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Script made for all your javascript recon automation in bugbounty. Just pass subdomain list to it and options according to your preference.


1 - Gather Jsfile Links from different sources.
2 - Import File Containing JSUrls
3 - Extract Endpoints from Jsfiles
4 - Find Secrets from Jsfiles
5 - Get Jsfiles store locally for manual analysis
6 - Make a Wordlist from Jsfiles
7 - Extract Variable names from jsfiles for possible XSS.
8 - Scan JsFiles For DomXSS.
9 - Generate Html Report.


There are two ways of executing this script: Either locally on the host machine or within a Docker container

Installing all dependencies locally

Note: Make sure you have installed golang properly before running installation script locally.

$ sudo chmod +x
$ ./

Building the docker container

When using the docker version, everything will be installed automatically. You just have to execute the following commands:

$ git clone
$ cd
$ docker build . -t jsfscan

In order to start the pre-configured container run the following command:

$ docker run -it jsfscan "/bin/bash"

After that an interactive bash session should be opened.


Target List should be with https:// and http:// use httpx or httprobe for this.

And if you want to add cookie then edit the command at line 23 cat $target | hakrawler -js -cookie "cookie here" -depth 2 -scope subs -plain >> jsfile_links.txt

NOTE: If you feel tool is slow just comment out hakrawler line at 23 in script , but it might result in little less jsfileslinks.

 _______ ______ _______ ______                          _     
(_______/ _____(_______/ _____)                        | |    
     _ ( (____  _____ ( (____   ____ _____ ____     ___| |__  
 _  | | \____ \|  ___) \____ \ / ___(____ |  _ \   /___|  _ \ 
| |_| | _____) | |     _____) ( (___/ ___ | | | |_|___ | | | |
 \___/ (______/|_|    (______/ \____\_____|_| |_(_(___/|_| |_|
       -l   Gather Js Files Links
       -f   Import File Containing JS Urls
       -e   Gather Endpoints For JSFiles
       -s   Find Secrets For JSFiles
       -m   Fetch Js Files for manual testing
       -o   Make an Output Directory to put all things Together
       -w   Make a wordlist using words from jsfiles
       -v   Extract Vairables from the jsfiles
       -d   Scan for Possible DomXSS from jsfiles
       -r   Generate Scan Report in html
       --all Scan Everything!

Check Video Here.

Thank You For Trying!

Your Contribution and Suggestions are welcomed.

If the project helped you if any case you can buy a coffee for me ;)

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