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Dockerized version of kaspad, the Kaspa Daemon and it's cmdline tools.

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Kaspa as Docker container

Dockerized version of kaspad, the Kaspa Daemon and it's cmdline tools.


  • SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2022 Kaspa Developers
  • SPDX-License-Identifier: ISC


This repository contains some compose files for easy usage of provided Docker images. Additionally the Docker images could be built by yourself using provided Dockerfile and build helper script.

Run kaspad standalone

To simple start kaspad as a container, you can use docker-compose-kaspad.yaml like this:

❯ docker compose -f docker-compose-kaspad.yaml up --detach

This will start kaspad on a container instance and put all data onto a separate Docker volume. So these data is persistent and will be reused if the container is destroyed/restarted.

To see the logs just use this cmd:

❯ docker compose -f docker-compose-kaspad.yaml logs -f

Exit the log output using Ctrl-C.

To shutdown the instance properly, you should use this cmd:

❯ docker compose -f docker-compose-kaspad.yaml down

The Docker volume is still existing and will be reused with a subsequent start of the container, even if a completely new instance is spawned. The name of the volume will be created out of the folder name of this Git clone and the defined name on the Docker compose file. So without any further tweaks it should look like this:

❯ docker volume ls
local     docker-kaspad_kaspad1

Check the used diskspace:

❯ docker system df -v | grep kaspad1
docker-kaspad_kaspad1                     1         8.298GB
  • 1st col: Volume name
  • 2nd col: Amount of containers, on which this volume is mounted
  • 3rd col: Used disk space

Remove volume with docker volume rm <volume-name> i. e. like this:

❯ docker volume rm docker-kaspad_kaspad1

Run kaspad together with kaspawallet

With the compose file docker-compose-kaspawallet.yaml it is possible to run kaspad and kaspawallet. In detail there will be a container which runs kaspad and a second one which runs kaspawallet.

The kaspad Container is similar to the standalone version from the section before. The kaspawallet container interacts with the kaspad container and uses it's own Docker volume to persist data.

To simple start kaspad and kaspawallet as a containers, you can use docker-compose-kaspawallet.yaml like this:

❯ docker compose -f docker-compose-kaspawallet.yaml up --detach

This will start kaspad in one container instance and kaspawallet within another one. Each container instance will use it's own Docker volume to persist its data and reuse these volumes if the containers were destroyed/restarted.

To see the logs just use this cmd:

❯ docker compose -f docker-compose-kaspawallet.yaml logs -f

Exit the log output using Ctrl-C.

Within the log output you will see this line:

kaspawallet  | /root/.kaspawallet/kaspa-mainnet/keys.json not found, checking again in 60s

This is because kaspawallet is not configured at the moment. To do so, you need to enter the container instance using docker exec and setup kaspawallet as usual. This is a onetime step as all the data is stored on the persistent Docker volume.

Hint: Don't be confused about the weird hostname. It's generated by Docker.

❯ docker exec -it kaspawallet bash
24afcd531c88:/# kaspawallet create
Enter password for the key file:
Confirm password:

Important: Don't forget to store the seed words using kaspawallet dump-unencrypted-data!

As soon as the first step (kaspawallet create) is finished, the log output of the kaspawallet container instance will contain these lines:

kaspawallet  | 2023-01-01 19:32:27.520 [INF] KSWD: Listening to TCP on localhost:8082               <-- kaspawallet started
kaspawallet  | 2023-01-01 19:32:27.520 [INF] KSWD: Connecting to a node at kaspad...                <-- Go ahead and connect to kaspad on the other container instance
kaspad       | 2023-01-01 19:32:27.525 [INF] TXMP: RPC Incoming connection from #1 <-- kaspad get incoming connection from kaspawallet
kaspawallet  | 2023-01-01 19:32:27.530 [INF] KSWD: Connected, reading keys file ...                 <-- kaspawallet is connected
kaspawallet  | 2023-01-01 19:32:27.530 [INF] KSWD: Read, syncing the wallet...                      <-- Go ahead an sync
kaspawallet  | 2023-01-01 19:32:28.096 [INF] KSWD: Wallet is synced, ready for queries              <-- Sync finished, kaspawallet ready to use

Now you can work with the wallet on the cmdline within the Docker container:

❯ docker exec -it kaspawallet bash
24afcd531c88:/# kaspawallet balance
Total balance, KAS

Build from scratch

To build from scratch you can use the helper script This script will perform the following steps:

  • Optionally create and run a local Docker registry
    • To build multi arch images the usage of a Docker registry is required. So if you want to build pure locally (without pushing to a public registry), a local Registry is started.
  • Create a Docker BuildX builder instance
  • Build and push Docker images for all supported architectures
    • The "build" is a real build. To do so the kaspad Github repository is cloned. After that the latest release tag will be checked out and build. Currently (2023-01-01) this is v0.12.11. The resulting Docker image is based on Alpine Linux and contains the binaries genkeypair, kaspactl, kaspad, kaspaminer and kaspawallet, all installed at /usr/local/bin/ for easy usage.
    • Supported architectures are currently linux/arm64/v8 and linux/amd64.

Here's the help output of the build script:

❯ ./ -h

    Helper script to build and push multiarch kaspad Docker image.

    Per default a local Docker registry at port 5000 is spawned. To use, have a look at options -r and -a below.

    Usage: ./ [options]

    -a <account-name>
        .. If a remote registry shoule be used (see option -r), you need to
           give the corresponding account name. Currently only DockerHub is
    -b <builder_name>
        .. Name of Docker builder. Default: kaspa_builder
    -f  .. Force creation of Docker builder. If already existing, the
           builder will be removed and recreated.
    -p <platform-list>
        .. List of plattforms separated by comma.
           Default: linux/arm64/v8,linux/amd64
    -r  .. Use remote Docker registry. Without this option, a local registry
           instance at port 5000 will be spawned.
    -t <tag>
        .. Image tag to use. Default: latest
    -h  .. Show this help

Simple local build:

❯ ./
Info   : Checking local Docker registry
Info   :  -> Done
Info   : Get the image with the following cmd:
Info   : docker pull

Notice the last line on the output, which shows the cmd to pull the image.

Note: The IP there is automatically determined by the build script, used to access the local Docker registry and might be different at your setup. As the local build is using http, you need to activate usage of insecure registries on your Docker configuration and add the local registry explicitly.

Example for Docker Desktop (Windows):

  "insecure-registries": [

After this is configured, docker pull should work as expected:

❯ docker pull
latest: Pulling from docker-kaspad
Status: Downloaded newer image for

Build using remote registry

To build the images using a remote registry, you need to login to that registry, so that the build script is able to push the image layers and all the created metadata:

❯ docker login
Login with your Docker ID to push and pull images from Docker Hub. If you don't have a Docker ID, head over to to create one.
Username: hlxeasy
Login Succeeded

To push to a remote registry you need to use options -r and -a with your DockerHub account name. Example:

❯ ./ -r -a hlxeasy -t 1.0
Info   : Checking local Docker registry
Info   :  -> Done
Info   : Get the image with the following cmd:
Info   : docker pull hlxeasy/docker-kaspad:1.0

Happy Kaspa'ing! :-)


Dockerized version of kaspad, the Kaspa Daemon and it's cmdline tools.







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