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A library for running tournaments

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'no-teg' (get-on backwards) is a library for running tournaments. In the beginning it will be simple i.e. setting up and advancing through different tournament styles. Eventually if things go smoothly the library will also compute data on the tournaments and players. Being open-source, I hope that people will add tournament styles and different analysis that are dependent on different games.


pip install no-teg

Usage example: Create and run a basic single elimination tourament.

import no_teg as nt
from no_teg.tourneys import single_elimination

p1 = nt.Player("P1")
p2 = nt.Player("P2")
p3 = nt.Player("P3")
p4 = nt.Player("P4")

MyGame = nt.Game()
MyTourney = single_elimination.Single_Elimination(MyGame)
MyTourney.add_players([p1, p2, p3, p4])
1: P2 (A) vs P1 (H)
2: P4 (A) vs P3 (H)

# arguments are matchup_id, away_score, home_score, extra stats (see Further Examples on docs page)
MyTourney.input_result(1, 3, 2, [])
MyTourney.input_result(2, 0, 4, [])

1: P2 (3) vs P1 (2)
2: P4 (0) vs P3 (4)

# P2 and P3 advance to the finals
1: P2 (A) vs P1 (H)
2: P4 (A) vs P3 (H)
3: P2 (A) vs P3 (H)

# P2 wins the tournament!
MyTourney.input_result(3, 2, 1, [])
1: P2 (3) vs P1 (2)
2: P4 (0) vs P3 (4)
3: P2 (2) vs P3 (1)

Available Tourneys

  • Single_Elimination
  • Round_Robin

Makefile commands:

  • make: list available commands
  • make develop: install and build this library and its dependencies using pip
  • make build: build the library using setuptools
  • make lint: perform static analysis of this library with flake8 and black
  • make format: autoformat this library using black
  • make annotate: run type checking using mypy
  • make test: run automated tests with pytest
  • make coverage: run automated tests with pytest and collect coverage information
  • make dist: package library for distribution