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A journalist that knows lots of news about AI!πŸ“°πŸ’»

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A journalist that knows lots of news about AI!

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This image was generated with Pollinations AI API

1. Introduction

supabase-ai-chat is natively developed as a Gradio-backed HF space and can be found here: it was developed to serve as a knowledgeable assistant in the field of AI news.

There is also a version built on top of Flowise but it is only a test deployment and, due to security reasons, its access is limited: you can request the access writing an email to this address in which you explain who you are and why you would want to use the application.

It is an application that exploits Supabase (the open-source alternative to Firebase) as a vector store to search for context information and HF Spaces API to query and retrieve responses from Phi-3-128K.

supabase-ai-chat was built selecting 5000 AI-related news articles from ai-tech-articles dataset on HF Hub, with the help of Supabase as a vector store (if you don't know what vectore stores are, here is an article that I wrote about them: "Vector databases explained"). Let's break dow the steps we need to take to build this application.

2. Pre-requisites

2a. Supabase

Before we start building our application, we will need to access Supabase: you can head over to their website and register through your GitHub account (which is definitely the simplest way to get access to their services).

Once your account has been created, you can go to "Dashboard" and select "New Project". This will take you to the actual project you can build and it will require you to name it and save a password: do not loose the password, because it will be useful later on.

After Supabase manages all the dependencies of your project, you will notice that there will be both an API Key and a Project URL that pop up as soon as you enter the page: they won't be useful to us for this project, but they can definitely be in the future.

Now make sure to go to "Project Settings > Database" and copy the Connection String: store it somewhere, for now, as it will be fundamental to build the application.

2b. HuggingFace

In order to get an Hugging Face account:

  • Go to Hugging Face from the link above and click on the Sign up bottom. Alternatively, you can directly follow this link.
  • Provide e-mail address and password
  • Follow the instructions as you are prompted by the registration procedure

3. Folder Setup

You will need to have a specific folder setup in order to build this application. You can achieve that setup by cloning the GitHub repository:

git clone
cd supabase-ai-chat

Let's now take a look at the repository:

β”œβ”€β”€ .env.example
β”œβ”€β”€ data
β”‚Β Β  └── ainews_5k.csv.gz
β”œβ”€β”€ requirements.txt

We have:

  •, which is the script we will be using to design our application
  •, which is the script where we will be storing useful classes and functions
  •, which is the script that we will upload our AI news to our Supabase project with
  • requirements.txt, which contains the needed dependencies for this project
  • data/ainews_5k.csv.gz, which is the compressed version of the file that stores all the 5000 news articles about AI
  • .env.example, which is the example file to store environment variables

We can set our environment up by running:

python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

And, on the other hand, we complete the configuration by renaming the .env.example file to .env and by substituting to the placeholder string associated with supabase_db environment variable. An example of that would be:


Remember that it is important to write postgresql at the beginning of the URL, and not only postgres, as the newest versions of vecs, the python package the serves as a PostgresSQL client, do not support this last variation of the baseurl.

4. Prepare Supabase Collection

Now that we have everything set up in terms of environment, we can upload the documents to our Supabase project, configuring them as a collection. We will be doing it using the script we downloaded earlier from GitHub.

Let's take a quick look at the code!

We start by importing the needed dependencies and loading the environment variable related to our Supabase database:

import vecs
from dotenv import load_dotenv
import os

DB_CONNECTION = os.getenv("supabase_db")

Then we move on to connect to Supabase client and create a new collection called documents, which will be receiving vectors embedding of a size of 348:

vx = vecs.create_client(DB_CONNECTION)

docs = vx.get_or_create_collection(name="documents", dimension=384)

Now we load the word-embedding model and proceed with the upsertion of the AI news to the Supabase collection (we need to read the csv, first):

import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv("data/ainews_5k.csv.gz")
idex = list(df["id"])
texts = list(df["text"])
data = [{'id': idex[i], 'content': texts[i], 'embedding': []} for i in range(len(texts))]

from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformers
encoder = SentenceTransformer("all-MiniLM-L6-v2")

for item in data:
    docs.upsert(records=[(item['id'],encoder.encode(item['content']).tolist(), {"Content": item['content']}),])

The last, but not least, portion of the code creates a vector index to ease the search for our retrieval algorithm:


5. Define Utilities

After having upserted the AI news to Supabase, we just need to define two classes that will help us managing the queries from the users.

The first one involves the possibility of translating the user's prompt from the original language to English, and then the response from English back to the original language:

from langdetect import detect
from deep_translator import GoogleTranslator

class Translation:
    def __init__(self, text, destination):
        self.text = text
        self.destination = destination
            self.original = detect(self.text)
        except Exception as e:
            self.original = "auto"
    def translatef(self):
        translator = GoogleTranslator(source=self.original, target=self.destination)
        translation = translator.translate(self.text)
        return translation

As you can see, we two python packages, langdetect and deep_translator, to achieve the goal.

