooooooooooo new york!!!!
LoadP3DFile String String None
SetParticleTexture Int String None
BindReward String String String String Int Int String None
SetCarAttributes String Float Float Float Float None
SetTotalGags Int Int None
SelectMission String None
SetMissionResetPlayerInCar String None
SetDynaLoadData String String None
UsePedGroup Int None
AddStage String String String None
SetPresentationBitmap String None
SetStageMessageIndex Int String None
AddObjective String String String None
SetObjTargetVehicle String None
CloseObjective Int None
CloseStage Int None
SetHUDIcon String None
AddCollectible String String String String None
SetStageTime Int None
AddCondition String String None
CloseCondition Int None
ShowStageComplete Int None
AddNPC String String String None
SetDestination String String None
SetCollectibleEffect String None
AddStageTime Int None
AddObjectiveNPCWaypoint String String None
SetTalkToTarget String Int Float String None
SetDialogueInfo String String String Int None
SetCamBestSide String String None
CloseMission Int None
PlacePlayerCar String String None
SetMaxTraffic Int None
AddStageVehicle String String String String String None
AddStageWaypoint String None
SetRaceLaps Int None
SetDemoLoopTime Int64 None
AddStageMusicChange Int None
LoadDisposableCar String String String None
AddMission String None
ClearGagBindings Int ClearGagBindings();
GagBegin String None
GagSetInterior String None
GagSetCycle String None
GagSetPosition String None
GagSetPosition Float Float Float None
GagSetRandom Int None
GagSetSound String None
GagSetTrigger String String Float None
GagSetTrigger String Float Float Float Float None
GagEnd Int None
GagSetSparkle Int None
GagSetPersist Int None
GagSetCoins Int Float None
GagSetAnimCollision Int None
GagSetIntro Int None
GagSetOutro Int None
GagSetCameraShake Float Int Float None
GagPlayFMV String Play FMV specified by file name
EnableTutorialMode String None
InitLevelPlayerVehicle String String String String None
AddCharacter String String None
CreateChaseManager String String Int None
SetHitAndRunDecay Float None
SetNumChaseCars String None
AddNPCCharacterBonusMission String String String String String String Int String None
AddBonusMissionNPCWaypoint String String None
AddAmbientCharacter String String Float None
AddAmbientNPCWaypoint String String None
AddPurchaseCarReward String String String String Float String None
AddPurchaseCarNPCWaypoint String String None
CreateTrafficGroup Int None
AddTrafficModel String Int Int None
CloseTrafficGroup Int None
CreatePedGroup Int None
AddPed String Int None
ClosePedGroup Int None
PreallocateActors String String None
SetProjectileStats String String String None
AddSpawnPointByLocatorScript String String String String String String None
AddBehaviour String String String String String String String None
SetActorRotationSpeed String String None
SetAnimatedCameraName String None
SetAnimCamMulticontName String None
SetCoinFee Int None
PutMFPlayerInCar Int None
StartCountdown String String None
AddToCountdownSequence String Int None
UseElapsedTime Int None
SetRaceEnteryFee Int None
SetParTime Int None
SetCondMinHealth Float None
SetCondTargetVehicle String None
SetCondTime Int None
AddBonusMission String None
AddTeleportDest String Float Float Float String Set a valid location for a teleport
AddVehicleSelectInfo String String String None
SuppressDriver String help your goddamn self
SetBonusMissionDialoguePos String String String String None
SetConversationCam Int String String None
ClearAmbientAnimations String None
AddAmbientNpcAnimation String String None
AddAmbientPcAnimation String String None
SetCoinDrawable String None
AmbientAnimationRandomize Int Int None
TurnGotoDialogOff Int None
SetCompletionDialog String String None
SetMissionResetPlayerOutCar String String None
SetMissionStartCameraName String None
SetMissionStartMulticontName String None
SetInitialWalk String Set locator to walk to on startup
SetDialoguePositions String String String Int None
ActivateVehicle String String String None
SetStageMusicAlwaysOn Int None
SetNumValidFailureHints Int None
SetVehicleAIParams String Int Int None
StageStartMusicEvent String None
AllowMissionAbort String None
MustActionTrigger Int None
SetStageAITargetCatchupParams String Int Int None
SetFollowDistances Int Int None
SetFadeOut Float None
StayInBlack Int None
AddStageCharacter String String String String String None
SetDurationTime Float None
SetFMVInfo String String None
SetForcedCar Int None
SwapInDefaultCar Int None
SetSwapDefaultCarLocator String None
SetSwapForcedCarLocator String None
SetSwapPlayerLocator String None
StreetRacePropsLoad String None
