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Updated documentation explaining how to run the AppStandalone project (
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akshaynarisetti committed Apr 28, 2024
2 parents 64985bc + b1b7b62 commit 76bf6a6
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Showing 3 changed files with 122 additions and 3 deletions.
125 changes: 122 additions & 3 deletions apps/AppStandalone/
Expand Up @@ -5,39 +5,158 @@ A new Flutter project.
## Getting Started

FlutterFlow projects are built to run on the Flutter _stable_ release.


This guide walks you through the steps required to run the app locally on your machine. Please
follow the instructions carefully to ensure a smooth setup.

### Prerequisites

Before starting, make sure you have the following installed:

- Flutter SDK
- Dart SDK
- Xcode (for iOS)
- Android Studio (for Android)
- CocoaPods (for iOS dependencies)
- Firebase account and [Firebase CLI](

### Setup Instructions

1. **Get Flutter Dependencies**:
From within `apps/AppStandalone`, install flutter packages:
flutter pub get

2. **Install iOS Pods**:
Navigate to the iOS directory and install the CocoaPods dependencies:
cd ios
pod install
pod repo update

3. **Environment Configuration**:
Rename the environment configuration file:
cd ..
mv .env.template .env

4. **Firebase Project**:
- Create a new project in [Firebase Console](
- Activate the FlutterFire CLI tool:
dart pub global activate flutterfire_cli
- Configure FlutterFire with your Firebase project:
flutterfire configure
Follow the prompts to select your project and target platforms (Android, iOS, Web).

5. **API Keys**:
Add your Firebase and other necessary API keys to the `.env` file.

6. **Run Build Runner**:
Generate necessary files with Build Runner:
dart run build_runner build

7. **Configure Xcode**:
- Open your iOS project in Xcode:
open ios/Runner.xcworkspace
- Set up the imageNotification and main app:
- For imageNotification:
- Select a team in Xcode.
- Set the identifier to `com.$your-username.friend-app-standalone.ImageNotification`.
- For the main app:
- Select a team in Xcode.
- Set the identifier to `com.$your-username.friend-app-standalone`.
- If you do not have a paid Apple Developer account, perform the following
- Remove Notifications and Sign In with Apple capabilities.
- Create an Entitlements file as shown below:
![Removing Capabilities](assets/docs/xcode-capabilities-to-remove.png)
- Ensure the project builds without errors in Xcode:
Product > Build
- Modify the routing on nav.dart (line 82) code to bypass login checks:
name: '_initialize',
path: '/',
builder: (context, _) => appStateNotifier.loggedIn
? entryPage ?? const HomePageWidget()
: const Onboarding1Widget(),
name: '_initialize',
path: '/',
builder: (context, _) => const HomePageWidget(),

8. **Run the App**:
- Select your target device in Xcode or Android Studio.
- Run the app.

By following these steps, you should be able to run the app on your local machine. If you encounter
any issues, please refer to the official Flutter and Firebase documentation, or check the community
forums for similar problems and solutions.

## Integration Tests

To test on a real iOS / Android device, first connect the device and run the following command from the root of the project:
To test on a real iOS / Android device, first connect the device and run the following command from
the root of the project:

flutter test integration_test/test.dart

To test on a web browser, first launch `chromedriver` as follows:

chromedriver --port=4444

You may need to run this if you get the following error


lib/env/env.dart:2:6: Error: Error when reading 'lib/env/env.g.dart': No such file or directory
part 'env.g.dart';


flutter pub run build_runner build

Then from the root of the project, run the following command:

flutter drive \
--driver=test_driver/integration_test.dart \
--target=integration_test/test.dart \
-d chrome

Find more information about running Flutter integration tests [here](
Find more information about running Flutter integration
tests [here](

Refer to this guide for instructions on running the tests on [Firebase Test Lab](
Refer to this guide for instructions on running the tests
on [Firebase Test Lab](
Binary file added apps/AppStandalone/assets/docs/team-selection.png
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