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Envoy crash error when buffering incoming requests #376

yizhengx opened this issue Apr 20, 2023 · 2 comments

Envoy crash error when buffering incoming requests #376

yizhengx opened this issue Apr 20, 2023 · 2 comments


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Describe the bug / error

I was trying install some custom logic which basically performs rate limit with buffering. The logic looks like this: let's say we want limit the rate to 1/delay. Each worker thread maintains it own queue, a global shared data records the timeout of the last elements in the queues across all worker threads. Every time a http request comes in, it will be paused. Its contextID will be pushed into a queue with a timeout=shared_timeout+delay. The thread will periodically call ticker function to resume the execution of requests with passed timeout.

When I was running this with online-boutique, there are some crashes in the worker threads.

  1. Crash in frontend pod which accepts incoming HTTP/1.1 requests
2023-04-10T18:55:23.149999Z	critical	envoy backtrace external/envoy/source/server/backtrace.h:104	Caught Segmentation fault, suspect faulting address 0x1thread=49
2023-04-10T18:55:23.150031Z	critical	envoy backtrace external/envoy/source/server/backtrace.h:91	Backtrace (use tools/ to get line numbers):	thread=49
2023-04-10T18:55:23.150034Z	critical	envoy backtrace external/envoy/source/server/backtrace.h:92	Envoy version: 6e6b45cd824e414453ac8f0c81be540269ddff3e/1.25.2-dev/Clean/RELEASE/BoringSSL	thread=49
2023-04-10T18:55:23.150425Z	critical	envoy backtrace external/envoy/source/server/backtrace.h:98	#0: [0x7f49d74b6520]	thread=49
2023-04-10T18:55:23.160894Z	critical	envoy backtrace external/envoy/source/server/backtrace.h:96	#1: Envoy::Router::UpstreamCodecFilter::CodecBridge::decodeHeaders() [0x559b7e603dbd]	thread=49
2023-04-10T18:55:23.171185Z	critical	envoy backtrace external/envoy/source/server/backtrace.h:96	#2: Envoy::Http::Http1::ActiveClient::StreamWrapper::decodeHeaders() [0x559b7e331a4f]	thread=49
2023-04-10T18:55:23.181028Z	critical	envoy backtrace external/envoy/source/server/backtrace.h:96	#3: Envoy::Http::Http1::ClientConnectionImpl::onHeadersCompleteBase() [0x559b7e5248d1]	thread=49
2023-04-10T18:55:23.192287Z	critical	envoy backtrace external/envoy/source/server/backtrace.h:96	#4: Envoy::Http::Http1::ClientConnectionImpl::onHeadersCompleteBase() [0x559b7e524c32]	thread=49
2023-04-10T18:55:23.202275Z	critical	envoy backtrace external/envoy/source/server/backtrace.h:96	#5: Envoy::Http::Http1::ConnectionImpl::onHeadersCompleteImpl() [0x559b7e51f585]	thread=49
2023-04-10T18:55:23.212236Z	critical	envoy backtrace external/envoy/source/server/backtrace.h:96	#6: Envoy::Http::Http1::ConnectionImpl::onHeadersComplete() [0x559b7e51e918]	thread=49
2023-04-10T18:55:23.222220Z	critical	envoy backtrace external/envoy/source/server/backtrace.h:96	#7: http_parser_execute [0x559b7eb2f4ea]	thread=49
2023-04-10T18:55:23.232033Z	critical	envoy backtrace external/envoy/source/server/backtrace.h:96	#8: Envoy::Http::Http1::ConnectionImpl::dispatchSlice() [0x559b7e51de36]	thread=49
2023-04-10T18:55:23.241599Z	critical	envoy backtrace external/envoy/source/server/backtrace.h:96	#9: Envoy::Http::Http1::ConnectionImpl::dispatch() [0x559b7e51d62f]	thread=49
2023-04-10T18:55:23.251048Z	critical	envoy backtrace external/envoy/source/server/backtrace.h:96	#10: Envoy::Http::Http1::ClientConnectionImpl::dispatch() [0x559b7e51d1bd]	thread=49
2023-04-10T18:55:23.260364Z	critical	envoy backtrace external/envoy/source/server/backtrace.h:96	#11: Envoy::Http::CodecClient::onData() [0x559b7e3cc15dthread=49
2023-04-10T18:55:23.269611Z	critical	envoy backtrace external/envoy/source/server/backtrace.h:96	#12: Envoy::Http::CodecClient::CodecReadFilter::onData() [0x559b7e3cd9d5]	thread=49
2023-04-10T18:55:23.278945Z	critical	envoy backtrace external/envoy/source/server/backtrace.h:96	#13: Envoy::Network::FilterManagerImpl::onContinueReading() [0x559b7e7dc146]	thread=49
2023-04-10T18:55:23.288425Z	critical	envoy backtrace external/envoy/source/server/backtrace.h:96	#14: Envoy::Network::ConnectionImpl::onReadReady() [0x559b7e769538]	thread=49
2023-04-10T18:55:23.297707Z	critical	envoy backtrace external/envoy/source/server/backtrace.h:96	#15: Envoy::Network::ConnectionImpl::onFileEvent() [0x559b7e767073]	thread=49
2023-04-10T18:55:23.307032Z	critical	envoy backtrace external/envoy/source/server/backtrace.h:96	#16: std::__1::__function::__func<>::operator()() [0x559b7e75c3f1]	thread=49
2023-04-10T18:55:23.316305Z	critical	envoy backtrace external/envoy/source/server/backtrace.h:96	#17: Envoy::Event::FileEventImpl::assignEvents()::$_1::__invoke() [0x559b7e75d90c]	thread=49
2023-04-10T18:55:23.325580Z	critical	envoy backtrace external/envoy/source/server/backtrace.h:96	#18: event_process_active_single_queue [0x559b7eb3c0f0]thread=49
2023-04-10T18:55:23.334778Z	critical	envoy backtrace external/envoy/source/server/backtrace.h:96	#19: event_base_loop [0x559b7eb3ab01]	thread=49
2023-04-10T18:55:23.344077Z	critical	envoy backtrace external/envoy/source/server/backtrace.h:96	#20: Envoy::Server::WorkerImpl::threadRoutine() [0x559b7e02e3bd]	thread=49
2023-04-10T18:55:23.353404Z	critical	envoy backtrace external/envoy/source/server/backtrace.h:96	#21: Envoy::Thread::ThreadImplPosix::ThreadImplPosix()::{lambda()#1}::__invoke() [0x559b7eb42733]	thread=49
2023-04-10T18:55:23.353536Z	critical	envoy backtrace external/envoy/source/server/backtrace.h:98	#22: [0x7f49d7508b43]	thread=49
Http1::ConnectionImpl 0x559b85b39208, dispatching_: 1, dispatching_slice_already_drained_: 0, reset_stream_called_: 0, handling_upgrade_: 0, deferred_end_stream_headers_: 0, processing_trailers_: 0, buffered_body_.length(): 0, header_parsing_state_: Field, current_header_field_: , current_header_value_: 
  ':status', '200'
  'set-cookie', 'shop_session-id=936aa98f-5bf2-4b12-b850-aa180fc80684; Max-Age=172800'
  'date', 'Mon, 10 Apr 2023 18:55:23 GMT'
  'content-type', 'text/html; charset=utf-8'
  'transfer-encoding', 'chunked'
Dumping corresponding downstream request:
2023-04-10T18:55:24.307705Z	info	ads	ADS: "@" terminated
2023-04-10T18:55:24.307710Z	info	ads	ADS: "@" terminated
  1. Crash in other pods which accepts incoming gRPC calls. This happens mostly during the end of experiments. Not sure if it's because envoy tries to resume the http requests while the connection is closed.
2023-04-10T19:25:09.865055Z	error	envoy wasm external/envoy/source/extensions/common/wasm/	Function: proxy_on_request_body failed: Uncaught RuntimeError: unreachable
Proxy-Wasm plugin in-VM backtrace:
  0:  0x10a9 - runtime._panic
  1:  0xdcc9 - proxy_on_request_body	thread=39

