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An example of how to use Azure Data Factory to retrieve usage data from the Azure Management API and store the results in Azure Data Lake.


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Retrieving cost data from Azure for offline analysis with Azure Data Factory


An example of how to use Azure Data Factory to retrieve usage data from the Azure Management API and store the results in Azure Data Lake.


A Service Principal with Enrollment Reader permissions assigned at the Enrollment level is required before deploying this example.

Create the Service Principal using the Azure Portal

  1. Create and authenticate your service principal
  2. Assign enrollment account role permission to the SPN

Take note of the service principal's tenant ID, application ID and secret as they're required for the next step. The Enrollment ID variable can be obtained from from Cost Management and Billing in the Azure Portal or the EA Portal


Parameter Default Value Notes
Aad Resource Id [parameters('managementApiUri')] Same value as Management API URI
Blob Container Name [concat('ccm', uniqueString(resourceGroup().id, resourceGroup().location))]
Data Factory Name [concat('datafactory', uniqueString(resourceGroup().id, resourceGroup().location))]
Enrollment Id Required Obtained from Cost Management and Billing in the Azure Portal or the EA Portal
Keyvault Name [concat('keyvault', uniqueString(resourceGroup().id, resourceGroup().location))]
Management Api Uri Modify to support different Azure clouds
Service Principal Id Required The Application ID of the service principal (not the object id)
Service Principal Secret Required The password for the service principal obtained during creation
Service Principal Tenant Id Required The ID of Azure AD Tenant containing the service principal
Storage Account Name [concat('storage', uniqueString(resourceGroup().id, resourceGroup().location))]

Deploy via the Azure Portal

Deploy To Azure

Deploy using the Azure CLI


az account set --subscription $subscription
az group create --name $resourceGroupName --location $location
az deployment group create \
    --mode Incremental \
    --resource-group $resourceGroupName \
    --template-file azuredeploy.json \
    --parameters @azuredeploy.parameters.json

Post Deployment

Initialize the dataset

Initializing the dataset is a two-step process. Initialize the dataset by executing the "GetUsageRange" pipeline and providing the desired date range.

  • UsageStartDate - Set to the first date to download - for example the beginning of current FY or quarter.
  • UsageEndDate - Set to the current date.



Create a daily Schedule

Once the dataset is initialized create a daily schedule for the GetUsageCurrent pipeline and publish the changes.


Importing the data into Power BI

To import the data into Power BI first create a function to decompress each file in Power BI


(zipData) =>
        Source = Binary.Decompress(zipData, Compression.GZip),
        #"Imported" = Csv.Document(Source,[Delimiter=",", Columns=50, Encoding=1252, QuoteStyle=QuoteStyle.None]),
        #"Promoted Headers" = Table.PromoteHeaders(#"Imported", [PromoteAllScalars=true])
        #"Promoted Headers"

