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Grait React Native Boilerplate

A simple to use React Native boilerplate that we use as our base at Grait Interaction for our production line of React Native applications. It's a full featured boilerplate with redux, redux-persist and reactnavigation integrated, working out-of-the-box.


This boilerplate includes the following external packages preconfigured with the application.

  • Redux
  • Redux Persist
  • React Navigation
  • Immutable
  • Axios
  • Redux Promise Middleware

How to use this boilerplate

  1. Clone or download this repo.
  2. Put content inside your own repo. Make sure you copy hidden files as well
  3. Remove ios/ and android/ folders
  4. Open package.json and name field from GRNB to your project name
  5. open index.js and change app name GRNB to same name as in 4.
  6. run yarn install or npm install depending on your choice.
  7. run react-native upgrade to reinstall ios/ and android/ folders with the new project name

Run application

There are three prepared short commands to run your application yarn run ios will start ios simulator Iphone 8, yarn run iosxwill run ios simulator Iphone X and yarn run android will start android.

Folder Structure


This is where all React Native Javascript code goes. Inside this folder you'll find the following structure.

Structure Usage description
actions/ Place for redux actions
components/ Place for components
config/ Place for config files
config/api.js Api configuration file, set default urls etc here
config/router.js Router configuration file
config/store.js Redux store configuration file
modules/ Place for modules
reducers/ Place for Redux reducers
screens/ In this folder you place all your different screens that the app consists of. The screens you define in router.js
utils/ Utilities and tools
AppWithNavigation.js Only change if you need
index.js/ Only change if you need


External resources, We've put theme template files here

Other nice packages to grab