The second class allows us to search a Supabase collection using a text query (which is transformed into vectors on the fly by the same encoder we used to upload everything to the collection).

class NeuralSearcher:
    def __init__(self, collection, encoder):
        self.collection = collection
        self.encoder = encoder
    def search(self, text):
        results = self.collection.query(
            data=self.encoder.encode(text).tolist(),  # required
            limit=1,                     # number of records to return
            filters={},                  # metadata filters
            measure="cosine_distance",   # distance measure to use
            include_value=True,         # should distance measure values be returned?
            include_metadata=True,      # should record metadata be returned?
        return results

For this simple example project, we do not define filters: this can be done for more advanced projects and more complex necessities.

6. Build the Application

Now that we have everything set up, we can actually build our Gradio application that will be hosted in HF Spaces.

We open and start by importing packages and defining constants:

import gradio as gr
from utils import Translation, NeuralSearcher
from gradio_client import Client
import os
import vecs
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer


collection_name = "documents"
encoder = SentenceTransformer("all-MiniLM-L6-v2")
client = os.getenv("supabase_db")
api_client = Client("eswardivi/Phi-3-mini-128k-instruct")
lan = "en"
vx = vecs.create_client(client)
docs = vx.get_or_create_collection(name=collection_name, dimension=384)

Now that we have defined our Supabase and Gradio API clients, we can finally build a function that takes the user query, recognizes the language, performs various translation tasks, retrieves some relevant information from Supabase collection, feeds them as context to Phi-3-128K along with the actual message from the user, and then finally gets a response. You can refer to the flowchart here, for a better visualization of the process:


Here is the function:

def reply(message, history):
    global docs
    global encoder
    global api_client
    global lan
    txt = Translation(message, "en")
    print(txt.original, lan)
    if txt.original == "en" and lan == "en":
        txt2txt = NeuralSearcher(docs, encoder)
        results =
        response = api_client.predict(
            f"Context: {results[0][2]['Content']}; Prompt: {message}",	# str  in 'Message' Textbox component
            0.4,	# float (numeric value between 0 and 1) in 'Temperature' Slider component
            True,	# bool  in 'Sampling' Checkbox component
            512,	# float (numeric value between 128 and 4096)
        return response
    elif txt.original == "en" and lan != "en":
        txt2txt = NeuralSearcher(docs, encoder)
        transl = Translation(message, lan)
        message = transl.translatef()
        results =
        t = Translation(results[0][2]['Content'], txt.original)
        res = t.translatef()
        response = api_client.predict(
            f"Context: {res}; Prompt: {message}",
        response = Translation(response, txt.original)
        return response.translatef()
    elif txt.original != "en" and lan == "en":
        txt2txt = NeuralSearcher(docs, encoder)
        results =
        transl = Translation(results[0][2]['Content'], "en")
        translation = transl.translatef()
        response = api_client.predict(
            f"Context: {translation}; Prompt: {message}",
        t = Translation(response, txt.original)
        res = t.translatef()
        return res
        txt2txt = NeuralSearcher(docs, encoder)
        transl = Translation(message, lan.replace("\\","").replace("'",""))
        message = transl.translatef()
        results =
        t = Translation(results[0][2]['Content'], txt.original)
        res = t.translatef()
        response = api_client.predict(
            f"Context: {res}; Prompt: {message}",	# str  in 'Message' Textbox component
        tr = Translation(response, txt.original)
        ress = tr.translatef()
        return ress

Now, in order to build the Chat Interface, Gradio offers solutions that hardly have competitors in terms of simplicity: as a matter of facts, we actually need one line of code to define the interface and one to launch it.

demo = gr.ChatInterface(fn=reply, title="Supabase AI Journalist")
demo.launch(server_name="", share=False)

Now, if you run:


From your terminal, in less than 30 seconds you will see that http://localhost:7860 gets crowded and fills with life: it's our chatbot! We can now query it by just writing a prompt and patiently waiting for the results to come!

We can also upload our repository to Spaces, or simply create a space here and paste the code we just write in files that are named as our local version of them.

I strongly suggest, for safety reasons, not to expose your .env file: you can set secret keys in the Space settings, and just import the keys by simply including:

client = os.getenv("your-key-name-here")

7. Conclusion

We now created our first Gradio application: this is the first time we build a fully front-end and back-end defined tool, without relying on third-party interfaces such as Telegram or Discord.

Moreover, we natively integrated in our project a vector database (Supabase) for text retrieval and a Large Language Model (Phi-3-128K) for text generation: we did everything with pure python and, what's even better, in less than 150 lines of code!