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Releases: AstraBert/everything-ai

everything-ai @ v3.0.0🤖

29 May 21:19
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  • 🦙 Added support for llama.cpp as inference engine to chat with your pdfs, backed by Qdrant as vector database
  • 😵 Small bugfixes in

everything-ai drawio

everything-ai @ v2.0.1🤖

28 May 20:17
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  • 🧬everything-ai-proteinfold interface now shows the 3D structure of a protein along with its molecular one, no more static backbone images
  • 🏋️everything-ai-autotrain now supports direct file uploading, without the need to specify the path

everything-ai drawio

everything-ai @ v2.0.0🤖

23 May 12:51
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New functionalities that were added since last release:

  • 🎙️🔊 Handle audio files or microphone recordings, classifying or transcribing them with almost every audio-classification and automatic-speech-recognition model on Hugging Face Hub.
  • 📽️ Generate video from text prompts with almost every text-to-video model on HuggingFace Hub (original architecture by Vasiliy Katsyka)
  • 🧬 Predict the 3D structure of proteins from their amino-acidic sequence, with EsmFold by AI at Meta
  • 🏋️ Finetune HF models on several downstream tasks with AutoTrain local integration (AutoTrain is developed by Abhishek Thakur)
  • 🗣️ Unleash powerful LLMs and exploit larger database collections for RAG with the integration of Hugging Face Spaces API and Supabase PostgreSQL databases.

everything-ai2 0 0 drawio

everything-ai @ v1.1.0🤖

09 May 23:49
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  • Added the possibility to perform reverse image search based on an image dataset uploaded by the user and on Qdrant vector databases🔥
  • Added GPU support for almost every model and task🚀
  • Added a new python package in the Dockerfile: datasets🥳

everything-ai @ v1.0.0🤖

06 May 00:16
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  1. Changed name from everything-rag to everything-ai
  2. User-friendly task, model and file selection interface (no longer CLI, but GUI with gradio)
  3. Multi-container application with docker compose up (simpler)
  4. New docker image on Docker Hub: astrabert/everything-ai
  5. Supports new tasks: text summarization, stable diffusion, image to text, image classification
  6. Added multilingual support for text generation and stable diffusion
  7. Text generation has now two options: agnostic text generation (no retrieval or prior knowledge) and retrieval text generation (retrieval with knowledge base)
  8. Switched from Langchain-supplied ChromaDB local storage to qdrant collections for retrieval knowledge bases
  9. Faster retrieval text generation inference

everything-rag @ v0.1.1🤖

07 Apr 20:07
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Docker image is now stable and supports all tasks both on Windows and on Linux. HF space was added, more troubleshooting cases and tags that give at-a-glance stats on the status of this repo.

everything-rag @ v0.1.0🤖

05 Apr 01:45
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Added Dockerfile and GradIO interface and the installable docker image as a package under the name

everything-rag @ v0.0.0🤖

03 Apr 22:42
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Base release for everything-rag