What is your Envoy/Istio version?


What is the SDK version?

latest repo with commit 19b7668

What is your TinyGo version?


URL or snippet of your code including Envoy configuration

const sharedDataKey = "last_timeout"

var tickMilliseconds uint32 = 1
var delay uint64 = 5

type queueEntry struct {
	contextID uint32
	timeout   uint64

/* ----------------------------- QueueImpl ----------------------------- */

type Queue struct {
	maxsize int
	array   [1024]queueEntry
	head    int
	tail    int

func (this *Queue) Push(val queueEntry) {
	this.array[this.tail] = val
	this.tail = (this.tail + 1) % this.maxsize

func (this *Queue) Pop() queueEntry {
	val := this.array[this.head]
	this.head = (this.head + 1) % this.maxsize
	return val

func (this *Queue) Top() queueEntry {
	val := this.array[this.head]
	return val

func (this *Queue) IsFull() bool {
	return (this.tail+1)%this.maxsize == this.head

func (this *Queue) Size() int {
	return (this.tail + this.maxsize - this.head) % this.maxsize

/* ----------------------------- VMContext ----------------------------- */

type vmContext struct {
	// Embed the default VM context here,
	// so that we don't need to reimplement all the methods.

// Override types.VMContext.
func (*vmContext) OnVMStart(vmConfigurationSize int) types.OnVMStartStatus {
	proxywasm.LogWarnf("Start VM with version 6: ringQueue+remove-max")
	initialValueBuf := make([]byte, binary.MaxVarintLen64)
	binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(initialValueBuf, uint64(time.Now().UnixMicro()))
	if err := proxywasm.SetSharedData(sharedDataKey, initialValueBuf, 0); err != nil {
		proxywasm.LogWarnf("error setting shared data on OnVMStart: %v", err)
	return types.OnVMStartStatusOK

// Override types.DefaultVMContext.
func (*vmContext) NewPluginContext(contextID uint32) types.PluginContext {
	return &pluginContext{
		contextID: contextID,
		queue: &Queue{
			maxsize: 1024,
			tail:    0,
			head:    0,

