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NagRaj : dashing-nagios

Nagraj : King of Nagios Dashboards :)

Flat Nagios Dashing Dashboard based on Dashing project. This Nagios Dashboard can be integrated with Nagios Core and NagiosXI both. I have designed it to fit big monitors/TV screens kept within floor, to monitor on the way.

It has cool features like

  • Cool dashboard with responsive layouts and Hotness Indicators [ Red & Green ] and

  • Responsive Meter Widgets.

  • Show your Custom Logo.

  • 12 Hours Clock.

  • Scrolling Message of the day or Informations to display at the bottom.

  • Show Weather status with frequently changing color of dashlets and logo based on weather types.

  • Every Host and Service dashlet has a meter with changing color scheme depending upon severity.


Snapshot 01 -- Applicable to Nagios XI
Snapshot 02 -- Applicable to Nagios Core

Nagraj with NagiosXI

Nagraj with Nagios Core


Installaton & Configuration

Overall we will be achieving the below bullet point to run nagraj

  • Installation of Dependencies.
  • Installation of Ruby from RVM
  • Mandatory RubyGems installation.
  • User selection/creation to run dashing application.
  • Download Nagraj application.
  • Configuration of Nagraj to retrive data from your Nagios Server.
  • Bundle and run dashing application
  • Tweaking Widgets

Installation of Dependencies.

yum -y install epel-release
yum -y install gcc-c++ patch readline readline-devel zlib zlib-devel
yum -y install libyaml-devel libffi-devel openssl-devel make
yum -y install bzip2 autoconf automake libtool bison iconv-devel sqlite-devel
yum -y install openssl gcc-c++ make nodejs jq git

Installation of Ruby from RVM

curl -k | gpg --import -
curl -L | bash -s stable
Source RVM Enviroment varibles

. /etc/profile.d/

rvm install 2.5.3
rvm use 2.5.3 --default
ruby --version

Mandatory RubyGems installation.

gem install dashing
gem install bundler

User selection/creation to run dashing application.

By default ruby will not allow you to run dashing application by user root. Either use your existing user or create a new user. Here I will be using dashingadmin user to run our Sinatara based application Nagraj.

useradd dashingadmin
passwd dashingadmin

One can create user by anyname and place it's home directory as per choice.

Download Nagraj application and Configure Nagraj to retrive data from your Nagios Server.

Please note : any misconfiguration at this stage is vital, if mistakely you had put a wrong input you need to re download the repository and reconfigure here, else you need to manualy edit some files.Once user created let's move to next part.

su - dashingadmin

git clone

cd nagraj

chmod 700


Provide it the requested inputs, it would be mainly the nagios server url and nagios WebUI id & pass.

Bundle and run dashing application

I still assume, you are are into Nagraj directory and navigating through dashingadmin user. If not,

su - dashingadmin; cd nagraj

You must be under nagraj directory to run the below commands

bundle install --path vendor/bundle

dashing start

To run dashing in background

dashing start -d

So you are all set to run your nagraj dashing-nagios application.

Point the below links from your browser.

Applicable to low screen resolutions

http:<your server ip>:3030/nagraj

Applicable to bigger screen resolutions monitors/tvscreens

http:<your server ip>:3030/nagrajtv

Though you can anytime change the dashlets height & width by changing nagraj.erb and nagajtv.erb files placed within nagraj/dashboards directory.

Dashing.widget_base_dimensions = [280,300]

Update it to fit your screen resolution, but don't make it lesser then the defaults else it will loose it's coolness and charm

Tweaking Widgets.

  1. Ticker widget. Credits (

Scroll your updates, news, office gossips, circular information , notifications etc at the footer part of nagraj.


toggle into nagraj/jobs/ticker.rb

Append any messages one by one within " ", so that it cn pick it as a array.

Below is such an example that scrolls custom messages.

ticker_items = [
  "NagiosXI Custom Dashing dashbpard is on the way..",
	" It's a cool widget afterall.. and it needs some more time"

There are two modes to scroll text within this widget vertically or horizontally. How to apply it :

What if you don't have any messages for the time being or you need to simply hide this widget.

The widget is not displayed by default, and will only display if it has content. You send it an array of any number of Strings, and it will rotate through them. If you send it an empty array, it will hide itself again.

Iframe Widget.

This widget can be used to rotate multiple Nagios or NagiosXI web urls or any internet/intranet webpages within the specific frame itself after fixed intervals of time.

Iframe Widget

For Nagios Core, script will itself help you out for minimal screens.

As an example i have added few nagios specific webpages which shows only Critical hosts, Critical, Warning Services, Hostgroup overview, which loads one after another after 10 seconds.

You can add/remove additional webpages to it by editing the file /jobs/iframeload.rb

SCHEDULER.every '180s' do

Above lines triggers the same job/cycle every 180 seconds.

To add a new URL within the iframe widget to display it along the others, add these two lines

Store your URL into some variable

your_own_text = "";

then append the below lines at the end of file but before the string end amd use the same above defined variable with src : your_own_text

    send_event('iframeId1',   { src: your_own_text })

Add as many URL you wish but keep in mind about the job interval 180 and sleep timing.

Above decribed way works with NagiosXI too, the only additional changes is one need to update the default landing page for this iframe widget at \dashboards\nagraj.erb & \dashboards\nagrajtv.erb

By default it lands at Nagios Core default screen, change it nagiosxi URL

<!-- Nagios URL within Iframe widget section -->

	<li data-row="1" data-col="1" data-sizex="2" data-sizey="3">
       		<div data-id="iframeId1" data-view="Iframe" scrolling="yes" data-src=""></div>

Change it to NagiosXI default URL

<div data-id="iframeId1" data-view="Iframe" scrolling="yes" data-src="">

Klimato Widget

Update your city current weather.


Adjust the widget to your desired location by editing the WOEID (Where On Earth ID) in the jobs file. (You can lookup your WOEID here:

Update the value WOEID on file nagraj/jobs/klimato.rb and you are done.