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SynapseAPI - Serverless Vector Embeddings API using Cloudflare's Vectorize and OpenAI


This is a Cloudflare Worker with OpenAPI 3.1 using itty-router-openapi.

This project is a quick start into building OpenAPI compliant Workers that generates the openapi.json schema automatically from code and validates the incoming request to the defined parameters or request body.

Key Features

  • Serverless
  • Globally distributed, with data replication across multiple zones, ensuring a high level of availability and resiliency
  • Simple API endpoints with OpenAPI support and request validation
  • Batch vector embedding and insertion
  • Embedding model consistency across namespaces - by utilizing Cloudflare D1 as namespace metadata layer, the API ensures that all vectors in a given namespace are automagically embedded using the same model

Get Started

  1. Sign up for a paid Cloudflare Workers account. You will need to purchase a $5/month plan.
  2. Sign up (or sign in if you already have an account) for OpenAI API access and obtain an API key
  3. Run the following:
git clone
cd synapse-api
yarn install
  1. Create a .dev.vars file in the root of the project. Add an env entry for OPENAI_API_KEY, setting the value to the API key generated in step #2.
  2. Run yarn wrangler login to auth with your Cloudflare account using wrangler
  3. Run yarn create-db to create a D1 database (name defaults to synapse - you can override it in the package.json file)


This will append to the project's wrangler.toml file. It will look something like the following:

binding = "DB" # i.e. available in your Worker on env.DB
database_name = "synapse"
database_id = "40fde3cc-1b73-4bc8-b66b-79ae3f2e2ba8"


The binding above enables a Cloudflare Worker to connect to the Cloudflare D1 database. Bindings allow Workers to access other Cloudflare resources, e.g., Vectorize and D1.

  1. Run yarn create-db-schema to create the relevant tables for your D1 metadata layer.
  2. Run yarn create-vectorstore --dimensions=1024 --metric cosine.


As shown in the above yarn command, you will need to specify dimensions and distance metric params. See here for an up-to-date list of allowed values. At the time of writing, the following are supported:

  • cosine
  • euclidean
  • dot-product.

The max dimensions value at the time of writing is 1536 (which appears to originate from OpenAI's ada-002 embedding model output size). See here for more information on why dimensions are relevant.

Both the metric and dimensions values for an index are fixed, and cannot be changed once the Vectorize index has been created.

  1. Run yarn deploy to deploy the API to production, making it accessible remotely.
  2. Navigate to (replace yourusername with your Cloudflare workers username) to view your deployment's OpenAPI docs.

Getting Started Examples

Insert vectors

curl '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
  "vectors": [
      "text": "embedded text example",
      "metadata": {
        "userId": "1"
  "model": "text-embedding-3-large"

Query vectors

curl '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
  "inputs": "embedded text query" 

Query vectors

curl '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
  "inputs": "embedded text query" 

List namespace vectors

curl ''

Create a namespace

curl '' \
--header 'Content-Type: text/plain' \
--data '{
  "name": "users",
  "model": "text-embedding-3-large",
  "description": "all users"

List namespaces

curl ''

API Endpoints

POST /api/namespaces/:namespace/insert

Insert one or more embedding vectors

Path Params

  • namespace: string: Name of the namespace in which vectors are being inserted. Automatigcally created if the namespace doesn't already exist.

Request Body


    "vectors": [{
        "text": "embed text #1",
        "metadata": '{"userId": 1}'
    "model": "text-embedding-3-large" 


    vectors: { 
        text: string, 
        metadata: string (JSON-encoded object) [optional],
        id: string [optional, defaults to a UUID] 
    model: string


    "vectors": [
        "id": "48a4fcee-1b02-4fa0-92c2-22c1213e7434",
	    "source": "embed text #1",
	    "metadata": {"userId": 1},
	    "values": [0.015899453, 0.010525339, -0.016939605, ..., -0.025731359],
	    "model": "text-embedding-3-large"

POST /api/namespaces/:namespace/query

Query a namespace Generates an embedding using the model associated with the namespace, and queries the embedding output against the existing vectors in the namespace.

