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GaSubtle - Generate Subtle Higher Order Mutants

GaSubtle is based on Java that uses genatic algorithm to generate subtle higher order mutants. For more details check our website.

Using the Tool

To run GaSubtle you can either use the GUI or the command line.


  • Open up the CMD.
  • Locate to the directory that contains GaSubtle-${version}.jar.
  • Execute java -cp GaSubtle-${version}.jar org.springframework.boot.loader.PropertiesLauncher <args>

replace with the VM arguments that you want to pass to GaSubtle

  • -b or --benchmark ➡️ specifies benchmark name, directory path should be [${home}/${benchmark}]
  • -h or --home ➡️ specifies the home default: [${current.path}/GaSubtle-home]
  • -s or --selection-strategy ➡️ sets selection strategy values: [ROULETTE_WHEEL, SUS, RANDOM, TOURNAMENT, TRUNCATION] default: uses all the selection stratiges


Just execute java -jar GaSubtle-${version}.jar

For the developers

If you want to edit the source code of GaSubtle just do the following:


Java SE Development Kit 8

GaSubtle is based on Java 8, so in order to run, compile and build the tool Java SE Development Kit 8 is required.

Project Lombok

Project Lombok is a java library that automatically plugs into your editor and build tools, spicing up your java. Never write another getter or equals method again. It is used to generate constructors, setter, getters, build methods, etc. using annotations only.

Download Project Lombok and run the downloaded file. It will ask you to locate you IDE installation directory. Press install and restart your IDE.


  • Download Lombok and open the downloaded file.
  • Locate your IDE and press install.
  • Restart your IDE.
  • Import the project to youe IDE as Maven project.

How To Use The API

	.mutationPercentage(10) \\ the mutation percentage
	.maxOrder(5) \\ max order of the HOMs not to be exceeded
	.runRepeat(1) \\ how many time to run the algorithm [for benchmarking]
        \\ stopping conditions, at least one should be provided
	.requiredSubtleHoms(1000) \\ stopping condition: minimum subtle HOMs needed
	.maxHoms(1500) \\ stopping condition: maximum HOMs to generate
	.maxGeneration(300) \\ stopping condition: maximum generation to reach
	.timeout(1000) \\ stopping condition: timeout in seconds
	.originalFile("/some/.java/file") \\ path to the original file
	.testCasesPath("/some/.class/test/path") \\ path to test cases
	.resultPath("/some/path") \\ path to store the results in
	.mutantsPath("/some/path") \\ path to store the mutants in
	.evaluation(new EvaluationDefaultImpl())
	.evaluation(new EvaluationDefaultImpl())
	.crossover(new CrossoverDefaultImpl())
	.mutation(new MutationDefaultImpl())
	.messageListener(new MessageListener() {
		public void info(String value) {
                        System.out.println("Info message from the GA is: "+ value);
		public void error(String value) {
		    System.out.println("There was an error:" + value);
		public void debug(String value) {
		    System.out.println("Debugging: "+ value);
	.geneticAlgorithmListener((int generation, int populationSize, int liveMutants, int subtleMutants)
			->"Generation [%s] Population [%s] Live Mutants [%s] Subtle Mutants [%s]",
					generation, populationSize, liveMutants, subtleMutants)))


You can build the project by executing mvn clean install


GNU General Public License v3.0