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Font Booklet is a font comparer.

It’s on the App Store.


I dedicate this software to the public domain.

Do anything with it. Pretend you found it on the ground.

Just use curly quotes, m’kay?


  1. Install Xcode on your Mac.
  2. Download the code for Font Booklet, then open “Font Booklet.xcodeproj”.
  3. Atop the Xcode window, choose an iOS Simulator device, then click the “play” button.

For help, see Apple’s documentation.

For a physical device

This takes a few more steps than for the Simulator.

  1. Plug your iOS device into your Mac.
  2. Atop the Xcode window, choose your device. Xcode will show an error, “Unknown Team”.
  3. In the menu bar, choose Xcode → Settings → Accounts, then sign in to your Apple account. (Warning: you can only run your app on 3 devices unless you pay for the Apple Developer Program.)
  4. In the main Xcode window, in the left sidebar, click the folder icon, then the topmost “Font Booklet” row. To the right, below “Targets”, choose “Font Booklet”, then above, click “Signing & Capabilities”. For “Team”, choose the one associated with your Apple account.
  5. Xcode will show an error, “Failed Registering Bundle Identifier”. For “Bundle Identifier”, replace “com.loudsounddreams.FontBooklet” with anything else. (This is how Apple devices tell apps apart.) Click “Try Again”, then click “play”.
  6. Xcode will say “Developer Mode disabled”. Follow its instructions to turn on Developer Mode on your device. Choose your device, then click “play”.
  7. Xcode will say “the request to open ‘[your bundle identifier]’ failed.” Follow its instructions for your iOS device, then click “play” again.

For help, see Apple’s documentation.


Fork this repo, make your changes in your fork, then open a pull request against my repo. For help, see GitHub’s documentation.

If you change the UI, include screenshots. (You were looking at it anyway, right?)