Path Params

  • namespace: string: Name of the namespace against which vector queries are performed

Query Params

  • topK: number: Returns up to K matches [optional, defaults to 10]
  • returnValues: boolean: Return matching vector values [optional, defaults to false]
  • returnMetadata: boolean: Return matching vector metadata [optional, defaults to false]
  • similarityCutoff: number: Restrict matches to only those with a score exceeding the threshold [optional]

Request Body


    "inputs": "embed text #2" 


    "inputs": string


    "success": true,
    "matches": [{
        "id": "48a4fcee-1b02-4fa0-92c2-22c1213e7434",
	    "source": "embed text #1",
	    "metadata": {
            "userId": 1
	    "score": 0.95,

POST /api/namespaces/

Create a namespace (a partition key within an index)

Request Body


    "vectors": [{
        "text": "embed text #1",
        "metadata": '{"userId": 1}'
    "model": "text-embedding-3-large" 


    vectors: { 
        text: string, 
        metadata: string (JSON-encoded object) [optional],
        id: string [optional, defaults to a UUID] 
    model: string


    "vectors": [
        "id": "48a4fcee-1b02-4fa0-92c2-22c1213e7434",
	    "source": "embed text #1",
	    "metadata": {"userId": 1},
	    "values": [0.015899453, 0.010525339, -0.016939605, ..., -0.025731359],
	    "model": "text-embedding-3-large"

GET /api/namespaces/

List namespaces

Query Params:

  • offset: number [optional, defaults to 0]
  • limit: number [optional, defaults to 10]


    "namespaces": [
            "id": "bb21cf54-e42d-4bf1-b188-804c0a883c6c",
            "name": "customers",
            "dimensionality": 1024,
            "distance": "cosine",
            "indexName": "synapse",
            "model": "text-embedding-3-large"

GET /api/namespaces/:namespace/

Retrieve a namespace by name

Path Params

  • namespace: string: Name of the namespace to be retrieved


    "namespace": {
        "id": "bb21cf54-e42d-4bf1-b188-804c0a883c6c",
        "name": "customers",
        "dimensionality": 1024,
        "distance": "cosine",
        "indexName": "synapse",
        "model": "text-embedding-3-large"

DELETE /api/namespaces/:namespace/

Delete a namespace by name

Path Params

  • namespace: string: Name of the namespace to be deleted


    "success": true

GET /api/namespaces/:namespace/vectors

List vectors associated with a given namespace

Path Params

  • namespace: string: Name of the namespace for which to retrieve vectors

Query Params

  • offset: number [optional, defaults to 0]
  • limit: number [optional, defaults to 10]
  • returnValues: boolean [optional, defaults to false]
  • returnMetadata: boolean [optional, defaults to false]


    "vectors": [
            "id": "48a4fcee-1b02-4fa0-92c2-22c1213e7434",
            "source": "embed text #1",
            "metadata": {"userId": 1},
            "values": [0.015899453, 0.010525339, -0.016939605, ..., -0.025731359],
            "model": "text-embedding-3-large"

GET /api/namespaces/:namespace/:vectorId/

Retrieve a specific vector in a given namespace

Path Params

  • namespace: string: Name of the namespace to be deleted
  • vectorId: string: ID of the vector to be deleted


    "vector": {
        "id": "48a4fcee-1b02-4fa0-92c2-22c1213e7434",
        "source": "embed text #1",
        "metadata": {"userId": 1},
        "values": [0.015899453, 0.010525339, -0.016939605, ..., -0.025731359],
        "model": "text-embedding-3-large"

DELETE /api/namespaces/:namespace/:vectorId/

Delete a vector in a given namespace

Path Params

  • namespace: string: Name of the namespace in which the vector to be deleted belongs
  • vectorId: string: ID of the vector to be deleted


    "success": true


By default, this project uses OpenAI's text-embedding-3-large model to embed the provided text. You may override this either by setting an alternative valid model name env DEFAULT_OPENAI_EMBEDDING_MODEL or when inserting an embedding vector.

You can only override the model request body param when inserting the very first vector into a namespace. Once a namespace has been created, the embedding model associated with the namespace becomes fixed. The rationale behind this is that the embeddings of particular model cannot be shared with the embeddings of anoher model - see here for more info. If you override the model request body param when inserting a vector, the namespace in which you are intending to insert the vecto


  • The project's Vectorize bindings (specified in the wrangler.toml file) only support a single vector index
  • Cloudflare's Vectorize offering currently has some significant limitations, including an upper limit of 200,000 vectors per index and 1000 namespaces per index. See here for up-to-date information on its limitations.
  • Cloudflare's D1 offering has a maximum database size of 2 GB. See here for up-to-date information on its limitations.


Access OpenAPI documentation at /docs.

Local Development

  1. Run yarn dev to start a local instance of the API.
  2. Open http://localhost:9000/ in your browser to see the Swagger interface where you can try the endpoints.
  3. Changes made in the src/ folder will automatically trigger the server to reload, you only need to refresh the Swagger interface.