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Weather Station for my Greenhouse (WIP)

Image Description

Required Hardware

  • ESP32 based development board.
  • BME280 or BMP280 sensor.
  • Power supply, Powerbank (without low current shutoff), or something else to power your device.
  • Cables to connect things together.

How to run code from this repository

  1. Install Micropython (1.13+) on your ESP32 development board.
  2. Connect BME280 or BMP280 sensor to proper Pins.
  3. Modify configuration file.
  4. Upload all Python's .py files to your device (using Thonny or MPY-Jama).
  5. Reboot device and check terminal. Device will print messages on every important step (when booting, connecting to network, reading sensor, sending data, going to deep sleep).

Configuring device

You can configure your device by editing the file.
Below you see only the most important settings. You will find more inside the file.

# List of Wi-Fi networks
  {"ssid": "My-Awesome-Network-Name", "password": "neverGuess123"}

# List of servers (URL's to upload sensor readings; names are optional)
  {"name": "primary", "url": ""},
  {"name": "local", "url": ""},

# SCL and SDA pins for the sensor

Admin Mode (Work in Progress)

UI not included yet Code not fully implemented yet

Admin Mode creates an open network on the device. After connecting to the network, you can manage the device in a graphical interface. Admin Mode is mainly used to configure and debug the device.

To start device in Admin Mode you must have GPIO 16 and GPIO 17 pins connected (shorted with Jumper for example). Without this connection device will boot in Normal Mode.

However, you can change the ADMIN_MODE_REVERSED variable in configuration file to True. After making this change, you will need to connect the mentioned pins to boot in Normal Mode. Booting without connected pins will start the device in Admin Mode.

You can also specify in the configuration file which pins should be used for Admin Mode.

The Server

You can create your own server to receive data from the device. The server must be able to receive POST requests with JSON data. You can use any backend technology you want. If you will use Python for server, you can easily convert JSON data to a dictionary using json.loads() function.

Device sends JSON data to specified in configuration file URL's.
Below you can see an example of the data sent by the device.

  "temperature": 21.5,
  "humidity": 50.0,
  "pressure": 1013.25

The device will send only the readings that are available. If the device does not have the ability to measure something, it will not be included in the JSON data.

Example of server code (BUN.js)

Following code is based on this example from official documentation.

const server = Bun.serve({
  async fetch(req) {
    if (req.method === 'POST') {
      const data = await req.json();
      console.log('Received readings:', data);
      return Response.json({ status: 200 });
    return new Response('Page not found', { status: 404 });
console.log(`Listening on ${server.url}`);


Currently working on

  • Admin Mode + Web UI
  • In Admin Mode, force connected client to open a browser with the device's IP address (Captive Portal).
  • Scan for available Wi-Fi networks and display them in Admin Mode.

In the first place

  • Do better Wi-Fi connection handling


  • Do better keyboard interruptions. To have the ability to stop the program execution at any time (except when sleeping, ofc.). Currently, I have programmed it to work, but it can be done better. I need to think about it.
  • Better logging and add the option to disable logging to save energy (does it make sense?).
  • OTA updates, Pre-commit hook to generate hashes for all files, plus code backup (to prevent bricking the device)
  • Custom machine.wake_reason() for reboots to Admin Mode. If config is not correct, the device will reboot to Admin Mode.


Camelcase is used in the code because I came from the JavaScript world. I know that in Python, the convention is to use snake_case. Formatting in Python is also crazy for me, but I'm working on both of these things. I'm trying to find a good formatter.