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Alkl58 edited this page Dec 16, 2020 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the NotEnoughAV1Encodes wiki!


  1. Install Microsoft .NET Framework and Microsoft Visual C++
  2. Download NEAV1E from the Github Release Tab (setup recommended)
  3. Install / Extract NotEnoughAV1Encodes
  4. Start the Program → Click Yes when the program asks to install missing dependencies. (It is recommended to install ffmpeg and aomenc)


The usage of NEAV1E should be pretty similar to HandBrake.

Here is a YouTube Tutorial:


  1. Open NotEnoughAV1Encodes.exe
  2. Select your video file / set video output
  3. Select the chunk length in seconds.
  4. Edit the encoding settings. (You can save the settings by clicking on "Save Settings". Saving/Loading multiple presets is possible!)
  5. Click on "Start Encode".

Other Information:

  • NEAV1E has a resume feature, which will automatically resume interrupted encodes.
  • If you press on cancel, the program will terminate ALL aomenc/rav1e/svt-av1/vp9 and ffmpeg processes. Don't press it if you have other encodes/instances running!
  • SVT-AV1 encoding is limited to one instance. This limitation can be overwritten in the program settings.
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