/* ----------------------------- PluginContext ----------------------------- */

type pluginContext struct {
	// Embed the default plugin context here,
	// so that we don't need to reimplement all the methods.
	contextID uint32
	queue     *Queue

func parseConfig() {
	data, err := proxywasm.GetPluginConfiguration()
	if err != nil {
		proxywasm.LogWarnf("failed to get plugin config %v", err)
	configs := strings.Split(strings.Trim(string(data), "{}"), ",")
	for _, config := range configs {
		key_value := strings.Split(config, ":")
		if strings.Trim(key_value[0], " \"") == "delay" {
			value, _ := strconv.Atoi(strings.Trim(key_value[1], " \""))
			delay = uint64(value)
			proxywasm.LogWarnf("get plugin config, set delay to %v", delay)
		} else if strings.Trim(key_value[0], " \"") == "tick" {
			value, _ := strconv.Atoi(strings.Trim(key_value[1], " \""))
			tickMilliseconds = uint32(value)
			proxywasm.LogWarnf("get plugin config, set tick to %v", tickMilliseconds)

// Override types.DefaultPluginContext.
func (ctx *pluginContext) OnPluginStart(pluginConfigurationSize int) types.OnPluginStartStatus {
	if err := proxywasm.SetTickPeriodMilliSeconds(tickMilliseconds); err != nil {
		proxywasm.LogCriticalf("failed to set tick period: %v", err)
	return types.OnPluginStartStatusOK

// Override types.DefaultPluginContext.
func (ctx *pluginContext) OnTick() {
	for ctx.queue.Size() != 0 {
		first := ctx.queue.Top()
		if first.timeout <= uint64(time.Now().UnixMicro()) {
			// proxywasm.LogWarnf("resume request with contextID=%d, msg counts to %d", first.contextID, ctx.queue.Size())
		} else {

// Override types.DefaultPluginContext.
func (ctx *pluginContext) NewHttpContext(contextID uint32) types.HttpContext {
	return &httpContext{
		contextID: contextID,
		pluginCtx: ctx,

/* ----------------------------- HTTPContext ----------------------------- */

type httpContext struct {
	// Embed the default http context here,
	// so that we don't need to reimplement all the methods.
	contextID uint32
	pluginCtx *pluginContext

func getSharedData() ([]byte, uint32, error) {
	value, cas, err := proxywasm.GetSharedData(sharedDataKey)
	for err != nil {
		proxywasm.LogWarnf("error getting shared data on OnHttpRequestHeaders: %v", err)
		value, cas, err = proxywasm.GetSharedData(sharedDataKey)
	return value, cas, err

func max(a uint64, b uint64) uint64 {
	if a >= b {
		return a
	return b

func getTimeout() uint64 {
	value, cas, err := getSharedData()
	buf := make([]byte, 8)
	val := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(value)
	timeout := max(val, uint64(time.Now().UnixMicro())) + delay
	binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(buf, timeout)
	err = proxywasm.SetSharedData(sharedDataKey, buf, cas)
	for err != nil {
		proxywasm.LogWarnf("error setting shared data on OnHttpRequestHeaders: %v, retry", err)
		value, cas, err = proxywasm.GetSharedData(sharedDataKey)
		val = binary.BigEndian.Uint64(value)
		timeout = val + delay
		binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(buf, timeout)
		err = proxywasm.SetSharedData(sharedDataKey, buf, cas)
	return timeout

// Override types.DefaultHttpContext.
func (ctx *httpContext) OnHttpRequestHeaders(numHeaders int, endOfStream bool) types.Action {
	if ctx.pluginCtx.queue.IsFull() {
		if err := proxywasm.SendHttpResponse(403, [][2]string{
			{"powered-by", "proxy-wasm-go-sdk!!"},
		}, []byte("rate limited, wait and retry."), -1); err != nil {
			proxywasm.LogErrorf("failed to send local response: %v", err)
		proxywasm.LogWarnf("Deny request")
		return types.ActionPause
	timeout := getTimeout()
	ctx.pluginCtx.queue.Push(queueEntry{contextID: ctx.contextID, timeout: timeout})
	// proxywasm.LogWarnf("postpone request with contextID=%d, msg counts to %d", ctx.contextID, ctx.pluginCtx.queue.Size())
	return types.ActionPause

/* ----------------------------- Main ----------------------------- */

func main() {

enovyfilter yaml

kind: EnvoyFilter
  name: $app-rate-limit-filter
      app: $app
  - applyTo: HTTP_FILTER
      context: SIDECAR_INBOUND
            name: envoy.http_connection_manager
              name: envoy.router
      operation: INSERT_BEFORE
        name: mydummy
                value: '{"delay": "${delay}", "tick": "${tick}"}'
              root_id: "rate-limit-filter"
                    filename: /var/local/wasm/rate-limit-filter.wasm
                runtime: envoy.wasm.runtime.v8
                vm_id: dcoz-vm

Additional context (Optional)

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@jcchavezs wanna take a look?

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Yeah I will check.

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