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final project for UDACITY Building GenAI solutions 4 weeks course


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final project for UDACITY Building GenAI solutions 4 weeks course


The project aims at building a real-estate chatbot able to identify the best properties matching customer preferences. The project uses OpenAI, langchain and vectorDB.


1 - Prepare synthetic property listings

2 - Generate property listings embeddings and store in a vector database

3 - Identify customer preferences using LLM and pydantic schema

4 - Extract top-k best matches from vector database using distance threshold

5 - Augment the property descriptions and personalize the final ouput to the buyer's preferences without altering factual properties' characteristics


  • Step 3 leverages pydantic schemas to extract customer preferences from text input and use for metadata filtering
  • Semantic search: Step 4 vectorSearch combines semantic search and metadata filtering to increase matching capabilities and extend performance
  • Automatic capture of the buyer's preferences using chatmodel until all key parameters are populated. This is managed using tagging function and pydantic table
  • The project concludes with an end-to-end workflow from customer input to the presentation of the top augmented matches in natural language. The workflow uses tagging, tools and function calling to generate the final output.


  • clone the repo and install the dependencies in a virtual environment. The required libraries are located in the requirements.txt file
  • enter your openai api secret key in a .env file to save in the project folder. It will be loaded to your env variables at the start of the notebook
  • Execute the notebook in the virtual environment
  • You can skip step 1 and step 2 in the notebook and just load the synthetic property listings saved in the folder data
  • The folder data contains the vectordb with the associated embeddings
  • Query the database modifying the customer input
  • execute the end-to-end automated workflow at the very end of the notebook