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Digital composition


Similar tools: RapidComposer, Orb Composer, ChordChord, Captain Chords Epic, Scaler, ChordPotion, Phrasebox. See YouTube comparisons

Screenshot 2022-02-15 at 5 32 25 PM

  • Will Kuhn, Ethan Hein. Electronic Music School: A Contemporary Approach to Teaching Musical Creativity

  • Антон Маскелиаде. Твой первый трек - Очень вдохновляющий учебник по созданию электронной музыки в Аблетоне для начинающих с посылом "у вас сразу всё начнёт получаться" и "не дайте внешней критике загубить ваш талант". Разбирает строение треков (элементы гармонии, форму, сведение), много примеров из Radiohead, есть разделы про психологию начинающего музыканта и сетап домашней студии. Также есть большое дружелюбное комьюнити, интенсивные курсы, ежемесячная рассылка, справочник по эффектам Аблетона

Screenshot 2022-01-21 at 2 07 44 PM

Screenshot 2023-05-26 at 00 31 32

Programming languages

Roughly, there are three types of tools to produce music (listed in descending popularity):

  • DAWs (Ableton is on the rise; Cubase, Logic, FLStudio also fall here)
  • visual programming languages (Max/MSP and PureData)
  • text-based programming languages

Inside the “text-based programming languages” group, SuperCollider seems to be the most popular among low-level. That is, there are high-level languages sitting on top of SuperCollider like TidalCycles or Sonic Pi which may be more popular and more modern and more useful for livecoding. There’s probably one for your favorite programming language.

Reddit community sizes:

  • Ableton 333k members
  • Max/MSP 11k
  • PureData 5.9k
  • SuperCollider 2.5k
  • TidalCycles 815

Also, OpenMusic

  • Tidal Cycles - A live coding environment with a painful setup that allows you to compose loops using code. Useful for very tricky rhythmic patterns. Watch people doing it. Also look at Hydra to code visuals for your algorave. Also a book edited by its creator describing the algorithmic landscape. Also Strudel

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