Then create data tables with the following definitions and correct data lake URI

Amortized Costs

    Source = AzureStorage.DataLake(https://DataLakeUri),
    Filter = Table.SelectRows(Source, each [Name] = "amortizedcost.csv.gz"),
    Unpack = Table.AddColumn(Filter, "Custom", each fnUnpackData([Content])),
    #"Removed Columns" = Table.RemoveColumns(Unpack,{"Content", "Name", "Extension", "Date accessed", "Date modified", "Date created", "Attributes", "Folder Path"}),
    #"Expand CSV" = Table.ExpandTableColumn(#"Removed Columns", "Custom", {"BillingAccountId", "BillingAccountName", "BillingPeriodStartDate", "BillingPeriodEndDate", "BillingProfileId", "BillingProfileName", "AccountOwnerId", "AccountName", "SubscriptionId", "SubscriptionName", "Date", "Product", "PartNumber", "MeterId", "ServiceFamily", "MeterCategory", "MeterSubCategory", "MeterRegion", "MeterName", "Quantity", "EffectivePrice", "Cost", "UnitPrice", "BillingCurrency", "ResourceLocation", "AvailabilityZone", "ConsumedService", "ResourceId", "ResourceName", "ServiceInfo1", "ServiceInfo2", "AdditionalInfo", "Tags", "InvoiceSectionId", "InvoiceSection", "CostCenter", "UnitOfMeasure", "ResourceGroup", "ReservationId", "ReservationName", "ProductOrderId", "ProductOrderName", "OfferId", "IsAzureCreditEligible", "Term", "PublisherName", "PlanName", "ChargeType", "Frequency", "PublisherType"}, {"BillingAccountId", "BillingAccountName", "BillingPeriodStartDate", "BillingPeriodEndDate", "BillingProfileId", "BillingProfileName", "AccountOwnerId", "AccountName", "SubscriptionId", "SubscriptionName", "Date", "Product", "PartNumber", "MeterId", "ServiceFamily", "MeterCategory", "MeterSubCategory", "MeterRegion", "MeterName", "Quantity", "EffectivePrice", "Cost", "UnitPrice", "BillingCurrency", "ResourceLocation", "AvailabilityZone", "ConsumedService", "ResourceId", "ResourceName", "ServiceInfo1", "ServiceInfo2", "AdditionalInfo", "Tags", "InvoiceSectionId", "InvoiceSection", "CostCenter", "UnitOfMeasure", "ResourceGroup", "ReservationId", "ReservationName", "ProductOrderId", "ProductOrderName", "OfferId", "IsAzureCreditEligible", "Term", "PublisherName", "PlanName", "ChargeType", "Frequency", "PublisherType"}),
    #"Filtered Rows" = Table.SelectRows(#"Expand CSV", each ([ReservationName] <> "")),
    #"Changed Type" = Table.TransformColumnTypes(#"Filtered Rows",{{"BillingAccountId", Int64.Type}, {"BillingAccountName", type text}, {"BillingPeriodStartDate", type date}, {"BillingPeriodEndDate", type date}, {"BillingProfileId", Int64.Type}, {"BillingProfileName", type text}, {"AccountOwnerId", type text}, {"AccountName", type text}, {"SubscriptionId", type text}, {"SubscriptionName", type text}, {"Date", type date}, {"Product", type text}, {"PartNumber", type text}, {"MeterId", type text}, {"ServiceFamily", type text}, {"MeterCategory", type text}, {"MeterSubCategory", type text}, {"MeterRegion", type text}, {"MeterName", type text}, {"Quantity", type number}, {"EffectivePrice", type number}, {"Cost", type number}, {"UnitPrice", type number}, {"BillingCurrency", type text}, {"ResourceLocation", type text}, {"AvailabilityZone", type any}, {"ConsumedService", type text}, {"ResourceId", type text}, {"ResourceName", type text}, {"ServiceInfo1", type any}, {"ServiceInfo2", type text}, {"AdditionalInfo", type text}, {"Tags", type text}, {"InvoiceSectionId", type any}, {"InvoiceSection", type text}, {"CostCenter", type text}, {"UnitOfMeasure", type text}, {"ResourceGroup", type text}, {"ReservationId", type text}, {"ReservationName", type text}, {"ProductOrderId", type text}, {"ProductOrderName", type text}, {"OfferId", type text}, {"IsAzureCreditEligible", type logical}, {"Term", Int64.Type}, {"PublisherName", type any}, {"PlanName", type any}, {"ChargeType", type text}, {"Frequency", type text}, {"PublisherType", type text}})
    #"Changed Type"

