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Build your own analytics - A single library to grabs every click, touch, page-view, and fill — forever.


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A javascript library to capture every user interactions, it provides an easiest and most comprehensive way to automatically capture the user interactions on the website, from the moment of installation forward. A single snippet grabs every click, touch, select, and fill — forever.

This library is build with extensibility in mind, it is easy to extend and customize to fit your needs with the help of the plugin system.


  • Automatically captures every user interactions, such as
    • Tap
      • Click
      • Touch
      • Double Tap
      • Right Click
    • Form
      • Input
      • Select
      • Change
      • Submit
      • Reset
    • Scroll
    • Mouse Movement
    • Swipe
    • Page
      • Load
      • Unload
      • Change
    • Video
      • Play
      • Pause
      • End
      • Seek
      • Volume Change
  • Build-in Plugins
    • Tap - Capture the tap related events (Source)
    • Scroll - Capture the scroll event (Source)
    • Mouse Movement - Capture the mouse movement (Source)
    • Page - Capture the page related events (Source)
    • Form - Capture the form related events (Source)
    • Swipe - Capture the swipe related events (Source)
    • Video - Capture the video related events (Source)
  • Extendable with custom plugins
  • Lightweight and easy to use

Use Cases

  • User Behavior Analysis - Understand how users interact with your site, and how they use your site to achieve their goals.
  • Track User Journeys - Track the user journeys from the moment they land on your site, to the moment they leave.
  • Custom Analytics Tool - Build your own analytics tools and libraries using AutoCapture.js to track user behavior, and use the data to improve your site. e.g. Heatmap, Session Replay, etc.

Live Demo


AutoCapture.js is still in development, right now it is in the alpha stage, and it is not ready for production use. The API is not stable yet, and it is subject to change.


npm install autocapture.js


<script src=''></script>

Importing library

You can import the library in your project using the following:

import { AutoCapture } from 'autocapture.js';

And to install internal plugins, you can import the plugins in your project using the following:

import { ScrollPlugin, MouseMovementPlugin, PageViewPlugin } from 'autocapture.js';

AutoCapture.use(new ScrollPlugin());
AutoCapture.use(new MouseMovementPlugin());
AutoCapture.use(new PageViewPlugin());

However, you can use CDN to import the library's UMD build in a browser and start using it right away.

Note that the UMD build includes all the plugins, and you don't need to install them separately.

<script src=''></script>


Using AutoCapture.js is very simple, now you just need to initialize the library with your preferred options.

 const instance = new AutoCapture({
  safelist: ['input[type="password"]'],
  persistence: 'memory',
  capture: ['tap', 'form', 'page'],
  onEventCapture: (event) => {
    console.log('Event stored', event)

    // Send event to the server
    // ...


Simple as that - AutoCapture.js will automatically capture all the user interactions on your site, from the moment of installation forward.

Notable Control Options

  • Safelist - Safelist is a list of CSS selectors that you want to ignore. For example, you can ignore all the password inputs by adding input[type="password"] to the safelist.
  • Persistence - Persistence is the way you want to store the captured events. You can choose between memory , localStorage, sessionStorage and none. memory is the default value.
    • memory - Events are stored in memory and are lost when the page is refreshed.
    • localStorage - Events are stored in the browser's local storage and are persisted across sessions.
    • sessionStorage - Events are stored in the browser's session storage and are lost when the browser is closed.
    • none - Events are not stored anywhere.
  • Capture - Capture is the list of plugin name. You can choose between tap, scroll, mouse-movement, page , video, form, swipe. tap. But make sure you have installed the plugins you want to use.
  • onEventCapture - onEventCapture is a callback function that will be called every time an event is captured. You can use this callback to send the captured events to your server.
    • You can use this callback to send the captured events to your server.
    • You can use this callback to persist the captured events in your own way.
    • You can use this callback to send the captured events to your own analytics tool.

Complete Options List

See the Options interface for the complete list of options.

