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An artificial intelligence environment enabling users to watch and attempt simulated solutions to the original 1980's Pac-Man arcade game.


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Final Year Project - Pac-Man Solutions

Pac-Man Solutions Logo
Documentation · License · Demo (Coming Soon)

python logo flask logo react logo typescript logo docker logo
An artificial intelligence environment enabling users to watch simulated solutions to the original 1980's Pac-Man arcade game.

Pac-Man Solutions Logo

Key Features

  • Simulate intelligent agents attempting to solve Pac-Man levels in a custom-built environment
  • Watch these solutions in an interactive React application
  • Develop agents to compete against the pre-built models

Getting Started

Below are the instructions required to get the application running locally. Only the back-end is required for a minimum application which will run on the command line, while the front-end is optional to aesthetically render solutions.

It should be noted that the applications can also be quickly run using Docker. Currently, the images are not hosted on a repository and so they must first be built, this can be done using the Docker Deployment steps.

Back-End (Solutions)

# once Python is successfully installed
pip install venv

# navigate to the backend directory
cd solving-pacman-backend
# create the virtual environment
python3 -m venv venv

# activate the virtual environment (windows)
# activate the virtual environment (unix)
source venv/bin/activate

# install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt

Once the environment is setup and activated, the driver script can be run:

❯ python3 -h
usage: [-h] [-l LEVEL] [-v] [-d] [-o OUTPUT_FILE] [-r RUNS] {server,local,analytics}

Pac-Man Solutions - Back-End: AI solutions to abstractions of Pac-Man levels.

positional arguments:
                        server = Run Flask server, local = Run single game, analytics = Run analytics tool

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -l LEVEL, --level LEVEL
                        specify level number as an integer

Local Script Options:
  -v, --verbose         enable verbose output - full final state printing
  -d, --debug           enable debug output - full final state printing + all noteworthy events

Analytics Options:
  -o OUTPUT_FILE, --output_file OUTPUT_FILE
                        write the output data to a file
  -r RUNS, --runs RUNS  the number of runs completed to assess performance

Front-End (React)

To setup and run the react application, npm >= 10.2.0 must be installed. For the React app to function correctly, the Flask server must be running.

# navigate to the front-end directory
cd solving-pacman-frontend
# install dependencies
npm install
# start the local server
npm start



This project makes use of pre-commit as a tool for development. Usage requires Python to be installed, however, this should already be installed should you have followed the installation steps.

# only run this if not already installed
pip install pre-commit
# the following command should be successful
pre-commit --version
# inside the project directory, run this command to install the git hook scripts
pre-commit install --hook-type pre-commit --hook-type pre-push

With this now configured, a series of jobs will now run upon every commit and push. Commit jobs will consist of linting whilst push jobs involve testing. See pre-commit-config.yaml for more detailed information.


Docker has been utilised to deploy the full-stack application. Docker images for the front and back-end applications are brought together using a Docker Compose file. Before following these steps, ensure Docker >= 20.10.23 and Docker Compose >= 3.8 are installed correctly.

Publishing a new version

When a new version of the application is ready, a new version of the docker images must also be generated. The version of the image must match the version given within the repository, and the latest tag should always be used to ensure the pointer is up to date.

# build the back-end image

# navigate to the directory
cd solving-pacman-backend
# building the image
docker build . --tag davidkidd/solving-pacman-backend:latest --tag davidkidd/solving-pacman-backend:{new-version-number}


# building the front-end image

# navigate to the directory
cd solving-pacman-frontend
# building the image
docker build . --tag davidkidd/solving-pacman-frontend:latest --tag davidkidd/solving-pacman-frontend:{new-version-number}

Running the images (individually)

# running the back-end
docker run -p 4000:4000 -d davidkidd/solving-pacman-backend:latest
# running the front-end
docker run -p 3000:80 -d davidkidd/solving-pacman-frontend:latest

Running the images (Using Docker Compose)

# run the following command from the project's root directory
docker compose up

Known Bugs


Stuttering Render

  • There is currently a visual bug where, whilst rendering the simulation, the state will jump suddenly and continue from a seemingly random point with agents in new positions not near their previous.
  • Once the same simulation is restarted, this event does not occur and so it appears to be a front-end issue with the way that the states are rendered.
  • It is not a commonly-occurring bug and so it has not been pinpointed yet, nor does it constitute a major issue



An artificial intelligence environment enabling users to watch and attempt simulated solutions to the original 1980's Pac-Man arcade game.





