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Monad analogy counterexamples

Monads are containers


Counterexample 1: Proxy

A Proxy is a data type that does not contain anything and does nothing except being Proxy. It’s the pathological example of a monad.

data Proxy a = Proxy

instance Functor Proxy where
    fmap _ _ = Proxy
instance Applicative proxy where
    pure _ = Proxy
    _ <*> _ = Proxy
instance Monad Proxy where
    _ >>= _ = Proxy

Counterexample 2: Parser

A simple parser type is

newtype Parser a = Parser (String -> [(String, a)])

This stands for taking an input String, and generating a list of remaining input and parsed data structure pairs.

This type can be given a Monad instance, and we can write the usual things we like to do with parsers with it. At no point however does a value of type Parser a contain an a though. We can work with hypothetical as in monadic binds, but those don’t exist until we step out of the monadic computation, unwrap, and apply the parser to an input stream.

Monads are pipelines

Chains of >>= are not evaluated from left to right in any way different than chains of function applications (because >>= is an ordinary function). And functions can be evaluate in any order the compiler wants them to, up to data dependencies which demand a result to be there before being able to continue.

Counterexample: Reverse State

The reverse state monad is an absurd example of how to break left-to-right resembling data flow.

The ordinary State Monad is defined as follows:

newtype State s a = State { runState :: a -> (s, a) }

instance Functor State ...
instance Applicative State where pure x = State (\s -> (s, x)) ...
instance Monad State where
    m >>= f = State (\s1 ->
        let (s2, x2) = runState m s1
            (s3, x3) = runState (f x2) s2
        in (s3, x3)

The idea here is to compute the current value depending on the current state, and then doing a state transition using the function f based on the new state.

In writing this, one can make a small but consequential mistake, by writing

m >>= f = State (\s1 ->
    let (s3, x2) = runState m s2
        (s2, x3) = runState (f x2) s1
    in (s3, x3)

where s2 and s3 have been mixed up in the let block. This yields the behaviour that the states go in the other direction as the values. Putting this into the pipeline analogy means that there is flow in both directions at the same time while working towards a common goal. There is a short article by Luke Palmer that shows how to calculate the Fibonacci series with this, where it seems like the Fibonacci series is constructed by supposing it’s there and then taking all elements away from it!