Option Type Default Description
safelist Array [] Safelist is a list of CSS selectors that you want to ignore. For example, you can ignore all the password inputs by adding input[type="password"] to the safelist.
persistence String 'memory' Persistence is the way you want to store the captured events. You can choose between memory, localStorage, sessionStorage and none. memory is the default value.
capture Array ['tap', 'form', 'page'] A list of plugins to use. Defaults to ['tap', 'form', 'page'].
onEventCapture Function (capturedEvent: any) => {} onEventCapture is a callback function that will be called every time an event is captured. You can use this callback to send the captured events to your server.
elements Array ['a', 'button', 'form', 'input', 'select', 'textarea', 'label'] A list of elements to capture events from.
attributes Array ['text', 'className', 'value', 'type', 'tagName', 'href', 'src', 'id', 'name', 'placeholder', 'title', 'alt', 'role'] A list of attributes to capture from the elements.
sessionId String '' Custom session id, you can provide your own visitor id to track the user or use the auto generated one as a default.
payload Object {} Custom payload to be sent with each event.
maxEvents Number 100 Specify the maximum number of events to store in the memory, local storage, or session storage and when the limit is reached, the oldest event will be removed.
maskTextContent Boolean false Specify if you want to mask the text content of the elements.

Available Public Methods

Method Description
start Start capturing events.
stop Stop capturing events.
clearCapturedEvents Clear all the captured events from storage.
getCapturedEvents Get all the captured events.
unregisterPlugin To unregister the installed plugins from the instance.

Sample Captured Events

  "event": "click",
  "timestamp": "2022-11-03T19:04:22.538Z",
  "target": {
    "selector": "button",
    "attributes": {
      "text": "Click Me",
      "className": "btn btn-primary",
      "type": "button",
      "tagName": "BUTTON",
  "meta": {
    "devicePixelRatio": 2,
    "isBot": false,
    "isMobile": false,
    "isTouch": false,
    "referrer": "",
    "screen": {
      "width": 1512,
      "height": 982
    "window": {
      "width": 793,
      "height": 772
    "scrollDepth": 0,
    "timestamp": 1665935720295,
    "timezone": -300,
    "url": "",
    "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:105.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/105.0"
  "session": "b5b9b9b0-5b9b-4b9b-9b9b-b9b9b9b9b9b9",
  "details": {}

Details fields are plugin specific. For example, the form plugin will add the form details to the details field.

Tap Plugin details field output

  "details": {
    "type": "dblclick",
    "x": 123,
    "y": 123

Form Plugin details field output

  "details": {
   "type": "input",
    "name": "email",
    "action": "",
    "method": "POST"

Page Plugin details field output

  "details": {
    "type": "page-load"

Mouse Movement Plugin details field output

  "details": {
    "x": 123,
    "y": 123

Scroll Plugin details field output

  "details": {
    "direction": "down",
    "percentage": 50,
    "speed": 100,
    "size": 100

You can check the output of the other plugins in the Plugin folder.

Extending AutoCapture.js

You can extend AutoCapture.js by creating a new plugin. A plugin is a class that extends the PluginBuilder class.

import { PluginBuilder } from 'autocapture.js';

class MyPlugin extends PluginBuilder {
  // Key is the name of the plugin and should be unique.
  // Also the key is the required parameter.
  key = 'some-new-plugin';

   *  Method to bind the event listener to the elements using the DOMEvent class.
   *  This method is required and should be implemented.
  bind() {
    // This method is called when the plugin is initialized.
    // You can bind any event listeners here.

    // The importent thing is to return the array of objects with the following structure.
    return [
        // The name of the event to added in payload. (Required)
        name: 'content-loaded',
        // The element to bind the event listener to. (Required)
        target: document,
        // The event to listen to. (Required)
        event: 'DOMContentLoaded',
        // The callback function to call when the event is triggered. (Required)
        callback: this._privateMethod,
        // The options to pass to the addEventListener method. (Optional)
        options: false,
        // The throttling time in milliseconds. (Optional)
        throttle: 1000,
        // The condition function to check if the event should be captured. (Optional)
        condition: (event) => true
      // ... You can add more objects here.


   * Your private methods.
  _privateMethod() {
    // ...
    // your code here

    // your callback function should return an object that object will be passed to the event payload.
    return {
      'user-data': {
        id: 1,
        name: 'John Doe'

Check out the Tap/Click Plugin for a sample plugin.


Made with ❤️ by @seeratawan01.


MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.