StreetRacePropsUnload String None
SetStageAIRaceCatchupParams String Int Float Float Float None
DisableHitAndRun Int None
NoTrafficForStage Int None
SetConditionPosition Int None
AddSafeZone String Int None
AddGagBinding String String String Int String AddGagBinding(InteriorName, GagFileName, CycleMode, Weight, SoundResourceName);
SetPostLevelFMV String None
SetHitNRun Int None
SetObjDistance Int None
SetMusicState String String None
SetIrisWipe Float None
RemoveDriver String None
RemoveNPC String None
AddDriver String String None
SetCharacterToHide String None
SetLevelOver Int None
GagCheckCollCards String String String String String None
GagCheckMovie String String String String None
GagSetSoundLoadDistances Int Int None
BindCollectibleTo Int Int None
AddShield String String None
SetStatepropShadow String String None
AddFlyingActorByLocator String String String String None
AddCollectibleStateProp String String Int None
SetPickupTarget String None
SetObjTargetBoss String None
AllowRockOut Int None
ShowHUD String None
SetGameOver Int None
GoToPsScreenWhenDone Int None
SetMass Float help your goddamn self
SetGasScale Float help your goddamn self
SetSlipGasScale Float help your goddamn self
SetBrakeScale Float help your goddamn self
SetTopSpeedKmh Float help your goddamn self
SetMaxWheelTurnAngle Float help your goddamn self
SetHighSpeedSteeringDrop Float help your goddamn self
SetTireGrip Float help your goddamn self
SetNormalSteering Float help your goddamn self
SetSlipSteering Float help your goddamn self
SetEBrakeEffect Float help your goddamn self
SetSlipSteeringNoEBrake Float help your goddamn self
SetSlipEffectNoEBrake Float help your goddamn self
SetCMOffsetX Float help your goddamn self
SetCMOffsetY Float help your goddamn self
SetCMOffsetZ Float help your goddamn self
SetSuspensionLimit Float help your goddamn self
SetSpringK Float help your goddamn self
SetDamperC Float help your goddamn self
SetSuspensionYOffset Float help your goddamn self
SetHitPoints Float help your goddamn self
SetBurnoutRange Float help your goddamn self
SetMaxSpeedBurstTime Float help your goddamn self
SetDonutTorque Float help your goddamn self
SetWeebleOffset Float help your goddamn self
SetWheelieRange Float help your goddamn self
SetWheelieOffsetY Float help your goddamn self
SetWheelieOffsetZ Float help your goddamn self
SetShadowAdjustments Float Float Float Float Float Float Float Float Move the shadow points around
SetCharactersVisible Int help your goddamn self
SetIrisTransition Int help your goddamn self
SetCharacterScale Float help your goddamn self
SetGamblingOdds Float Set Gambling Odds
SetDriver String help your goddamn self
SetHasDoors Int help your goddamn self
SetShininess Float Set the environmental reflection 0 to 1
SetHighRoof Int help your goddamn self
SetHighSpeedGasScale Float help your goddamn self
SetGasScaleSpeedThreshold Float help your goddamn self
SetAllowSeatSlide Int help your goddamn self
ClearVehicleSelectInfo String String String None
AddFlyingActor String String String String String None
SetCollisionAttributes String String String String None
AddSpawnPoint String String String String String String String String None
GagSetWeight String None
GagSetLoadDistances String String None
SetTotalWasps String String None
AddGlobalProp String None
EnableHitAndRun String None
SetHitAndRunMeter String None
SetChaseSpawnRate String String None
KillAllChaseAI String None
ResetHitAndRun String None
SetHitAndRunDecayInterior String None
SetMissionNameIndex String None
AddBonusObjective String String None
AttachStatePropCollectible String String None
MoveStageVehicle String String String None
SetStageCamera String String String None
SetBonusMissionStart String None
PlacePlayerAtLocatorName String None
msPlacePlayerCarAtLocatorName String None
ClearTrafficForStage String None
SetStageAIEvadeCatchupParams String String String None
AllowUserDump String None
SetVehicleToLoad String String String None
SetConversationCamName String x
SetConversationCamPcName String None
SetConversationCamNpcName String None
SetConversationCamDistance String String None
CharacterIsChild String None
SetCarStartCamera String None
SetPlayerCarName String String None
SetRespawnRate String String None
ActivateTrigger String None
DeactivateTrigger String None
CreateAnimPhysObject String String None
CreateActionEventTrigger String String String String String None
LinkActionToObjectJoint String String String String String None
LinkActionToObject String String String String String None
SetCharacterPosition String String String Sets the character position
ResetCharacter String String Sets the character to the named locator