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Java Data Structures and Algorithms

Welcome to the Java Data Structures and Algorithms repository! 🚀

This repository is dedicated to providing comprehensive implementations of data structures and algorithms in Java. Whether you're a beginner learning the basics or an experienced developer sharpening your skills, you'll find a wealth of resources here to help you succeed.

Table of Contents


Data structures and algorithms are fundamental concepts in computer science and software engineering. They play a crucial role in building efficient and scalable solutions to real-world problems. This repository aims to provide clear, concise, and well-documented implementations of various data structures and algorithms, along with explanations and examples.

Data Structures

Explore the implementations of essential data structures in Java:

  • Arrays
  • Linked Lists
  • Stacks
  • Queues
  • Trees (Binary Search Trees, AVL Trees, Red-Black Trees, etc.)
  • Graphs (Directed Graphs, Undirected Graphs, Weighted Graphs, etc.)
  • Hash Tables
  • Heaps
  • and more!

Each data structure comes with detailed documentation and example usage to help you understand how it works and how to use it in your projects.


Discover efficient algorithms implemented in Java:

  • Sorting Algorithms (Bubble Sort, Selection Sort, Merge Sort, Quick Sort, etc.)
  • Searching Algorithms (Linear Search, Binary Search, etc.)
  • Graph Algorithms (Breadth-First Search, Depth-First Search, Dijkstra's Algorithm, Bellman-Ford Algorithm, etc.)
  • Dynamic Programming
  • String Algorithms (Pattern Matching, String Manipulation, etc.)
  • and more!

Each algorithm implementation is accompanied by explanations, time complexity analysis, and example applications to demonstrate its usage and performance.


Contributions are welcome and encouraged! If you have an implementation of a data structure or algorithm in Java that you'd like to share, or if you find an issue or improvement, please feel free to open a pull request or submit an issue.

Please make sure to follow the Contribution Guidelines before submitting your contribution.


This repository is licensed under the MIT License. Feel free to use the code in this repository for your projects.

Feel free to customize the content, add badges, or include additional sections as needed. The key is to provide clear and helpful information to users and contributors. Happy coding! 🎉