Actual Costs

    Source = AzureStorage.DataLake(https://DataLakeUri),
    Filter = Table.SelectRows(Source, each [Name] = "actualcost.csv.gz"),
    Unpack = Table.AddColumn(Filter, "Custom", each fnUnpackData([Content])),
    #"Removed Columns" = Table.RemoveColumns(Unpack,{"Content", "Name", "Extension", "Date accessed", "Date modified", "Date created", "Attributes", "Folder Path"}),
    #"Expand CSV" = Table.ExpandTableColumn(#"Removed Columns", "Custom", {"BillingAccountId", "BillingAccountName", "BillingPeriodStartDate", "BillingPeriodEndDate", "BillingProfileId", "BillingProfileName", "AccountOwnerId", "AccountName", "SubscriptionId", "SubscriptionName", "Date", "Product", "PartNumber", "MeterId", "ServiceFamily", "MeterCategory", "MeterSubCategory", "MeterRegion", "MeterName", "Quantity", "EffectivePrice", "Cost", "UnitPrice", "BillingCurrency", "ResourceLocation", "AvailabilityZone", "ConsumedService", "ResourceId", "ResourceName", "ServiceInfo1", "ServiceInfo2", "AdditionalInfo", "Tags", "InvoiceSectionId", "InvoiceSection", "CostCenter", "UnitOfMeasure", "ResourceGroup", "ReservationId", "ReservationName", "ProductOrderId", "ProductOrderName", "OfferId", "IsAzureCreditEligible", "Term", "PublisherName", "PlanName", "ChargeType", "Frequency", "PublisherType"}, {"BillingAccountId", "BillingAccountName", "BillingPeriodStartDate", "BillingPeriodEndDate", "BillingProfileId", "BillingProfileName", "AccountOwnerId", "AccountName", "SubscriptionId", "SubscriptionName", "Date", "Product", "PartNumber", "MeterId", "ServiceFamily", "MeterCategory", "MeterSubCategory", "MeterRegion", "MeterName", "Quantity", "EffectivePrice", "Cost", "UnitPrice", "BillingCurrency", "ResourceLocation", "AvailabilityZone", "ConsumedService", "ResourceId", "ResourceName", "ServiceInfo1", "ServiceInfo2", "AdditionalInfo", "Tags", "InvoiceSectionId", "InvoiceSection", "CostCenter", "UnitOfMeasure", "ResourceGroup", "ReservationId", "ReservationName", "ProductOrderId", "ProductOrderName", "OfferId", "IsAzureCreditEligible", "Term", "PublisherName", "PlanName", "ChargeType", "Frequency", "PublisherType"}),
    #"Changed Type" = Table.TransformColumnTypes(#"Expand CSV",{{"BillingAccountId", Int64.Type}, {"BillingAccountName", type text}, {"BillingPeriodStartDate", type date}, {"BillingPeriodEndDate", type date}, {"BillingProfileId", Int64.Type}, {"BillingProfileName", type text}, {"AccountOwnerId", type text}, {"AccountName", type text}, {"SubscriptionId", type text}, {"SubscriptionName", type text}, {"Date", type date}, {"Product", type text}, {"PartNumber", type text}, {"MeterId", type text}, {"ServiceFamily", type text}, {"MeterCategory", type text}, {"MeterSubCategory", type text}, {"MeterRegion", type text}, {"MeterName", type text}, {"Quantity", type number}, {"EffectivePrice", type number}, {"Cost", type number}, {"UnitPrice", type number}, {"BillingCurrency", type text}, {"ResourceLocation", type text}, {"AvailabilityZone", type any}, {"ConsumedService", type text}, {"ResourceId", type text}, {"ResourceName", type text}, {"ServiceInfo1", type any}, {"ServiceInfo2", type text}, {"AdditionalInfo", type text}, {"Tags", type text}, {"InvoiceSectionId", type any}, {"InvoiceSection", type text}, {"CostCenter", type text}, {"UnitOfMeasure", type text}, {"ResourceGroup", type text}, {"ReservationId", type text}, {"ReservationName", type text}, {"ProductOrderId", type text}, {"ProductOrderName", type text}, {"OfferId", type text}, {"IsAzureCreditEligible", type logical}, {"Term", Int64.Type}, {"PublisherName", type any}, {"PlanName", type any}, {"ChargeType", type text}, {"Frequency", type text}, {"PublisherType", type text}})
    #"Changed Type"


An example of how to use Azure Data Factory to retrieve usage data from the Azure Management API and store the results in Azure Data Lake.








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