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Scriptable Object Loader

Load Scriptable Objects via code


  • Git Package
  • Change Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll<ScriptableObject>(); to something else
  • Replace Resources with Asset Bundles or Addressables?

How to Install

Git Installation (Best way to get latest version)

If you have Git on your computer, you can open Package Manager indside Unity, select "Add package from Git url...", and paste link


Open the manifest.json file of your Unity project. Add "com.intothedev.loader": ""

Manual Installation (Version can be outdated)

Download latest package from the Release section. Import Storage.unitypackage to your Unity Project


Creating ScriptableObject:

Your ScriptableObject must implement ILoadable interface.

using ToolBox.Loader;
using UnityEngine;

[CreateAssetMenu(menuName = "Game/Configs/Player")]
public class PlayerConfig : ScriptableObject, ILoadable
	[SerializeField] private float _startHealth = 100f;

	public float StartHealth => _startHealth;
	public void Load()
		// Do initialization here

Now you need to create an asset.

Get Data from ScriptableObject:

using ToolBox.Loader;
using UnityEngine;

public class Player : MonoBehaviour
	private float _health = 0f;

	private void Awake()
		// Get single asset
		_health = Storage.Get<PlayerConfig>().StartHealth;
		// Get all assets
		var configs = Storage.GetAll<PlayerConfig>();
		foreach (var config in configs)
			// Do something