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Releases: JustTemmie/steam-presence

Release v1.6.1

16 Jan 10:15
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properly finished the installer, it should be fully working now

fixed a couple small bugs, there's still a couple left so expect a 1.6.2 release in the coming days

Release v1.6

10 Jan 21:07
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fixed a couple issues that were still around after 1.5.1

fixed some clarity in the readme file
created an installer (still very much in testing stages)
tweaked some code here and there to be more readable
added a bit more logging


CUSTOM_GAME_OVERWRITE has been renamed to GAME_OVERWRITE in the config file

and the big change for 1.6

support for locally running games

I.E things like minecraft and such - every app should be available, including things like systemd on linux lol

you need to create an entry into config.json that looks something like this on linux, windows users will likely have to put .exe at the end

    "LOCAL_GAMES": {
        "ENABLED": true,
        "GAMES": [

this is currently going to be looking for firefox the browser, and the prism launcher, a 3rd party minecraft launcher
you can specify the name that appears for them locally using games.txt

if you want to find out what's running locally, you can run the application found in the repo, it will simply print out every single application it detects locally, ctrl + f is your best friend. This script is likely going to get improved in the future

whenever a local game runs for the first time it will create games.txt if it doesn't exist already, and add an entry to it that looks something like this


the first part of it is the task name itself, case insensitive. whilst the second part is the actual display name
meaning that you can write this for example


and discord will simply see it as "Minecraft" and the script will look up icons for a game called "Minecraft"


p.s the time elapsed is the total time the application has been open, and not the time since the script detected it running

Release v1.5.1

04 Jan 20:28
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fixes an issue where if the cover art is missing text the script will just, crash
i had this problem whilst developing it, didn't know why at the time and then it just, magically fixed itself for the time so i forgot about it

really shouldn't have been released with that bug, sorry if anyone encountered the bug

Release v1.5

03 Jan 22:02
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hey so uh, i rewrote most of the script
i never expected to update this as much as i did, and the code has gotten pretty messy, and almost impossible to read
i tried fixing this by rewriting a good 70% of it removing some minor features and adding a couple new ones.



i feel like no one would ever really the first two features in this list, if you did use them and want them back - just create an issue and i'll throw them in again

for the NON_STEAM_GAMES feature, it didn't really work great, cookies expired after about a week, forcing the user to constantly have to re-download them, with the script bugging out if the cookies were invalid.
i'm interested in adding support back in for this in the future using another method, though i don't guarantee this ever happening


  • Crediting SGDB authors


if steam presence fails to find an icon on SGDB, or the user simply hasn't activated SGDB, steam presence can now fetch icons directly from the steam store, these will be rather low resolution at just 32x32 pixels, but it's better than nothing

Crediting SGDB authors

steam presence will now credit the authors of icons you downloaded from SGDB, whenever anyone hovers over the icon within discord as "Art by (USER) on SteamGrid DB"

this is done by downloading the username of the artwork's author whenever the script fetches an icon, saving it in the icons.txt file
if you want to change the text displayed you can do that, the whole string is saved inside the icons.txt file

i also reworked the way the script handles images from SGDB
this made the code WAY cleaner, and it improves compatibility so it should be able to find icons more games


because of the addition of the USE_STEAM_STORE_FALLBACK setting, people will have to change around the config files after this update. you can also remove CUSTOM_STATUS_STATE and DO_GAME_TITLE_AS_DESCRIPTION since these settings aren't used anymore, though this isn't strictly needed.

all in all

steam presence now has more compatibility with icons, it credits authors, it lost a couple unused features, and was made WAY easier to read and update in the future.

if you experience any errors please open an issue so i can fix it

Release v1.4.4

01 Nov 20:37
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1.4.3 was supposed to fix a memory leak, this update ACTUALLY fixes it - like frfr


24 Oct 15:12
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fixed an issue where a memory leak could occur

added a .service file thanks to @akkornel - adding support to run this locally on the steam deck itself


19 Oct 15:19
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updated example config to include a field i forgot to add

updated readme to include this same variable

updated readme to explain the script better (i think)

fixed an issue regarding pip failing to install libraries if done thru the script

Release v1.4.1

04 Oct 09:40
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added support for the non steam games to have a different default app ID, so as an example you can be playing "a game on steam" when playing games on steam, whilst non steam games will show up as "a game not on steam"

fixed a bug where if the non steam game mode was enabled and the target user was offline it would report as "playing a game not on steam, Last Online 28 min ago" or anything similar

Release v1.4

03 Oct 23:01
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The script now uses relative file locations, instead of absolute ones, meaning you don't have to be in the same directory as the file when executing it
added support for non-steam-games thru the power of ✨ web scraping ✨

Release v1.3

12 Aug 04:54
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added support for custom mini icons
handles the errors associating with imports better and prompts for an install if needed
code for downloading icons have been improved to have better support for smaller games
handles switching of games better